Calamity of Shadows(Raw)

When Azazel told him about the issue beginning in Ireland he wondered if he would find Leprechauns. Once in his past life he remembered this funny joke a abridged vampire said so he said it aloud.

"Hey, you think if I cut open a Leprechaun it would spill out Lucky Charms."

They broke out laughing as that was actually the first funny joke he had ever made. Artemis was covering her mouth as she was struggling not to laugh. That made him smile at his stolen joke could still be enjoyed in this world.

"Well let's decide who will be coming. We know Kuroka is out for obvious reasons, but do any of you want to go as well."

Raynare and Esdeath were most certainly going to go. Vritra coiled around Raynare and flicked his tounge toward Ireland. He noticed a irregularity in the small country.

"How peculiar?"

They all looked at the dragon sealed in Raynare with interest. She most looked at him to continue what he was saying.

"Well the gods of Ireland seem to be in disarray. They seem to be hard at work to keep something sealed or contained. Kurayami, you should be able to see it from here if you focus."

They saw him move his glasses out of the way as he focused his senses toward Ireland. He noticed that Lugh the god of the sun and father of the famous hero Cú Cchulainn seemed to be straining to keep a mass of shadows at bay.

From time to time weird undead would surge outside only to be killed by the group of gods hard at work to keep them from going far. However the thing that shocked him was that each of those undead could rival gods in power.

That was not normal and as he watched the gods hard at work to seal up the origin of these undead he knew that at the rate they were going at it would not last long. They would tire themselves out and Lugh was the one keeping the dimesnion stable.

"Artemis, what do you think of the Celtic gods?"

She thought about it and shook her head as she had no real opinion on them.

"Not much, they deal more with Odin and the Norse gods than us Greeks. You should ask Odin as you did talk to him before. Never liked the perverted old man by the way."

Kurayami and Raynare looked at each other a little nervously as because of their bloodlust they had caused extreme damage to the world. They were lucky nothing more than that happened, but for now they just pretended nothing happened.

He called Odin who picked up instantly.

"Hey, geezer. What is happening in Ireland?"

Odin sounded quite annoyed.

"It's bad I will tell you. You ever hear the legend of the Land of Shadows?"

He shook his head.

"No, does it have anything to do with the god level undead surging out in Ireland."

"You are correct, hundreds of years ago the realm of shadow was where many undead and souls of the lost would go. It used to be a danger zone, until I and the Celtic gods sealed it as best we could."

"Let me guess, you tried to ignore the issue, but those undead are now stronger than ever."

"Yes, the centuries of fighting each other for eternity and the powerful miasma of the place made them evolve so much that even the weak ones are at the level of weak gods. If nothing is done they will break free which no one wants."

The girl all looked at each other a little nervous, but the three battle junkies were rearing to go. Raynare, Esdeath, and Kurayami were fidgeting in their boots as they wanted to rush out and fight.

Ophis looked toward it and sat laid down on the couch with no interest.

"Training. I won't go."

Kurayami would not have asked her to go in the first place as she would have killed all of the undead if not destroyed Ireland if she tried.

"Odin, are you going to go work with Lugh and the other gods then?"

"Soon, we sealed it once so we must do it again."

Esdeath frowned and raised a point he was missing.

"Let me ask you something Odin. What makes you think that the undead simply won't evolve more when they break out in a few thousand years. We might still be alive at that time, but they will be even stronger no?"

Odin took a heavy breath and sighed.

"Killing the undead will be much too hard. Most if not all of them have reached the level of gods, the Celtic ones are already struggling with the stragglers that leave. I will be heading off to help, but so far they have only dealt with the foot soldiers. We have no idea how strong some of the leaders are."

Kurayami looked at Natsume as she was not the strongest.

"How many pairs of wings do you have right now?"

She knew why he asked and looked down.

"4, but I-"

"Can you use balance breaker yet?"

She nodded.

"Yes, Griffon can return to his real form. However I still do not have a sub species. I can still help, I am a fallen angel and light works against the undead so I have to go."

Kurayami looked at her determined look and nodded.

"Fine, you listen to my instructions and you stay back, Griffon is counting on you being the best master for him right?"

He screeched which was his way of assuring that Natsume could help. Now the question was if Artemis was going to be allowed in Ireland.

"Artemis, as a Greek goddess, will you be able to enter Ireland?"

She nodded.

"Normally it would require the permission of the head deity, but in times of danger such as this that could involve the whole world they should allow me in. However what will Shiva and Indra do if this effects them."

"Nothing, he will do nothing."

They all turned toward Azazel, Ares, and Azrael who had shown up from Grigori. They looked at Azazel waiting for him to explain.

"I had a talk with Shiva not long ago. I was trying to set up a peace treaty with him, and yet he told me he was not interested in war so he agreed. What he told me is that he is looking for more interesting things, and you Kurayami are one of those."

Kurayami looked at Azazel with a small annoyed look.

"If you were meeting Shiva, why did you not tell me?"

"Because you would have challenged him to a fight which he would have agreed to. He even said he was disappointed he did not get a chance to fight you. Even Ares here would have soiled himself before he challenged the God of Destruction to such a thing."

Ares shuddered at the thought.

"I am not completely dumb you know. Anyway, their is something more important than that, hey sis, how is fucking Kurayami by the way."

Artemis was not expecting such a such a brass question and chocked on her spit. As a goddess that was already rare, but in such a case she was just to shocked. Ares grinned at her reaction which meant he was right.

"I knew it. He must be quite good, however he can't be as good as m-"

A large bow appeared in Artemin's hands as her body was shrouded in divinity. She glared at Ares like he would soon be nothing more than a corpse.

