
Luminous Enchantress || 빛나는 마법 부여

Chapter 1: (The Knight)



FOR TWENTY-ONE YEARS, I HAD NEVER felt so unsafe (until now) ━The government. The organization needs to be immobilized, certain group of people who could kill me, my forest, my kingdom━ everyone that remains vital to me. My future. My family. . . Eyes glued outside the glass window, children playing in dirt and leaves. Sunlight beamed down in addition abide upon gentle tanned skin, hot, warm; producing my undivided frame left feeling pleasant under its luminous glow. Black striking waved hair fell against my admiring smooth complexion, it wasn't expected to be as dark in the lightness of day. Shock and contrast only to serve comfort over my shoulders, senses as brown as the bark of a tree in the strongest of warmth. An overlook of utter fear and concern haunted ━shadowed━ over my pure heart...

"What's wrong love?" Pair of orbs looked back only to meet the soft ones of my mother's; tad lighter compared to my own.

I shook my head, "When will this stop, Umma? How many more wolves have to die before this war has to end? I can't bear the thought of having to lose another, or having everyone killed just because we own this land. . ." I said with an enraged craze identical to my sudden glare...

"Honestly, I━I don't know, none of us do yobo..." My mother replied.

Persisting illiterate was something I most feared, scared of the negative possibilities this world had yet to offer to a clan that's most precious, sensational curse that never went away...

"Does Abba have a plan? How to attack?" I asked with anticipation just as my father walked inside the Banqueting Hall. "No, I don't have a plan. And no, we're not going to attack, that goes against Moon Shine tradition and you know that." His shining grey eyes locked with mine.

"I mean, we can't stand here and do nothing." I started with a rolling observance.

"Yes, we can and that's exactly what we're going to do. Why are you so eager to fight anyways? The rules of the Pack remain." He said, looked at me up and down.

"... I'm worried for our future... Abba." I mumbled.

"You're scared." He made a realization. I immediately looked up, "Of course I am! Everyone is. Tell me, how much longer until another wolf dies?"

He looked abroad, exhaled softly underneath the modest heated tension. Umma rubbed him on his shoulder which caused his look to be saddened in the appearance of my own. "We'll figure something out." She said and kept a melancholy tone.

I shook my head once more in utter disbelief. "...I can't believe you two..."

Tawny knuckles from clenching my fists too hard, and gritted teeth from an effort to remain silent, my hunched form exuded an animosity that was like acid - burning, slicing, potent. Face was red with suppressed rage, and when my father even tried to sit a finger on my shoulder, I swung around and mentally snapped.

Personally, walking my way through the double doors, I carried the bottom of my dress; fled elsewhere in which nature welcomed outside of the castle doors. My parents calling me after:

"Aliyah! Aliyah, come back, please."

The forest. It was my light, my air, deep brown earth that elevated me with its ever-giving soul. Setting of roots and branches for they're the dominion of thy eternal spirit. From rich golden hues of the trees to the sweetness of such white-blue sky, three-dimensional fantasy coming alive at the scene of my presence; for energy who's willing to absorb the beauty and light.

Distance was all that mattered. I wasn't stopping for anything and I sure as hell wasn't taking my foot off the ground slowly. Eyes lingered to the magical leaves that displayed seeing the position of its free-fall though the world passed in a blur of yellow and green. Ran through a maze of shrubs in addition to winding side air as the sky listened, heavy leaves bounced off the boulders. A cloud smothered the sun, hovering the sphere around me. Gusts of wind beat in opposed to my skin like hammers. I wasn't at all fazed by it. Dainty delicate feet were caked in mud and the wind had squandered my loose inky hair into an alluring mess. I wasn't scared. To a young adult who had hardly ever been past the palace gates, past this end of the jungle, this was a grand adventure.

And the kind I needed. . .

