Fate of Children

"It seems like im reading a book. Each dream is a page. The book opens randomly, and I get to experience it. Mostly past, but…..Some of them…..some of them looked like they are not past but reality...as if im being thrown to a very different world….not physically but consciously...I don't know how to explain it, but what I saw today seemed so real. As if I have known that person for such a long time...and that spirit of my mother I saw there looked so real too," Silja looked so frustrated as she tried to make sense of everything happening. 

This was the first time she was actually holding a conversation in her dream that felt so real to her. Silja felt as if she was actually there. Unlike when she saw Kitswic or her mother in her dreams, they always felt like she saw shadows or memories of the past. 

"If that is what it is, let's have patience. Whatever it is will reveal itself," Donovan held her hand and kissed her forehead.