R@ping Ashley

Side note: Different Ashley. I just want to torture her for a while longer.

I saw her outside of the Science building, a little girl with a perfect adult body proportion. Her tits and ass were perky and her black hair waved around her little bubble butt every time she took a step.

She was striding happily along while carrying books which were slowing her down.

I cackled at this. Such a cute girl was strolling around when it's already so dark out? I celebrated my luck and sneakily followed her. I had my eyes on her for weeks after all.

I never really liked university life as it's extremely dull and boring. Nevertheless, I found a hobby that I really enjoyed.

I loved finding these snotty, rich, smarty pants girls and dragging them through the dirt to humiliate them. I wanted to show them a new side of life, a side that those bitches will enjoy.


Ashley blinked, and looked down at her wrist watch. She had stayed too late and forgot about the time. It was past eleven, and she had never stayed out this long.

The sun had already settled down the horizon a few hours ago and it had turned chilly. Her short skirt and T-shirt didn't really keep the coldness away from her. Perhaps Autumn is coming early this year, hence the chilliness.

She hugged her books as she walked across the parking lot towards the school bus stop. It was a lot darker than usual, and she curiously glanced around her surroundings.

For some odd reason, the street lights were out along the block and bus stop, making everything dark and scary. She entered the roofed bus shelter and sat down, hoping that the bus wouldn't miss her when it drove by.

Ashley hugged her arms and hoped that it wouldn't get too cold. She never really liked the coldness. She was barely ninety five pounds, and didn't have any fat to insulate the cold too. As for her height… She wasn't the tallest or shortest. She stood at five feet two, petite but cute.

Suddenly, a man entered the bus shelter and sat down right next to her. With only light from the moon and stars, Ashley was afraid when thinking about who it might be. After all, other than the darkness, there is no one else around! The parking lot had long been empty, and the science building had turned off most of its lights.

Feeling unsafe, Ashley stood up and went to the corner of the bus shelter, distancing herself from the shady new character.

However, Ashley felt the man staring at her and her heart beat grew increasingly fast. She cursed herself for being paranoid, then she looked at her watch, wishing that the god damned bus would arrive earlier than it's destined time.

"Hey," the man suddenly spoke to her, startling her.

Ashley clutched her books and gave the man a look. She didn't know what she should do. It didn't seem right to ignore the man as that would be rude, but the man looks too shady…

After struggling internally for a moment, Ashley mustered her strength: "Hi."

But although she answered, she did so with an unfriendly and repulsive tone. She hoped that the man would get the hint and stop talking to her.

"What's your name?"

"Alisa," Ashley replied. Yes, it's a lie, but she didn't want to give out her real information.

"You look cute, Alisa. Cuter than most girls I've seen." The man suddenly got up and stood in front of Ashley, cornering her. He reached out his hand and caressed Ashley's smooth skin.

"T-Thanks," Ashley stuttered and gulped, praying that the man would get lost. Heck, she even wished that someone would just appear and save her, even the bus driver that always came late.

"I've always loved cute girls, Alisa," the man muttered.

Ashley didn't answer, hoping that the man would just stop touching her and go away.

"Hey, what do you think about me?" The man asked Ashley, but she could barely make out his face.

"Answer me!" The man suddenly raised his voice, scaring Ashley so much that she peed herself a little.

"I-I think you're ugly! Please stay away from me!" Ashley finally got the courage to speak back towards the man.

"Don't get so bitchy, Alisa. If you do, I'm going to hurt you." The man suddenly threatened.

Ashley finally trembled and dropped her books, and because they were heavy, they slammed onto her toes and she yelped in pain.

But even at this moment, the man was still rubbing her skin! This made her pride hurt more than the pain.

Seeing that she couldn't do anything because of her small build, Ashley turned around towards the corner so that the man would stop touching her skin.

"You got a really cute ass, you know?" The man's voice seemed smug when he spoke.

Ashley's heart was pounding furiously now, and her body grew tense along with her fear. She couldn't even feel that cold now, but she wished that she could feel it.

"A really really nice little ass."

The man pressed himself against her, and Ashley felt it. She had never had any sexual experience before, but she knew what's going on. Outside of her skirt, the man had pressed his boner against her.

"I feel that you have some cute little breasts too. Why don't you take off your T-shirt and show me."

"Please… Please leave me alone, Mister," Ashley said with her small voice.

"Now, now. Alisa, I'm not hurting you or anything. I'm just going to touch you, that's all. I want to feel your little tits and your butt!"

Ashley kept her head turned away from the man. She was trembling in terror now, and she felt light headed.

"Hehehe. I bet a big guy like me would probably destroy you, huh?" The man giggled and moved his hips back and forth.

"I bet you prefer being fucked on top. But don't worry, we're going to try all positions."

Again, Ashley didn't answer. She was helpless and weak.

"Maybe we'll try the doggy style first. You might like being on all fours, showing that tight little ass to me, right? Alisa, I'm asking you a question."

"Leave me alone!" Ashley finally cried out. She turned around and tried to push past the man with all her remaining strength.

The man suddenly backed up, but he managed to hold onto Ashley's wrist.

"Let me out!" Ashley demanded, but her voice wasn't dominating.

"Why should I? The bus isn't here yet. Oh right, Alisa, I bet you're really tight down there."

Ashley tried to escape once more, but she couldn't do it. Instead, she fell down on all fours, showing her exposed butt to the man.

The man sniggered and grabbed Ashley's little hips, licking his tongue while he was at it. Such an easy prey, he thought.

"You're real tight. Really tight." He stuck out his finger and easily entered Ashley's pussy.

"Now tell me what your favorite position is, Alisa." The man asked again.

"No… Please leave me alone, please." Alisa was crying desperately. She was being violated, but she couldn't do anything to stop it.

"So you ain't into licking and sucking, all those foreplay, right? Fine, I'll just go with the doggy style first." The man looked around, and he was sure that no one was around, so he pulled out his penis.