Upon nature's floor lie oaks furthermore pines of last year, fallen in storms long were forgotten. Recent seasons had been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendered them all the more beautiful. Had an appearance of driftwood, twisted in patterns that reminded me of seaside waves; even the color of the moss was kelp-like. They were soft, damp, yet fingers would come aside dry. I tilted my head upward, felt my hair tumble further down my back; plantations were several houses tall, reached toward the golden rays of spring. Birdsongs came in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing worked together as well as any improvised melody.

A new sense of alleviation painted itself upon my light expression, pastel-pink lips semi-illuminated by the dappled radiance. Before I knew it my feet had begun to patter, body and spirit both on autopilot - it was morning time, and no-one knew when. . . I'd be back.

Safety gait surrounded my inner thoughts, my outer peace. Committed to a standstill in the face of the center where sunlight shined; beamed down onto the skin when it showed. I took off my clothes, stripped to the bareness exposed of my body and tossed them aside against a tree that stood.

At the time, I foresaw the human in the illusion of my mind, serious inner wolf self-emerged ━took control, no matter the fur or claws, I was myself once more, a defender.

Protector of the trees.

Moved into the morning light as the creature of day. I was a white-silver, fur glossy and thick. My paws kissed the earth with a lightness and there was a serenity in my gaze. I breathed slow and let time slow down, taking a glance as they turned icy blue with the single touch of my eyes.

When I am most aware, most present in the moment, every sense of wilderness converges into a single energetic joy. Becomes my natural instinct, my home. It was as if there's a feeling passing between each living thing, a bond that's tangible and blended, a sound beyond the range of ears but available for the heart.

And so, as each leaf moved in the wind, a part of me did also. It's the togetherness of what's separate, the glue in the universe.

Wandered through my place, bright crystal lazulite eyes met with the distracting sound of cool water. Following it perfectly, I was off, running to my heart's content, only to appear in the presence of god's creation.

A waterfall.

The way it fell brought its own music and lacy white to the travelling stream. There was a power and a brilliance in the tranquility, a place of stillness even in the roar of the waves. I could watch this streaming beauty even in my sleep, a tender infinite dream.

I scanned upon a great display as though I walked my way closer to the gorgeous water. At the centre of the scene stood a woman. I gazed upon her perfect, naked form, her skin glistening with a sensual glow. My eyes were drawn to the shining pencil straight tangled wet locks that gently caressed its way down her soft back.

"If the gods are real..." I thought to myself, "..then this woman is their heiress."

She appeared in the blue, clear satisfying liquid with the warm creek billowing around her tan curves. Dark sienna never looked so beautiful on a mistress. With black hair and her head held high, she bathed under the luminous light, an effortless saunter. The motions of her hands combing through her wet tangles added rhythm to the soft classical elegance that stayed astray; onward without pause. Her eyes closed, enduring the utter satisfaction the river had against her glowing skin. So beautiful it was like the stars themselves, decided to rest behind the soft cushion of her heart shaped lips.

Her eyes opened.

She glanced at me.

Wet bangs were straight black over her forehead, eyes dark, and a perfect hourglass figure. Out of habit, my wolf form fell severely attracted to her luscious stance. When she stopped bathing in front of me, I was prepared to walk away yet.... I didn't. She was like a magazine cut-out dropped onto the house sidewalk.

Like a goddess, she stepped out of the water. World around me blurred in lines, her single step seemed she was put in slow motion as seen on tv. Showed her amazing slender body in full view.

I ran away, swam through the deep depths of the forest. Travelling my sapphire eyes everywhere I went, cool wind blew in preposition of my grey fur, pattering dirt and ants beneath my paws. Immediately stopping where my clothes laid.

As I descended upon the tree, I hung onto it as my form transitioned back to human. I could only gasp for fresh air I longed, something my heart and lungs needed. Air thick with moisture. Sweat lingered. Inflating illusion felt as though they were pushing up a lead weight on my chest. Waved locks draped around my figure, nerves rushed through my veins. Azure glow turning back to dark brown. Put back on my dress in a hurry, I heard the crackling noise of breaking leaves overhead the ground. I glanced back.

