Mars and Plan for Future.

Once Kurayami took off from the moon he did not even care that several satellites took pictures of him. He even possed for them as he no longer cared about the stupid rules put in place to keep the supernatural out of human eyes.

Why should he care as he was not going to be staying quiet forever? If anything he should already take over the planet as he kind of would need a main base in the future.

With how strong he was more than within his right to put the rules he wanted. He might even benefit the supernatural community and the people of the future by making them evolve. he already had a plan for it too.

He shot off into the depths of space and as he did not need to breathe and could survive the vacuum of space he was fine. This was normal space and not the Dimensional gap which was several times worse than this.

Scathach looked around and she had to say seeing space from out here was incredible.

"Master, space is quite amazing is it not? However, is there anything to see besides the view?"

He spoke and his voice was even able to be heard in space.

"I guess. There is not much out here though. Besides no humans. That is one of the best things about being out here. Not a single human."

Artemis had to agree.

"While that is true, why are we out here besides going on a ride through space. Unless you are planning on terraforming a planet or something."

Kurayami stopped flying halfway to Mars as his eye moved to look at her.

"You are correct. I kind of plan to turn Mars into my personal planet to see if I can do it. Magic is incredible after all."

Kuroka and Akeno looked at each other with funny smiles. The Nekusho patted the large horn he had on his nose and laughed.

"That sounds just like you nya."

Akeno nodded as she looked at Mars in the distance.

"Well if anyone can do it, it would be you."

Kurayami sped up and in less than 10 seconds he flew around Mars looking for a good place to land. Even though all of Mars was free for him to take, he wanted to have some fun.

Natsume looked at the surface of Mars as he slowed down on his descent.

"Were already here? You are fast."

Kurayami wanted to nod, but he decided not to. He did not want to end up launching them around.

"How slow do you think I am? Moving at this speed is nothing. Even Vali and Azrael can move at lightspeed. Can you do it Artemis?"

She shook her head.

"In my true divine form, I get just below it. My brother definitely can. He is a god of light."

He landed on Mars and just as he expected. the Martian planet was just a giant desert. He spread his senses down into the planet and what he found confirmed what scientists theorized.

The mantle was solid when it should be melted. This was why the planet had no magnetic field as all the iron was frozen solid. Easy fix for him. He started to look down and he already knew how to make this better.

"You know I could make this work. First step first."

He raised his clawed arms and drove them into the ground. Using his control of flames he started to melt the solid mantal. The girls felt how the planet began to tremble as for the first time in millions of years, some action was starting.

Serafall looked at him hard at work and got nervous.

"The planet won't just blow up, right. We know you can blow up planets, but is this safe."

Rebellion who looked at the planet noticed how it was stable. It was just that the melting was starting to jump-start things.

"No, we're good. Master, is doing a good job right now. Look at the atmosphere."

Serafall looked up and noticed steam starting to leave Mars along with several gases. However, a giant barrier made of space magic surrounded it trapping them inside. Good thing there was an air pocket here for their sake.

Serafall noticed the gas leaving was steam along with other things.

"That is water, right? And several other gases."

Natsume who went to high school had an idea.

"Oh, if the theory that Mars had water once, this means he is bringing it up from down below. Quite clever."

As his flames were full of magic he was kind of filling Mars with magic lava which was interesting. As he was doing that he also bit his tongue causing drops of his blood to float in front of him.

The drop was as large as a bathtub so he opened a portal directly to the core where the blood hit the planet core fusing with it. Over the entire thing, several magic arrays and formations appeared changing things.

He turned the core into a magic reactor with his aura in mind. Meaning any animal, plant, or the like he sent here would have a constant supply of magic and his mutating aura.

The barrier he made would protect the planet from the solar winds, but as he was hard at work the humans on Earth were freaking out.

NASA had captured the image of a literal dragon with people on it and Mars was shaking. The many rovers on Mars kept sending reports to Earth, but Kuryami had no reason to care.

He had plans for Earth and he already had an idea to make Earth more fun for himself and Supernatural beings. He would place a formation on Earth's core causing it to produce his aura on mass.

He would turn Earth into his own playground and make the humans feel that nature did. He remembered he once helped a raccoon as a joke. He would do that to all of Earth which would be fun.

Raynare looked down as she felt the planet keep trembling. She even felt like the place was getting warmer as the heat from the planet rose up. The poles started to melt releasing the water trapped within.

"What are you even going to do with Mars anyway?"

He looked up and pulled his arms out of the Martian Soil.

