Chapter 7: Journey to Vithura


The Moon and Stars in the sky were welcoming them on their way. That night no other vehicle could be seen; except their truck. Akshara kept her left elbow on the truck door and was enjoying the breezy winds, the village roads, and the stars in the sky — She was travelling after a very long time.

"— Where did you stay these years Abhi. Why did you take so many years to see me?" she asked looking into his eyes.

" — I was searching for you …" he said with a smile.

" We would have a kid now, if you would have searched for me early" she whispered, smiling.

Abhi laughed loudly. It was the first time Akshara had seen him laughing so loud.

"— I never see you laughing like this. You hid it like a treasure these years — " she said, smiling.

" — Where are we going?" she asked again.

Abhi looked in her eyes, and said, " to a place where I stayed. You will surely love it."

Their journey continued for a very long time — the stars in the sky were slowly disappearing. Askhara was asleep by the time Abhi arrived at his house. He patted on her shoulders and said, " Akshara … We have reached".

" — Let me sleep for sometime," she said drowsily and slept again. Abhi stared at her smiling — he was very happy to see his most loved person at his place. TITLE stretched his legs, yawned and jumped off the truck.

Early Morning 7AM

Abhi was asleep by the time Akshara woke up with a surprise in her eyes — she was in the bedroom rather than in the truck. She realised that it could be Abhi who brought her there. She rubbed her eyes with fingertips, and the first thing she saw was Abhi — he was sleeping on the floor and TITLE was lying beside him. She got out of bed and covered him with a blanket — Abhi was in deep sleep; he was exhausted as he had driven for a long time.

Akshara stepped down the stairs and walked out of the house. It was the first time she had experienced such a beautiful place — all the corners were lined up with green hills and there was a waterfall at a distance. The front yard was filled with different types of plants and flowers — In a word she felt the whole place was like a heaven on earth.

— The cool wind crept through the front door, and made the notebook's papers on the table flutter. Akshara heard the fluttering sound and walked to the table which was in the living room. She gently held the book with her hands — it says … "My Memories". It was the same book Abhi usually wrote his memories and experiences. Akshara decided to read the book until he woke up from the sleep. She sat near the front door and opened the random page from the book to read — The title on the page says … " Gift from Johnson"

The book read ….

"— No one cared about me as much as Johnson did. He said I'm an adult now, and it's time to make some money. He taught me to drive his truck — we had fun visiting to work together. He used to give me all the money whenever I went with him — and enjoyed buying new things for our home.

Today it was completely unexpected ... Johnson gave me a huge gift - the new white maxi truck. He sold his old truck to bring it to me.

We visited many new villages to unload and even looked for my village - but we were never successful.

Page: " Love you Grandpa"

— One day Grandpa was busy sweeping the yard. He has a habit of growing new plants. I ran to help him. He looked at me silently for about 10 minutes and said, "I saw you talking." I was so shocked when I heard - I didn't know how he knew it. He said that I was talking in my sleep.

— He asked me to speak, but I could not… because I was scared. I do not know what to do. I gave him a piece of paper and wrote on it " — I want to talk, but I don't know why I was scared."

Grandpa thought twice and took me to the nearest rural medical clinic. I do not remember exactly what the doctor told him I heard I was suffering from some glossophobia. I do not know what it is. He told me it was very rare and permanent.

The next day I never saw Grandpa like that before, he was thinking deeply about what to do - I knew it was about me. He went out and arrived home very late in the evening. Bought an item with him. It was a tape recorder. He gave it to me and said, "I know you are afraid to talk openly or with strangers. But I hope it helps. Press this and talk about what you want to talk about when you are alone. Slowly it helps to get rid of your fears ... I hope you will talk to me at least one day".

Johnson left me alone… I clicked the button and recorded the first voice… It was " — I love you Grandpa". He heard it and he was so happy to hear my first voice. Grandpa left me home alone so I could learn to record for him and one day he hoped to see me speaking.

It was so much fun recording my voice. Both Johnson and Gabriel loved it. But I couldn't talk to them. TITLE was the only one I shared my memories with.

