Don't Let Go

"Are you cheating on me?" She yelled at him.

He frowned. "W-What?"

"Answer me! Are you cheating on me with that bitch?"

Nina was fuming with anger. She wanted to slap Belinda in the face and punch Andrew. She had enough of being the obedient wife.

"N-No, I-I'm not!" He stammered.

"I'm tired of this, Andrew. If you want me to suffer like this, why don't you just kill me?" She said, then burst out crying.

Andrew's eyes widened. Seeing her like that felt like he wanted to die. He rushed into her and pulled her into his arms.

"Nina, please don't cry like that. I'm not cheating on you. Please don't cry."

"Then why are you with her and not with me? I was mad because you lied to me. All I needed was an explanation and an apology, but what did you do? You threatened me. You said you loved me, but why are you hurting me like this? You promised me! You promised me at our wedding!" She said while crying her heart out.