The Camp and Grim Reapers(Rewrite)

As they drove on the road, Sally looked at Kurayami who was sitting next to her driving.

"So why are you helping Percy?"

He looked over and told her.

"Azazel wants a way to ensure peace as the Last Great War ended, so it is time for Peace."

She looked back to him and wanted to know more.

"So who is Azazel?"

"Azazel is one of the strongest beings in the three factions as he is the only 12 winged Fallen Angel. In Heaven the Seraphs have 12 wings and that makes them stronger. Grigori is the organization of the Fallen Angels."

Percy heard that and held his head as he felt a huge headache.

"Why am I dealing with all this? I am just a normal person."

Raynare scoffed. "Yeah. Totally normal if it weren't for your father. You are the son of Poseidon and a demigod."

Grover wanted to keep it secret, but they knew already.

"You couldn't be more subtle."

Esdeath shook her head.

"I really can't believe he is a demigod. He is so weak, what can he do. Talk to fish."

Percy was overwhelmed and shook his head.

"I can't right. Mom. You said dad was lost as sea."

Sally looked sad and nodded.

"He wanted to be with us, but Zeus ordered that all gods can't be with their children."

Suddenly Kurayami rolled down his window and looked all around and looked in the distance. He snapped his finger and by the S.U.V appeared Tyrant who grew to 6 meters and was stronger than ever.

The thing was he was beginning to grow wings and he roared in the distance and a roar challenged it. Grover screamed.


Kurayami looked back.

"My familiar. Meet Tyrant"

From the cow field a huge minotaur charged at Tyrant. Tyrant charged back and in a single exchange the minotaur was ripped in half. Percy and Grover looked in admiration at the beast. Grover shook his head to get back to focus.

"Kurayami were here."

Kurayami stopped the truck and walked out while Grover removed his pants and when Percy saw that and was shocked.

"You are part donkey." Grover looked over and shook his head.

"Part Goat thank you."

They all walked out and headed towards the camp and when they arrived Grover and Percy walked in, but Raynare, Kurayami, Esdeath and Sally couldn't go in.

"Mom. Why can't you enter."

Esdeath looked over and explained.

"We are not demigods, or Greek. Go already."

Percy walked out and refused.

"No. She is my mom and if she is not coming I am not going."

Kurayami shook his head and gave him a option to keep his mother safe.

"I can take her to Grigori. They are after you, but they will use her to get to you. Plus, the stronger you get the better off you will be."

Percy needed to know more.

"Why are they after me? I didn't do anything."

Kurayami shrugged.

"They say you stole the lightning of Zeus and as such you are the most sought after criminal in the Greek World."

Percy shook his head.

"I didn't steal anything."

Esdeath shook her head.

"Whether you did or not matters little. What matters is that Zeus thinks you did and he will rage war with your father if he does not get it back, so you are stuck with this unless you can prove you are not the lightning thief."

Percy passed back and forth and sighed.

"How? How do I prove I didn't steal it?"

Kurayami shook his head.

"That is your problem. I got you here already and I am giving your mom a safe place, so think. My job is done, see ya."

Grover patted his shoulder.

"Come on Percy. We will find a way to prove your innocence. Sally will be safe." Sally looked over to Kurayami.

"So where will I be safe?"

He looked over and explained.

"Until this mess is sorted out, you can stay at Grigori like I explained before it is a Fallen Angel organization."

She was interested in Fallen Angels and looked at him.

"Do you have wings? You don't have them." He backed up and spread his four pairs of wings. When they saw his black wings they knew he was not lying. She looked at them with interest.

"Can I touch them?" He nodded.

"I don't mind."

She moved her hand through them and felt how soft they were. They were like a muscle, when they were tenses they were blades, but when he was relaxed they were soft.

"Are they not vulnerable to attack?"

He backed up and swung his wings at a tree and cut it in half. He retracted them after and explained.

"They can be turned as hard as steel and can stop weapon blows. Some Fallen can use their wings to a masterful degree as a weapon."

He opened a Fallen Angel spell under their feet and motioned for her to hold his hand. She held his hand and Raynare and Esdeath walked next to him and he looked back to Percy.

