
The Feel

The land is so beautiful, filled with snow and smell was so refreshing. Nana was standing out having a cup of tea. Nana, she is the women that I inspire the most. Such a sweet smile, dusky skin and her hair is still long and black as an ebony even her face is full of wrinkles. A mother of four and my mother was her only child stays far from Nana.

I turn and looked at Nana, as she smiled. " Go on dear, the land is ours and feel free to explore the nature as you need to learn to love it as your destiny is here". Her words I have no idea what she meant, but for now, I just wanted to play and dance in the snow.

As my little feet brings me into the woods, out of sudden, a huge animal, looks like a dog but I'm sure its not cause its extremely huge, stands out of my way. "Run!", the only thing cross my head but before I could it jumps on me and its nose touched mine….as a felling of belonging runs warm inside me…

The sound of loud thunder wakes me up, and it's a another day with bad dream. I can't really remember what happened after that as I don't hold any memories of it. Nana told me that they found me collapse in the woods. Turn out and looked into the window and its raining heavily.

" Ughhrhhh…..its a another wet day to work…..and I hate to be wet!"

"No worries, dad will drop you out only this week. We plan to head back next week Sherly", a women in long dressed stand by my door as she winked at me.

"Mom, could you just knock my door before coming in?"

Christine, a beautiful women with a graceful look, just like Nana, "but I bet Nana is much prettier then mom when she's young" my mind runs when mom approaches me.

" Just look at your room dear, full of dream catchers, flute , pictures of moon and wolf, and your job….its fine but the part time job that your doing, raising funds for the wolf shelter…just what is wrong with you Sherley? Its all your grandmothers fault that your too carried away with her attitude as well"….sighs Christine.

" Mom, please…not again in this…you won't understand even I explain …. and please Nana has nothing to do with this…I had to get ready…it's getting late mom."

As I was getting ready, I just stared myself at the mirror. I look more like Nana, dark dusky skin…long hair, thick eyebrows and some say I look like Indian, well my features follows Nana more then my dad, while other siblings look totally different from me, and….they all call me weirdo, like I cared!

I was always curious that recently that weird dream happens to haunt me back and when I shared to Nana, she just smiled and ask me wait. The more I asked, she intend to smile and keep quite.

"You will understand once you see it with your own eyes, and that time the spirits will guide you as well as I will" – Nana

I hand over a coffee to Theresa, as I smiled and rush to my desk. A whole bunch of pending works need to be done and settle before the tour.

" What's the rush Sher?"

That's how most of my colleague calls me.

"Nothing Theresa, just need to keep up with the momentum to finish up this piles, well working in a corporate company teaches me to keep up with the speed of the work as well". As I sighed heavily I bumped into and my papers are flying all over.

"Sorry Darren, my bad for not watching out", as I picked up my papers.

"I'm the one supposed to be sorry darlz..my bad I was day dreaming", as he winked to me.

Another trouble in the office, Darren his a nice charming guy, but I had no interest on him. Many of the girls are in craze with him but somehow he is not my type. His trying out with me since we where working in the same department and somehow he also knows that I'm not into him.

Haha, I'm glad he did knew it!

'Shoot….how can I forget todays meeting with a client out….fifteen minutes and I can make it' Rushing towards the door, I texted Theresa, 'Meet you tomorrow hon…im running late to meet a client…will discuss the tour tomorrow…I promise'

I jumped on the bed after a nice warm shower. It was an exhausted day, real tired and lucky its Friday night it means no early bed day!

Mom and dad flew back to London as dad told that he had to be there regarding his business issues, so yeah…I'm all alone.

I opened up the window and the cold chilly air gently breeze my face and its full moon today! The moon shines brightly with its own beauty….owh…how I miss the times I spend at Nana's house.

Nana lives in the mountain areas, where they are forest nearby and the place is so beautiful. Nana thought me how to play the wooden flute which eventually is my favourite. The sound of the flute really melts me away.

I took the flute and start playing with it, following together with the air breeze. I realize a howl sound and I stopped to play the flute. The howl sound…it belongs to the wolves…and it felt pain deep inside me, where yearning for love to someone I belong. I start playing the flute blending together with the howl sound as well as the chilled breeze.

A warmth breath felt around my spine and I felt as if I've been hugged from the backwards. Fingers running around my hips and the smell of wet mud makes me to turn around with shock, surprises me with nothing.

Strange…..it felt like real it was real…

Far from the other side….the deep blue eyes gazed on Sherley…yearning for her love ...…