"Well make it like my own Zoo or something. I want to see how strong animals can really be. I will throw in endangered animals and see what they become."

Artemis had stars in her eyes as she wondered what cool game animals he could raise. Her hunter instinct started to go wild as she hoped he succeeded. He noticed and allowed it as hunting was not all bad.

"As long as you do not over hunt and use everything you can hunt if you want. This plan might take a while, so don't get your hopes up. I just wanted to jump-start the process, Serafall, Esdeath, Lavinia, Akeno, can you place a lot of ice and after here. I need to make my oceans."

They nodded and they flew out to different parts of the planet started to produce giant glaciers and fields of ice. Serafall at max output could produce enough ice to freeze all of North America which she did.

Esdeath, Lavina, and Akeno all filled the planet with just as much ice and water as she did which thanks to the formation on the core would melt in a few months. Kurayami could imagine it now, giant monster whales and sharks filling up these seas.

It was a dream come true for him as he did not have to fight anyone for Mars. He even checked and there were no Martians whcih was annoying for him He had wanted to test himself against aliens, but no such luck.

It was free real estate and he was going to make it awesome. This place also needed plants, but those could wait. He just opened a portal to Earth and pulled out a bunch of moss.

He threw it down and made sure it would survive this atmosphere. Once he did that he just left it there and slashed down with his claws opening a portal. he returned to his human form and his wings returned to normal.

"Well first steps of terraforming are finished. Let's go home."

Ophis looked at the dirt he three down and saw some big worms and beetles. She even saw a centipede. The confused bugs all rushed to Kurayami as he felt safe. To make sure they survived he mutated them with his aura.

He even fed them all a few water drop-sized drops of his blood causing mutations in the bugs. They grew dragon-like scales, horns, and even legs.

"Go, have fun in this world. Have fun you bugs, stay in this area though. I will throw in a lot of food from time to time. Ok."

The small group of worms, centipede, beetles, and the odd scorpion nodded and all burrowed into the soil. They all could survive this atmosphere that was slowly acclimating because of his blood.

It gave them the ability to survive in the vacuum of space and as this was not a vacuum. This was easy for them and his blood would keep them sated for a year at the least.

Ophis cringed as she saw them.


Kurayami smiled as she looked at his first workers.

"They are awesome right?"

Kuroka looked at Mars that now looks like a giant ice-covered planet, but it was warm. Above freezing so the ice was starting to melt slowly.

"Yeah, awesome. I assume you want to do this to Earth. Can you not."

He looked at her and explained his point of view.

"Hey, humans have done enough. It's time for them to get their ass kicked by nature. Picture it now, giant rhino-sized Pangolins, iron-skinned elephants, or something. Fire breathing bears, oh it sounds awesome."

Kuroka looked at him and asked the ethical question.

"Ok, you do that. However what about the children and innocents?"

He raised his finger as he had another point.

"I am not that heartless. I will give them a fighting chance. First, we need to take these away from the humans."

He snapped his fingers and every single nuke on Earth appeared in front of him. The pile looked like a mountain that could blow turn Earth into a wasteland. Raynare agreed with him

"Are you going to rule Earth?"

He was in a way, but not really.

"Kind of. I will be hands-off and make the Earth a better train ground for us. I am going just make it more interesting as we got about 45 years to prepare for my ladies' brother. Might as well do what I have always wanted to do if we might die."

Serafall did not look very convinced and brought up a good point.

"I get you, but how will that affect monsters? The Underworld and all the other pantheons will be affected as their monsters get stronger."

Kurayami nodded.

"Earth is stagnating and it needs a good old war to knock it into overdrive. No one will know it was me, but Grigori will offer its help to deal with it. Plus, the other pantheon will have to get stronger as I am going to go all out with it."

Rebellion looked at Earth from the distance and back at Kurayami.

"Fine master, you win. However, how will this affect Heaven and stuff?"

Kurayami raised his other good point.

"I kind of plan to get Azrael to take control over it. He is much stronger than he used to be, which means the Heaven System will be better off. Plus, it is already glitchy with all your sacred gears breaking away from it."

Scathach stood next to Kurayami and shrugged.

"We will be able to find stronger fighters among the humans. They are too weak as they are now and we might find new talents."

They ended up discussing the plan for a few hours and in the end, they agreed with his plan. As long as he gave the humans a chance and did not just slaughter them all.

He already had a few ideas, but they also had put a few rules for him. Things he would have to iron out for the future. This all felt like deja vu to him. Like he did this before. He shook his head as he got ready for his new Earth.

He was kind of excited to see how things would turn out.