My heart skipped a beat.

Nerves. It came like an electrical storm in my brain that, quite frankly, was painful. It's different from a headache and it felt the same as an intense sorrow, perhaps as a sort of frozen panic with nowhere to go.

The approaching strides had the sound of someone on grass; someone who hadn't learned to walk quietly and instead relied on the verges to muffle their pace. Each rhythm in my sternum chaotically spaced from the last, having no stability whatsoever. I didn't need anyone else to follow me. Especially her. In fact, the sooner I leave, the better.

There it was again. The footsteps.

They came closer.

I left my closed mouth and became silent as the nearby streets. Quickly hid behind the tree from which my clothes laid. They came, adjacent to my stance in addition to this bark of the tree. I squeezed my eyes closed in hopes of her (or anyone) leaving.

Their pace... walked away.

Caused me to finally breathe amongst the fresh warm air. I walked outward, followed the trail back home. Scanning my dark eyes everywhere I went, touching numerous flowers with bright miscellaneous colors blooming like a graceful gift from earth. . . I wished that my forest could ultimately be safe one day, to be equal upon the humans, that my parents would let me fight. . .

But I was afraid that after that moment, I felt like I sent to the deepest darkest depths of my inner soul where my natural instinct comes and destroys what life has created... Where mercy and pleas of agony was once the sound of classical music to my ears... A curse that no one should have to endure. . .

"What happened out there?"

"I-I don't want to say..."

"Goddammit Liyah, what happened?!"

"I killed her!" I shouted out weakly, with half opened eyes. Tears followed afterward.

My mother cried in despair. . . Walked away from our scene and slammed the door shut. Made me flinch the second it happened... Father sighed in complete, utter disappointment.

"We'll bury the body, where the lake is next to the graves." He said.

"Okay, but what about their family? Don't they deserve to know?"

He was silent.

"...No one deserves to know, especially amongst the pack. There should be no human and wolf eye to eye contact, dangsin-eun ihaehabnika?"

(do you understand?)

I nodded. "Ye, Abba, I understand." I smiled thinly, followed him after, no one knew what happened that night. It was in that moment in which I understood why we had rules in our kingdom... Leading me to never forget what happened that day. . .

That traumatizing encounter happened last year that broke me physically and emotionally. But did it affect my everyday life? No, never ━I may had done something awful that could potentially scar me for life, but I was not going to let that situation, my rampage, be the cause of my downfall, no one or thing would be. Maybe nothing was planned. Although I understood why we couldn't attack the government, I still held onto the strong gut feeling in my soul of needing to fight back.

They kill one of us? We kill one of them. That's how it should be. The day hordes of policemen and FBI agents came was in the middle of my grandparents funeral. The way the head captain held his gun pointed at me with evil in his eyes, his clasped weapon, held it captive, how he spoke those unforgivable words like it was normal to be a heartless person.

"Jug-eul sigan."

(Your time to die.)

The second those words left his mouth was the moment Enchantria, and the whole wolf clan was in danger. . . We all deserved better, an innocent race of immortals who just wanted to live peacefully in life and protect their families; we ended up in war. I was four years old when that happened... I recalled seeing Ethan, my twin brother, went up to me in a panic and cried in my arms, like what our mother did to our dad before carrying us back to the castle. His tears were too much, he was practically drowning.

I tried to comfort him but it didn't work.

He was scared just as I.

Our parents kept blaming themselves for the deaths of our people, more so my father than anything. He muttered things like:

"I could've held off the funeral."

"I needed to protect everyone and.. I failed. I'm no King... I don't deserve to be.."

"I'm a bad ruler, I should've found more ways to protect this clan yet... I didn't."

My father tried to end his life, tried to poison himself with wolfsbane and strangle himself with metal chains. He couldn't handle his guilt heart like it was a punishment from god. My family and I witnessed all of it. Umma was crying on the ground. . . Begged him to stop what he was doing, tried to comfort him in the best way possible. But he couldn't feel it... The words in his mind kept feeding him negativity as a push for him to do it; to end his suffering.

