Ash and dust of a burning soul

A sweet sonnet is surrounded by a note that surrounds the ears of those who witness it.

The cello played in an orchestra was the sound heard by Natasha.

Returning to consciousness, she takes a long time to get up.

She lies there for a moment, recovering her strength, lost by such effort.

- How can I be alive? - I think

I get up slowly, stumbling down my legs, staggering.

I lean on a car parked next to me, put my hands on my face to check that it wasn't a dream.

I stop and notice something lighting up the sky through a building.

Flashing lights approaching in the direction of confrontation.

I don't think twice and run out quickly, I was in a crossfire. When I see robots in the shape of beetles and bats they came to find me.

I throw myself, hiding in an alley. Waiting for the worst to pass.

- Why is this happening? - I think

I prepare myself for the fight, turning my attention to the historic artifice store.

I enter in the hope of finding something that serves as a defense.

I take two swords and go out into the danger, standing in the middle of the animal's cloud, coming to attack me. I lift and secure positioning in the fists, I move my eyes slowly, noticing each movement.

With the heart pounding in the chest, the war begins and the combat begins. I swing the swords hard.

- Let's get this over with - said Natasha

I turn twice and hit half the swarm, bursting into flames.

The floor is slippery with spilled oil, helping Natasha's performance. Bats flew in at the height of the lampposts, giving Natasha a chance to escape, with a mortal followed by a star hovering through the air. Stopping near the sidewalk, I run to get the swords back.

Without realizing how much time was left to defeat the monsters, one of them goes down and tries to hit my face, kind of dizzy with effort. I lean back and drop the animal with my legs.

I break the robotic prototype in half and all of a sudden they are all aggressive.

I run towards the buildings in order to lose track, not realizing that I was being monitored every step I traced, something was always a thousand steps ahead.

Insisting on the thought of escape, I have a strong determination to find a way out that is at least surprising and intelligent enough.

Returning to the center of the situation, I find my backpack that was lying on the clean ground a few meters from where I faced them.

In the meantime I was preparing for the worst, I feel for objects that can help me, I think. I act quickly on the counterattack.

Natasha walks slowly holding the lighter in her hands and with a simple movement she throws it on the floor full of liquid.

Everything burns and the animals leave to finish and work done. A part of me is covered by the burning of the flames and a feeling of courage takes over me.

The place clears and the electrical wires break, falling to the ground, I wait a moment and on my knees I end up staying and shake them.

I get to my feet without much effort, launching towards the robots whipping them. Packed by light and heat, some go straight to the fire, the others were taken by me to him.

- Anyway, I did it. said Natasha

I watch the fire burn, but I can't stay there, it was very dangerous, I was vulnerable.

The girl turns around and walks away, dropping everything back in the hope of a better future.

I hold my ax around my waist and swords on my back, leave for safety, away from the dangers of the avenues.

After spending a lot of time looking for a place, I found a house far from the tall buildings. It was quiet, simple and perfect.

- What I need now is rest. thought Natasha

I was exhausted, hungry for something to eat.

At the house I find food, clean clothes and a spectacular room to spend the night

When I stop to think about the whole trajectory up to that moment, it didn't occur to me why I was here.

As to why I was kidnapped and where I am, how I will face all the stages and evidence that are coming like bullets to the main target that is me. I lie on the bed staring, the ceiling slowly sinking into the soft, comfortable blanket.

- I need to find answers, before it's too late. said Natasha sleepily closing her eyes slowly

Natasha's dreams always meant something from her subconscious, they served as desires and desires that most affected her at the specific moment of her life.

The carnation and the daisy

"A second beat of the incessant anguishing heart of my feelings, they mix like drops of rain in the middle of the storm ... Being raised to the degree of solemnity of the daisy and the carnation, added to the flapping of the oak dust illuminated by the moonlight"

It meant the friendship established by Lilian and Natasha, the relationship of union and love built over the years, one protection from the other. Just like the sunflower and the sun.

For Natasha meaning the world and the stars of the galaxy for the girl, lost and alone in an unknown immensity.

With time pressing the clock hands, Natasha did not realize that the hours passed. Lulling herself into a gentle sleep, she wakes up anxiously, when something baffles her.

Falling to the dusty floor after falling off the bed. Everything was calm, she observes a yellow light emerging from the middle of the city. It ran from the height of the sky and burned the buildings' surface.

- I need to get out of here. I think

I collect some groceries and put them in the backpack, making room to fit everything.

I go out arranging my hair in a tight, straight bun, lifting the zipper of my boot at the knees.

I sigh tiredly, despite having slept for a long time, my body ached.

- I can't give up right now. I think

I dry the tears from my cheek, look around trying to be cautious and not face any danger.

A loud sound takes over the place, suddenly a strong wind preventing me from moving.

Thrown from a distance, Natasha realizes that they have only one choice.

I punch the ax against the asphalt and hold it tight. I was barely able to open my eyes, suddenly the winds stopped and a silence took over the environment. With my back to the asphalt, I push my legs up and get up.

- I'm already getting nervous - I say

Soon after, shuddering and starting to shake the ground breaking in half. Opening a large gap, Natasha's eyes widened, taking out her ax.

Meanwhile, the streets were forming cracks before and as Natasha ran to escape, her foot gets stuck in a crevice very close, making an effort to get out she almost sprains her ankle

- I need to be careful, any false move can cost everything. I think

I manage with a lot of effort to loosen myself and run running from side to side avoiding the holes left by the asphalt

Suddenly something unpredictable happens, when I was walking away, a huge precipice appears in front of me. I try to jump, but I realize that it is impossible.

I throw one of my swords and secure myself by climbing through the basement.

Natasha escapes using all her energy, traveling a long way with no destination in search of finding the reason to be there, some decision certain willing to get her out of this situation that seemed to get more and more complicated.

Standing in the middle of several cars she found herself lost, she knew in them she seemed to have a privileged view.

I could see my reflection in the building's mirror was destroyed, my favorite jeans were all torn. My face was dirty and with small cuts, the arms were hidden inside a singed jacket and equally punished by the earth on the shoulders.

At that moment, I cross my legs and tie my hair in two braids, facilitating my access to what was to come.

I keep thinking about the good times I spent with those I loved and that I would give everything to go back in time.

I am willing to look at the sky, check the position of the light. I deduce that it was already after three in the afternoon. I walk for a few meters and see a store, I notice that I'm thirsty, I'm looking for something to drink.

Inside the store I walk to the fridge to get a bottle of very cold water. I drink the rest and keep some in my backpack, grab some sandwiches and a bag of potatoes.

Day 02

I write in the diary to observe how my thoughts are going through all that I am living, without communication or sign of people.

I conclude that this city is abandoned. I am the only one here, and that every minute there is a disaster.

I must find a really safe place where I can go a few days without being attacked.

At sunset I search a small house, a few blocks from where I was. There, it would be a good shelter to spend the night, waiting to realize what I can call an incredible frightening set of deadly phenomena.