It was one day that changed everything. As everyday, I woke up to see TITLE, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I rushed downstairs; Grandpa was in the kitchen, but TITLE was nowhere to be seen. I wondered if he was in the front yard, but he was not. I searched every nook and cranny in the village, but I could not find him. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do. I ran down every street and reached home. Grandpa was still in the kitchen. I pulled his shirt and cried out loud, "TITLE is nowhere grandpa". But Grandpa did not respond to me; He was busy cooking something.. I came to the living room and Gabriel sat on the sofa busy reading the newspaper. I hurried to him and cried "Uncle .... TITLE missing".

A moment of silence passed. Johnson came out of the kitchen and laughed out loudly.

"— So, you talk now…" he said in a gentle tone.

"Without the TITLE you wouldn't be the one talking to us," Gabriel said.

— It came as a big surprise to me. I had no idea I was talking to them - it was actually their plan. They hid the TITLE in Gabriel's house. The day changed everything. From that day on I talked to Johnson and Gabriel..

— It was almost 1 hour that Akshara spent reading the book and she came to a page that says … " My only hope"

— Slowly days, months and years had passed. I turned 18 and TITLE was no longer a puppy; he was grown up. I could read, write and even could drive the truck perfectly. I was close with Johnson and Gabriel, but not with any other villagers. Grandpa never forgot his promise. He always helped me find my place. We covered half the surrounding villages.

Grandpa breathed his last at the age of 75. He left us with so many memories. It took me almost two years to get out of the darkest day of my life — When I was 23 I started writing my memories in this book…

— One thing Grandpa and Gabriel always wanted to know was — why I wanted to visit my village - what was there. I could never tell them… I kept it a secret… but I know it deep in my heart… This is for my best friend "Akshara". One thing I do not even know … Why she is so special … It's because she understands me … it's because she cares for me … or it's because she is my only friend...

— A big smile appeared on the Akshara's face. She turned the next page; It was written — It's been more than 12 years, I've seen you, my friend. I hope you're alright. I've tried a lot of times to find you, but I can't. I hope I'll reach you one day. If I could see you one day I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Akshara was very pleased. She could not believe that Abhi had tried so many years to see her. She read the pages he wrote about how he first saw her, how he followed her and how he got to Vinnur. She never knew she was his only hope.

TIME 8.30 AM:

Akshara went back to the table — put down the book where it was and walked to the kitchen to prepare some tea. By the time Akshara entered the bedroom with two cups of tea, Abhi was watering the plants near the window and TITLE was still asleep. She put them on the table and walked over to him and hugged him from behind.

Abhi looked at her in fear for a second, and smiled.

"How did I get to the bedroom?" She asked looking into his eyes.

"Hmm… you came to the bedroom … by sleepwalking … " he said seriously.

Akshara closed her eyes and half opened and looked at him in despair.

"I picked you up with my hands," said Abhi with a smile.

—They were both standing by the window; sipping tea—. The breezy winds ruffing their hair and the chirping of birds from the sky made it a best place. Akshara put her head out of the window and enjoyed the atmosphere.

" —This place is so beautiful Abhi ... how did you come here?" she asked.

Abhi looked at the hills through the window, and smiled.

"Come on, I'll take you to a place," he said excitedly.

"Where?" asked Akshara.

Abhi grabbed her hand and brought her downstairs and got into the truck. He pressed the truck's horn. TITLE woke up with the truck sound and rushed out — they were already getting ready to start.

— TITLE barked and jumped to the truck's backside.

Akshara was very excited, she did not know where Abhi was taking her.

Abhi drove the truck and reached the place where he had spent most of his time on the hill; That was the cemetery where Johnson was buried. Akshara was surprised to see the place; but was happy too — she guessed, he brought her to Johnson's grave.

— Abhi took her to Johnson's grave—.

" You asked me … How did I come here …?"

" it's the Johnson who saw me sleeping under the tree and brought me here …"

"— he promised to take me to my village one day … I think he is now happy to see you here …" said Abhi.

— He again took her to a place where the whole village and railway gate was clearly visible. The village was surrounded by the green hills in every corner. Abhi looked at the railway gate and said, " You know Akshara, Johnson once said … following the direction of the train will help reach our place … "

"This is my world … this grave, this village … Gabriel and TITLE"

" I never knew I would reach you one day ... but today you are here ... it's like a dream ..." said Abhi.

He took a deep breath, looked in her eyes and gestured to come closer. Akshara was having a wonderful day. She liked the village very much.