Fortunately, before Abba was going to do something life-threatening, Ethan and I ran into his arms, using our special ability. Healing. It helped him stop being suicidal and instead, came to terms with what happened. Something that was forbidden to do inside the royal family. We went home that night and moved on with our lives in the best way we could, remembering what was left of that night like an unforgettable memory. . .

I went inside the castle and locked the doors behind me. Sighed slightly, I went to my room and looked at all of my things I grew up with. I missed every part of it, being genuinely happy. I missed all of it. Every picture of my family with smiles on their faces. My grandmother held me in the air when I was only six months old.

A grin etched on my face; the scene of the goddess sun went down to sleep. Although I smiled, I still felt the pure anger I had towards the devils that kept attacking us. I scanned away and flopped down on my bed. Thought of my grandparents' last few moments before they died. My parents found them sick with stakes in their hearts from hunters who sought for us, lying close to the other side of the woods swimming, drowning, in their own blood. I never forgot the last few words my grandmother told me:

"Have hope, nae salang. Never forget to always have hope." She said, her bright lazulite eyes rolled back and turned to pure black. I hastily looked at the dull white door as soon as I heard a knock. . . my jet-black hair flowed as I ran to it.

On my way there, I opened it to see one of our helpers, "Lord Aliyah, your parents seek to see you." She said.

I sighed, even if she's a helper, I still tried to maintain the same level of respect I had for my mom and dad. She was different, a friend all I could ever ask for. Gyeong, was her name. I talked to her every once in a while and I enjoyed her company.

"What do they want?" I asked.

The woman shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know my Lord. What seems to be the problem?"

I shook my head. "Nothing, Gyeong. I know that my parents are going to do everything they can to help protect this kingdom." I tried to reassure myself.

She smiled and replied "I'm sure they'll figure it out. Now come on, they have to see you and it's almost time for your royal banqueting ceremony."

"Gamsahabnida." I bowed slightly to her.

"Cheonman-eyo junim."

(you're welcome my lord) Gyeong curtsied before we both walked out toward my parents' room.

I walked inside to find them standing oddly and uncomfortably close to each other. "I brought her here, annyeong wang-gwa yeowang."

(goodbye king and queen)

The young girl bowed to them.

"Thank you." My mother said. With that, Gyeong left, closed the door shut. My mother trembled with nerves.

"Yobo, we've been thinking and well, you'll be crowned soon as Enchantria's Princess and well..." She paused for a second. Looked at my father and back.

"You need protection."

I opened my mouth in disbelief. "What?! Protection? That's not fair, you didn't need protection when you were crowned Princess, so why should I?"

"We, young lady, didn't have the Daehammingug salam (south korean) government spies invading our home." I rolled my eyes.

"You're still so young, you just started life and we need you alive, to rule this forest."

"But Umma, I'm twenty-one! I can handle myself."

"Not in the way we need you to be, nae ttal. We need you to be one-hundred percent safe and locked away in the castle under someone's watch."

My father spoke, "We found a highly trained Knight who's willing to look after-" I cut him off.

"A Knight? This is the twenty-first century, why the hell do we still have Knights?"

"Ugh, for god's sake Liyah, just listen won't you?" He nearly yelled. "For once, just stop being so stubborn and just hear me. Please."

I nodded. "Okay, as I was saying, we found an excellent Knight who's willing to guard you and keep you safe."

They both stepped aside in unison, revealing a tall girl close to my height with long pencil straight jet-black hair and a gorgeous, smooth complexion.

The woman looked up from her sleek shiny black boots. She had a dark inky colored hair and creamy light tawny skin which made her beautiful pink lips stand out. Her cheeks were rouged, and she was dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey crop top.