"Tyrant, let's go." The beast returned to the pact

and they teleported to Grigori. Percy saw that and sighed. Grover patted him on the shoulder.

"Come on Percy. We will think about what to do. Maybe Chiron can find something."

He nodded and entered the Camp while worried for his mother. At Grigori, the magic circle opened up and they appeared in an open training field. When Sally opened her eyes and looked around she came face to face with a gruff-looking middle-aged man with a small girl at his side and a girl in a Kimono with cat ears.

Sally did not know their were also peaple like that in this world, but Kurayami just greeted his father and Kuroka.

"Hey, dad. We just came to leave her here while we have to go back."

Akeno gave him a big hug and he hugged her back. She was shorter than him by a good bit so she looked yunger.

"Brother, I missed you."

Sally looked at the small girl and found she was going to be really pretty in the future.

"Is she your sister?"

Kurayami nodded with a loving look on his face.

"Twin sister, this is my father Baraqiel."

Sally looked at Baraqiel and extended her hand.

Baraqiel shook her hand.

"May I know who you are?"

"I am Sally Jackson. You are Kurayami's father."

He nodded.

"I am Baraqiel. Father of Kurayami and Akeno here. You are the mother of the demigod."

She nodded.

"Yes. Percy was taken to the Camp for his safety and here I am for now."

Kurayami spoke up. "

You can speak to Azazel if you want as he wants to make a deal with the gods to ensure peace and avoid another war. Anyway, we are leaving again. Akeno you coming this time."

Akeno was going to agree, but Baraqiel shook his head.

"Not this time Akeno."

Akeno pouted.

"Brother can go and I want to help him. I have my three pairs of wings already."

"Dad. She will be fine. We got two Longinus users and Raynare who has a high-ranking sacred gear. She is your daughter and has three pairs of wings and can hold her own. Plus I think Azazel has the perfect Sacred Gear for her."

When she heard that she jumped in happiness.

"Really. Which one."

He shook his head.

"Not telling, it might ruin the surprise."

Azazel also found Issei and from the looks of it, the kid lacked any potential and had a Longinus that he found was wasted on the kid. He might give it to Akeno, as she was very talented, but she didn't have a sacred gear and that was pretty bad. While she could grow strong without it, having more power was never bad.

Plus taking sacred gears from their users was not a common practice he used as it was honestly better for the original user to have it as there could be an incompatibility with the new user, so it was better not to do so. However the Boosted Gear was honestly not a good match for her, so he thought to see how it goes.

Baraqiel sighed and nodded.

"Keep your sister safe."

Kuroka jumped up and pressed his face into her breasts.

"Did you miss me Nya?"

He hugged her back holding her in the air. She eben wrapped her legs around his waist as he was nearly a grown man. Even if he was only 13 he was growing like a bamboo shoot. She was already shorter than him.

"I missed you nya."

Sally saw how they were practically flirting with each other as she nuzzled his face while he seemed quite happy to have her boobs in his face.

"Who is she?"

Kuroka looked up and smiled.

"I am Kuroka Nya. A Nekusho. Anyway, let's go meet with the boss."

Kurayami put her down, but before she left she kissed him on the cheek. Seeing that made Raynare, Esdeath, and Akeno pout. She had gotten quite flirty with him receltly and he did not push her away either.

As they left Kurayami created another spell to go back to America and they appeared in the exact same spot they left. Akeno looked around and was confused.

"Why are we in a forest, bedsides that brother. Explain what is going on with Kuroka."

Esdeath and Raynare looked at him to wait for his response.

"What can I say she is not much older than us and she is quite pretty. I actualy really like her."

Esdeath and Raynare hugged both his arms and they looked at his face.

"What about us? Do you not feel anything at all?"

"Of course I do. We still share the same room and you girls are extremely beautiful. I would have to be broken not to react."

Esdeath and Raynare smiled at his answer, but they noticed Akeno looked away with a pout. They had realized she was starting to like her brother more than a sister should.

