The Wedding -2

"Even with the room filled with so-called influential people, my eyes will always look at you. Your bewitching beauty and sinister heart will never cease to spellbound me. You will never be bland or dreary to me," Silja said without a teasing smile on her face.

Donovan looked at her with narrowed eyes.

Sinister heart and bewitching beauty, she said. But Donovan didn't look a bit offended but looked more like he was proud of the words she used for him.

He remembered the incident from the ballroom. When the girl dancing in his arms refused to look at him. Now the same girl was promising this. 

How long that has come!

He smiled and continued.

"My love for you will always guide me to you. You will be my ultimate destination. I will always come to you. You will be my home, my safe haven,"

With the one free hand, Donovan caressed her cheek gently.