Morning 8.30 AM: Market Yard

The market yard was crowded with people everywhere. Some drivers were loading and unloading cargo — couples were chit-chatting with each other and farmers discussing with market members.

Gabriel sat at his shutter number 14 and was busy writing something in his bill book — Abhi and Akshara got there at the same time; He parked his truck near Shutter 14, and Akshara got off the truck. He was surprised to see them. TITLE was very pleased to see Gabriel; He jumped out of the truck and ran towards him wagging his tail. Gabriel smiled and ruffled his hair with much affection.

" This is very surprising to see you here, Abhi …" said Gabriel.

" — Akshaya ?" he asked again.

"Akshara" she said smiling.

— For a moment, everyone in the market yard was surprised to see them — they whispered to each other, wondering who was the girl who came along with Abhi. While they were busy guessing, Gabriel saw them, walked over to them, and led them to his room in the yard.

"— How is your trip" he asked, offering them a glass of water.

" It was amazing," Akshara said excitedly.

— While they were smiling at each other, slowly the market members started looking out the windows to see the couple, they were excited to meet Akshara.

" — it looks like a lot of people have come to see you …" said Gabriel, looking at the windows.

" — Come meet her …" he said to them.

Before he finished saying many people gathered in the room to see Akshara. They sat on the floor and waited to introduce themselves. Akshara smiled, she knew it was very common for the villagers rushing to see visitors who visit there for the first time.

Akshara was very active and could easily mingle with people. She introduced herself, and everyone sitting there got to know her so quickly. She became the centre of attraction.

— Time passed very quickly with their funny conversations, and one of the villagers intervened and said, " — Abhi is very lucky. He got a beautiful woman even though he could not speak ".

Akshara did not expect to hear it, she said immediately, "No… Abhi speaks."

— For a second, everyone there smiled, and some of them even laughed. They were not wrong either, because they had never seen Abhi talking. They believed for so many years that he could not speak.

— She looked at Abhi and said, "Abhi .. tell them you can talk"

Abhi wanted to talk, but there was already fear in him and he started to feel anxious— He walked out in silence without saying anything.

Akshara did not like it, and she felt humiliated.

— Gabriel did not expect that to happen, he gestured to everyone to leave.

Morning 10 AM:

Abhi sat near the bridge at the road and was tossing stones.

"— what has happened to you Abhi …" asked the Master from behind.

" — is Akshara angry with me …" he asked.

" — she will be fine. but she felt humiliated"

" I dropped her at my home, TITLE is also with her" he said.

"— hmm …" Abhi sighed.

" — Why don't you speak … I thought you were all normal. I expected you would speak"

"— you should change Abhi …" said the Master.

" I have tried so many times — what happens to me at that time is without my knowledge." he said sadly.

"— it's just an excuse" said the Master angrily.

" excuse … alright ... Everyone thinks it's an excuse."

" — Will do one thing Master … I will take you to a place …

" All you do is speak about yourself…" he said.

" — sure …" said the Master nodding his head.

Abhi took the Master with him in his truck. He searched everywhere and reached an unknown village where a meeting had taken place and a speaker was speaking on the stage.

Abhi got out of the truck, took Gabriel on the stage and walked back towards his truck.

Everyone in the meeting looked at Gabriel seriously. Suddenly, fear gripped him, he was afraid to speak, no one there knew him.

He said, "— Sorry — " and walked back to the truck.

— Gabriel sat quietly in the truck.

"— You did not talk there ..."

" Why were you afraid, it happened without your intention right ..."

"— the same thing happens to me Master, but with everyone, it's not an excuse" said Abhi, with tears in his eyes.

Gabriel realized how hard Abhi had been for so many years.

"— Sorry ... Abhi" he said ruffling his hair.

There Akshara was sitting on the terrace with TITLE and was looking out all corners. The place was pleasant with very few houses — it was located somewhere on the hillside and the whole village could be seen from there. TITLE was jogging all over the terrace.

" — It's all you did TITLE, if you would not have barked that day, I would not have met him at all" she said staring at him. TITLE stopped a second and continued jogging.

Here Abhi and Master reached the Market yard. They closed the shutter, parked the truck there and walked home.