As for Kurayami he knew about it, and intended to accept her if she came to terms with her emotions. For now they walked back to the S.U.V and they all got in it. He got in the driver's seat and drove them away.

He started to explain why they were here in the first place to Akeno.

"Well over there is a camp for demigods and we were ordered to guard Percy Jackson the demigod son of Poseidon. As we just did that and took him here we don't got much to do."

Akeno looked around as they drove and sighed.

"So what do we do now? We can't go in the camp and we don't have much reason to guard him do we."

He nodded.

"He is safe in the camp and we just finished our job for the most part, but if the lightning of Zeus is not returned there will be war. Grigori might be dragged in along with the devils and stuff.

Raynare sighed and slumped in the seat.

"How do we even get it back at all? How do we find who stole it if our target is where we can't get to him?"

Kurayami drove on the road to the nearest town to get some food for them.

"I don't know as he is in the camp and unless he wants to come to Zeus himself there's not much we can do."

Esdeath was not much happier.

"So one minotaur is all we had to deal with? Pretty anticlimactic."

He nodded. and was about to return to Grigori, but suddenly scores of Grim Reapers attacked them. He hit the breaks and got ready to fight.

"Esdeath. Next time keep your mouth shut."

She quieted down and nodded. They came out of the car. He decided to let Akeno participate in the fight.

"Akeno, be careful. Give is support while we fight."

"Yes brother."

He brought out Rebellion who yelled into his connection in happiness, while Raynare brought out Sephtis who told her he craved death. Esdeath drew her rapier which was not alive but was still a great weapon. One Reaper spoke up.

"Give us the mother, or die."

His answer was a tidal wave of holy fire. Kurayami raised his hand and with wind magic, he created massive fire twisters.

Raynare's right eye turned purple, while her scythe was covered in black flames and swung her spear creating a wave of fire. Esdeath charged in seemingly on cut several Reapers were cut to shreds.

Akeno would attack with spears of light, and with her magic abilities. Her skill in magic was greater than any of them as they were warriors. Kurayami felt this was too simple and found most of them were either low class or high class.

'They didn't send any Executive Grim Reapers. Strange.'

He was covered in a purple aura as his touki took the color of his flames. Esdeath had blue touki and Raynare had black touki. As for Akeno she avoided direct combat as it was not her strong suit.

The color of the touki was related to the person and this is the effect. White Lighting began to course through his wings, sword, and body and he moved at lightning speed and began to kill Grim Reapers like they were tissue paper.

They may be strong for others, but his team had strong lineages, sacred gears, and the best training they could get. Esdeath created huge ice pillars that slammed into the Grim Reapers while turning the entire area into a frozen wonderland. It opposed Kurayami who was turning this place into a scorched wasteland.

Raynare began to use her Death ability's and the Grim Reapers were specially aware how deadly that ability could be and they began to retreat.

Esdeath saw that and was confused.

"Weren't even low-rank Grim reapers stronger than mid-class devils. Why were they so weak?"

He looked over and began to collect the scythes. Akeno ran to help him as well as they could be melted down to collect the Stygian iron.

"We are stronger than the norm and more so they didn't send any Executive Grim Reapers as if they did we would be dead. As for the reason they didn't send any I have no idea."

He was right as Hade's had sent one Executive Class Grim Reaper, but he was defeated by Azrael who while he wouldn't show himself was protecting Raynare from the shadows.

He gazed down at the badly beaten Grim Reaper at his feet.

"Go back to Hades and don't come back. If he touches my granddaughter and my grandson in law I will personally rip him apart."

The Reaper was frozen in fear as Azrael was one of the strongest beings around and was in the same class as a Super Devil if not higher. The Reaper retreated and Azrael took to the sky once again to keep watch over his granddaughter.

He didn't do it for his son and if only he had he might still be alive. However, it is too late for regrets and he will keep her safe until he feels it is time for him to show himself. As for the Kurayamu, Esdeath, Raynare, and Akeno they collected the scythes and teleported them to Grigori.

"Well, let's just go back to Grigori. If he is in danger, the bracelet I put on him will alert us and we can go to him in an instant."

They all went back to Grigori until Percy's quest began.