Her tall frame and slender body were like of a Victoria's Secret model. Her dark eyes, like the bark of a tree, were calm and emotionless. She stood in front of me as she looked out to the color of my eyes, my senses glowed luminous blue at the sight of her classical elegance. Everything, in my body, chanted a blue aura around my mind and my heart couldn't stop beating.

Her smile. It was the prettiest thing that I've seen in a while, for it extends to my eyes and deep into my sincere soul. It took me a few seconds to realize that. . .

She's the girl from the waterfall.

My cheeks were suddenly kissed pink like a spring rose, I felt painfully and vulnerably out of place, like an ex-friend that had mistakenly crossed paths their way onto your presence.

She walked up to me... She put her head down and bowed before speaking: "Annyeong gongjunim (hello princess) My name is Anastasia."

Her voice. My heart skipped a beat. It was the sound of the softest, mellow addicting voice that was the river of the air, a flowing melody that hydrated my inner spirit. Left me uncontrollably nervous in the scene of her existence...

I cleared my throat and bowed back. "Nice to meet you, I'm Princess Aliyah Jeong of this forest." I stood back up.

"... Though you probably already know that, hence you calling me 'Princess' when you uh.. Introduced yourself." I spoke nervously.

Anastasia laughed whole heartily, like a pretty bliss of sound blooming through the air. I looked away quite shy and embarrassed...

Just then, someone burst through the door, screaming: "My Lord, my Lord, it's time for your fitting, for you to get dressed for your ceremony!!"

One of our helpers came and before I knew it, I was immediately dragged into the hallway in a complete rush to get to my room and get dressed. My guilt of shame lingered in the back of my mind. . .

* * *

My breath flew from between my lips as the soft dress was pulled tight, a wobbly knee pressed into my back for leverage. The creamy sheets of the dark blue silk design slipped onto my shoulders, peppered my body with soft, huggable kisses. Like a lover, it touched my small curves and conveyed with an elegant feel. I was sitting down with Mia curling my long locks. I began to have sudden nervous doubts about my ruling as I looked through the depths of my own brown eyes in the mirror, feeling lost and uncertain.

"Hey Mia, can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Yes my Lord?"

"... Do you think I'll make a good Princess for this kingdom? Do you think I'll be a good leader?"

She was quiet for a little while before answering: "... Well, I've watched you grow ever since you and your brother was born. Let's see... You're gorgeous and a very smart girl who's grown into quite a woman. I see you both taking a good stand in knowing how to keep this place safe."

She said as one last curl fell down from the curling iron. ".. So, I wouldn't worry about a thing. Besides, look at yourself as you're already doing." Mia suggested.

My senses fell onto the tiara, as uncomfortable nerves fought against the ones that tried to stay calm. Saw my helper put it on top of my head.

"You two will make excellent leaders. The pack is in your hands now." I smiled as soon as she said that. Made my heart warm and light inside.

I trailed my hands around my neck, entwining my fingers through the black strands of hair like pools of the purest liquid coal, but the faintest light already made them reflect an indigo blue by each curve. Feeling a sense of small comfort over my shoulders. Just then, our heads turned just as we heard a knock from the door.

"Tajaga doeda!"

(come in) I shouted.

There came in my mother who started crying at the sight of me. Quickly rushed to my side and had her hand touching me gently upon my shoulder. "Look at you, you're all grown up. My beautiful girl." She then gave me a nice hug before kissing me on my cheek.

Stood back up to wipe her tears. Sighed, before speaking, "Alright then, you all ready to go?" I nodded my head confidently.

An awkward smile grew on my face. All those years of preparing for this moment gave me the small stability I needed━ dependence that would forever show on the outside of my mind and into my spirit. The nerves and a proud look on my father's face left me feeling happier than I already was. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"If I started the plan, the only plan of mine, would everything be alright? Go back to normal? Peaceful?" I thought to myself.

I honestly didn't know. But deep inside I wanted to, needed to do it. I had dreamt of this day since I was little.

Everything needs to go back to what they used to be.