Akshara saw someone coming towards the house — it was Abhi. He was coming along with the Master to see her. Abhi noticed her standing on the terrace and smiled at her, but Akshara did not smile — her expressions clearly showed that she was very angry with him. As Abhi was about to enter the house, Akshara ran to the front view of the terrace. She took a clip from her hair bun and threw it at him — Abhi looked up at her.

"— Don't come .. go … talk to yourself…" she shouted angrily.

"— I think you deserve this," Gabriel said with a laugh.


Abhi was standing outside the house and Akshara was in the room upstairs. She placed her hands close to her chin and was thinking deeply.

"— Are you thinking about Abhi?" asked the master standing near the door.

"— Hmm I thought he would talk today… but he didn't," she said.

"— Do you remember, you got angry when you saw Abhi talking to me because you only want him to talk to you. Today you are angry because you want him to talk to everyone," he said.

"—Sometimes I literally think he's acting — he has to change," she said.

"—No .. you have to change him,"

" If he's talking to you, it's because of you. If he talks to everyone, it must be because of you .." he said.

—Akshara thought twice—.

"— I know ... I know ... but he deserves to be punished for today's thing, let him hurt ..." he said and stepped downstairs.

Akshara opened the window's curtain to see Abhi — he was sitting near the tree plucking the leaf petals. She smiled but gave a little shake immediately and closed the curtain.

" — He deserves this ..." she said in her mind and lay down on the bed.

Evening 6.30 PM:

Akshara woke up, she did not know when she fell asleep. She rushed to the window curtain to see Abhi — he was still sitting under the tree. It reminded her the day when she met him. Abhi looked at her and smiled.

Akshara stepped down the stairs — Master was reading the newspaper like nothing had happened and TITLE was asleep.

" — are you forgiving him," he said behind the newspapers.

" no …" she said sharply and walked back to the bed.

The sky was covered with dark clouds and it started drizzling. Akshara slowly peeped through the curtain to see Abhi, he was drenching in the rain. Her heart melted. She rushed downstairs, but Master was busy cooking like he had nothing to do with Abhi.

— Here Abhi was staring intently at the house. He was hoping for her to forgive him. Suddenly, he noticed something, a hand came through the curtain and someone threw an umbrella at him. Abhi knew it was Akshara who had thrown it. He smiled and picked up the umbrella on the ground. Akshara peeped through the curtain and saw Abhi standing with an umbrella.

— Suddenly, it started raining cats and dogs. Akshara worried she wanted him to come inside the house.

" I should have said yes, when the master asked" she said in her mind and sat silently in the bed thinking what to do.

"— Akshara …" shouted Master.

Akshara gave a shake and rushed downstairs.

" — did you call me …" she asked.

" yes … I want to tell you something …"

" — you know I feel sometimes why me and Johnson did not Marry, it's because we have not found the right person in our life or God has not written a story for us"

" — but I know a story, the man you see outside, he is very kind, he loves a woman, he only spoke to her in his childhood … the girl is his only hope," he said and turned back.

" do not wait for someone to answer, just follow your heart …" he said again.

— Akshara rushed out of the house to see him without wasting a single moment. She ran to Abhi, who was eagerly waiting for her.

Abhi put an umbrella on her head and smiled. Akshara looked into his eyes and said, "Why didn't you go home?"

"— The reason for this is that my only hope is here," he said innocently.

Akshara hugged him tightly and said, "- I love you … I don't care if you talk to anyone or not …"

Abhi smiled and said, "I love you ..." He looked up at the sky again and said in his mind, "— Now don't bring me another problem ..."

Evening almost 7 P.M.

Gabriel sipped the tea from the rounded cup. He put it back on the table and looked at them.

" — Why don't you take her to the glow-hills. I think she will enjoy it" he said.

" Yeah … I thought the same …" said Abhi.

" — I will take care of TITLE,"

" You people carry on …" said Master.

" — Yeah … what do you think? asked Abhi, looking at the TITLE.

— TITLE barked as he was okay with the deal.

"go get your truck …" said the Master.

— Abhi was very excited. He rushed to the Market yard and returned back with his truck — Akshara was already waiting for him outside. It was almost quarter to seven. Abhi and Akshara got ready to go on a trip.

Master and TITLE stood by the front door. Master waved his hand at them — TITLE barked in his language — it meant a "bye".