"I will mount your head and hide on my wall."

"That is my thing not yours, besides what is their to be ashamed off. We all fuck and now even you d-"

A arrow was shot at him and impaled itself in his shoulder. Ares looked at the arrow and pocked it a little. He looked at Kurayami and Artemis and took a deep breath. His scream of pain was so loud that it shook the building. Normally he could take pain, but Artemis arrows were tipped with Celestial Bronze.

Ophis who was still on the couch muted him and yet they all felt no pity. Who told him to piss of Artemis. Kurayami shook his head and grabbed the arrow.

"WAIT! It's barb-"

As if ignoring him, the arrow was ripped out anyway and looking at how the arrow was made it was certainly made so it would not dislodge or be ripped out easily. Ares now had a chuck of him gone from his shoulder, but he was already healing.


Artemis scoffed and put her bow away.

"You first mistake was to call me sis. We are siblings, but were not close. Number 2, do not ask about my sex life. Third, I doubt you could do better than Kurayami."

Kurayami helped Ares up who was looking at the golden blood on his jacket and shirt annoyed.

"Fine, take a joke why don't you. Anyway I am going too. I think it might be fun to fight hoards of god level monsters. I have not had a good fight since these brats tricked me."

Azrael corrected him.

"You mean you got cocky and ended up here as punishment. Well done, you have impressed us all."

Finally after arguing for a few more minutes in the end it was decided that Kurayami, and the girls save for Kuroka and Ophis would be going from his group.

The Abyss dogs were here as well, Ares would lead them himself and Azrael would be with Azazel on their own. When they arrived in Ireland they could feel the high amounts of darkness, death and miasma in the air.

In the small town they appeared at which was just a 5 miles away from the main exit points people were evacuating. The mist encompassed the whole world so to the morals their was a gas leak and earthquakes as the miasma was making people sick.

Azrael squinted his eyes at just feeling how much death magic was in the air. He and Raynare felt right at home here, but the ones who could not use death magic were not so lucky.

Strong beings like them were fine, but weaker beings were getting sick and dying as a result of so much of it. Ares whistled and he was already fully healed. Artemis was not trying to kill him just hurt him, but the vitality of a god was not to be underestimated.

Kurayami looked around and saw who he was looking for. Odin had arrived with Rossweissa who blushed when she saw him.

"Odin, you hear alone? Why not bring your famous sons here?"

Odin shook his head and explained.

"If too many gods leave Valhalla, we will be open to attack. We are here to seal the Land of Shadows if we can or delay the escape of the undead until we can be prepared. If we fail, we will work together to kill as many of the undead as we can. What is your plan?"

Esdeath, Raynare Kurayami, Ares and Azrael all at once said the same thing.

"Fight until we drop."

Odin shook his head as he looked at them.

"I get it from the brats, but you old fogies too. However brat, I see you got a fine group of lasses here. You marrying them all I bet."

The girls nodded.

"Well let's go see what we can do? If we need fight, this old man is still a warrior at heart."

They all flew toward the Celtic gods and they noticed Lugh seemed to be holding somewhat, but the other gods all noticed the extra people and got ready to fight. However Lugh noticed Odin and sighed in relief.

"Let them through. I can only hold for 2 more hours at this rate. I need help, Odin. How bad is it Odin?"

Odin looked at the huge cracks in space which released the death mana in great amounts. From time to time undead like knights, skeletons and even monstrosities escaped and being up close to them showed they were in fact not at the god level.

Most of them were at the beginning of the Ultimate class and some were not even their at that. However it was easy to see these were just foot soldiers as they were being sent out with no direction.

As his side Rebellion appeared in her human form and gazed right at the monsters.

"Those look like recycled and cannibalized souls master. Like the souls were eaten, spit out recycled over and over for centuries."

Kurayami looked at her for a explanation.

"Don't you eat souls Rebellion?"

"Yes, however eating souls is not normal master. As I am a weapon spirit I suffer no issue, but normal beings when eating souls will gain power, but if they eat too many you become like these brutes. The souls they eat are drained and spat out, but this placed kept them from being destroyed."

Kurayami understood what took placed here and he said her theory.

"The eaten souls were spat out when all their energy was depleted, but this place kept those souls and turned them into more undead. Which went on to eat others, be eaten and so forth for ever. Until now they have been doing this for thousands of years and now they are so strong that they broke out."

She nodded.

"Which means sealing this place will be the worst mistake you would make. They would just go back to feeding on each other and in time break out stronger and madder than ever."

Lugh who was still straining his power looked at her and grunted in pain. He was getting tired as the sun was beginning to set reducing his power. It did not mean he would not be able to use it, but he would weaken.

"What do you propose weapon spirit?"

"My name is Rebellion, however you need to go in and kill as many as you can. I mean totally kill, either destroy the souls, eat the souls, or whatever. If not they will just go back in and reform."

Lugh looked at the gods and the ones who were here.

"I ask you please help us. We do not know how dangerous it will be, but this is no longer just our problem."

Azrael pulled his scythe who was hungry for souls. Especially such powerful souls, and even Rebellion felt this was a buffet. In the end all those who came here were going to enter.

Lugh opened one the cracks to let them inside.

"Hurry, I can only hold this for a hour at most. Do what you can, if you can at least kill many I should be able to hold this longer."

Kurayami looked at the girls who prepared to enter the land of Shadows. Shin looked at the dimensional crack and wagged his tail excited. Kurayami felt he might find something interesting here, but what he did not know.