My sea of thoughts were quieting down as I relentlessly took my Father's hand. My wolf image was desperate to emerge underneath the bright shine of the moon, but as I fought that urge, my neon lazulite glowing eyes shown brighter than they've ever done before. Heard the sound of my beating heart jumping; echoing against my ears as opposed to my vision resumed itself to high quality of sight. Those were parts of the transformation before remaining a permanent leader of the pack, a second step before becoming Alpha, a King or Queen. . .

And since I'm a twin, only one of us can take the throne, be the voices of the trees. The horrible sudden, burden recollection of that human pointing a gun at me resurfaced in the back of my mind...

The next thing I knew was that I wasn't happy, I was feeding in that killer state I was once in before. Instead of seeking a victim, it was a revenge plan as I imagined that person dying beneath my feet. Countless bodies, bones, and skulls ripped apart from my bare hands. It was a bloodbath, horrific, astonishment as I saw my own wolf staring at me with its shining eyes. It was hell on Earth and I was the demon, everything turned into the devil's fire.

The devil was nothing, there was a being far more angrier, evil, revengeful than him, wasn't there?

It was me.

We departed away from the long hallway and on to our giant ballroom. When we walked in, it seemed magical and beautiful. It was massive, both new comers and our people sat afar during this occasion. There were over three-thousand lit candles and nothing but overly wide chandeliers stretched outward across the dull ceiling. Live music played thanks to a few Crystal Moon members on the far side of the room. Played their flutes and handmade drums just as we stepped upon the top of the stairs. Ethan sat on the other end, wearing his Prince crown and dark blue attire.

Abba kissed me on my cheek before whispering, "Break a leg." In my ear.

I nodded and took the eldest wolf's hand as I walked down the wide set of stairs. Anastasia bowed with one knee against the very last step, her long draping inky locks followed the motion of her head hanging low. Her hard glistening silver metal helmet was held in her free hand, a sword hung along with a shield in a belt buckle on the side of her waist. A black and white futuristic uniform shown on the outside.

"Why is she here?" I thought.

It wasn't long before Ethan stood by my side and sat on one knee as did I. The ring bearer came with our birthstones against the royal blue pillows.

The man spoke: "Enchantria simin yeoleobun, ulineun salanghaneun jeolm-eun wangjog-eul giligi wihae oneul yeogie moyeossseubnida."

(citizens of enchantria, we are gathered here today in honor of our dear young royals.)

"Ulineun seoseo geudeul-i aleumdaun jeolm-eun-ilo seongjanghaneun geos-eul boassseubnida. geudeul-ii paeg-iogoganeun geos-eul boneun geos-e jabusim-eul neukkineun geos-eul boassseubnida."

(we've stood and watched them grow into beautiful young people, saw them take pride into watching this pack come and go.)

"Ulineun gajog-euloseo himdeunsigileul gyeokkgo issjiman jeongbuui son-e uli gugmin-i jug-im-euldanghaneun geos-eul boassjiman ije uli gugmin-eun uliga namgin geos-eul bohohagi wihae olbaleun gyeoljeong-eul naeligi wihae chasedae wangjog-ege sinloewa mid-eum-eul dueoyahabnida. ."

(although we're going through tough times as a family, seeing our people be killed in the hands of the government, we people now have to put trust and faith into the next generation of royals to make the right decisions to protect what we have left.)

"Ja,i doldeul-eul gajyeo gamyeonseo,"

(now, as I take these stones,) He took them off of the pillows the young women had.

". . . ulineun dasi han beon du salam-ui wang-gwan-eul sseul junbigadoeeossseubnida."

(we are once again ready to crown our two people)

The man put the stone rings onto our ring fingers. "May I present to you... Princess Aliyah Chaeyoung Jeong and our beloved Prince Ethan Taemin Jeong."

The audience was a sea of smiles, a chorus of quiet gentle hearts awaiting our beginning as the kind eldest wolf departed from our stance. The both of us standing confidently watching the crowd in complete awe.


