Love and Other Woman

It has been a month since Nina left Queen's. Her friends let her and didn't force her to come back.

Her parents didn't ask when she came and asked them to pack their things. She moved her family to a new apartment and rented a commercial space from the money she left from her parents. She would rebuild the ramen shop her grandmother gave them and the renovation was ongoing for three days now.

Alora invited her for dinner and she agreed to meet with them tonight. She knew that Andrew would be there but she didn't care. The rumor of him and her breaking up has been spread throughout the campus. It was funny since Andrew never confirmed nor denied their relationship and they already broke up even before she was announced as his fiance.

"You've been looking at yourself for more than two hours already but you still couldn't figure out what to wear. Look at your room! I'm going to clean up your mess again!" Her mom scolded her.