She glanced up from the dark brown step. Alluringly, she would blink her eyes from time to time, allowing her eyelashes to flutter like the wings of a flying butterfly. Her eyes were simply spellbinding, magical. They glowed bright white in the eyes of the night, a couple of chandeliers were turned off around our center.

Each orb held an undenying gleam that enhanced their beauty upon her glowy, clear skin. Her long hair,it was utterly enhanced by the highlights of the different lights that shone above; reflecting the colors of pink and blue against the soft strings.

It was this particular time that I had felt like the world was slowly disappearing in front of me. Or, maybe it was just me who was fading away. These moments it didn't matter anyway. Because my empty burning lungs and my heart hitting, pounding against my chest was beating so hard that, I thought it was going to break my ribs and rip apart my skin as I stood there, merely shaking by my brother's side.

She glided up the stairs like a model on a runway, held her head up high by the time she reached me. I swallowed nervously just as she spoke.

"May I have this dance, Princess?" The feel of my heart jumped against my lungs, against my chest.

Her hand held out to mine as I looked back at her. I did a small curtsy before taking it in my own.

We walked our way down the stairs and made it toward the center of the entire room. Her hand held out high, another was wrapped around my waist. She pulled me close. The loud now classical music sang in my ears as my blue luminous eyes stared into her reminiscent white ones.

The music spun around us, lifting away gravity. I couldn't count how many times I had twirled around before she went and caught me in her warm embrace. I began to speak:

"Why are you doing this?" I asked her.

"What am I doing, exactly? Well besides me dancing with you." Anastasia answered. A voice as soft as a lullaby, I thought it was impossible a person or being could sound something as that.

I stood back up before clasping my hand into her's in a secure grip. "Yes, that's exactly what I mean. You dancing with me, I'm supposed to be dancing with my Abba, that's the rule."

She stepped back and I followed forward. Having the light shine on us directly. "Well rules can change, can't they?"

I rolled my eyes. "That's not the point."

"Then what is it, really? Can't a nice Knight dance with a lovely Princess? It's not everyday someone gets to dance with a Royal you know."

I laughed a little. "Okay, fair point. But tell me this..." I went serious.

Still, she smiled brightly as our heels clicked over the ballroom floor. She watched as my hair spun around and it bounced more with each move and beat. She held me close again. Really close.

I glared almost, but couldn't resist the uncomfortable nervous urge my body had yet to grow as my face tried to hold a straight face. "Why are you really dancing with me right now?"

She laughed slightly as she went back again. I went into procedure, staring at those unique eyes.

"Your parents thought that it was a good idea for me to start my job in protecting you by dancing with you on the first night."

My sudden nerves turned to disappointment, an immediate let down at the sound of those words...

"I don't need you to protect me. I can take care of myself." I stated. I twirled once more before crawling back into her arms.

"Yeah, I'm sure you can. And this kingdom can thrive with a person who doesn't make the best decisions for themselves."

"You don't even know me, let alone know anything about me."

"No, I don't. But I do know that even the strongest people in the world still need that certain security to make sure that they themselves are safe."

"Except I'm not a person, I'm a Wolf."

I twirled once more. Getting closer into her embrace from which our noses nearly touched.

"Which is all the more reason why you do need that protection. Don't worry Princess..." She began to talk in a light whisper.

We stopped dancing. "... When you need my help, don't be afraid to call my name." My heart stopped.

I couldn't feel anything. I was numb and my mind started to race. Anastasia spoke her last few words before leaving my sight:

"Gongjunim annyeonghi jumuseyo."

(goodnight, princess)

The glimpse of the distracting moonlight brought a comforting beauty to the graphite night. Brought a comforting vibe in the uncomfortable endurance my body gave out to me.

And with that said, I was frozen still in the darkness of the night as I stood in the middle of the dance floor...

Unsure of what to do as people around me stared at my unpleasant state of mind...