Opening his eyes Will was dumbfounded to see a room full of people, He thought he was already dead but what the heck was this?

He looked left and right to determine what situation he was in and got the idea.

'Is this supposed to be Hell or something...' his thoughts were interrupted by the scream of agony.


when he looked in that direction he saw a man kneeling next to bedridden woman and crying, tears were coming out of his eyes like endless river, he was repeating one word all this time.


Will understood that this was his new body's mother, who was the man crying for, and probably he was now his father.

Will felt sorry for him but still continued to look around hoping to get the idea of where he was.

It was small room about 25 quadratic meters but there were 6 people excluding Will. two were crying, one was the man who screamed some time ago and another was a girl crying silently but looking at her eyes one could see her innermost feelings, she looked like 6 years old and was quite cute to say at least.

Another two had sad expressions but they weren't crying they were just standing still like they were frozen, one of them was a man and another woman.

As for the other two, they were both women, one of them was holding Will, probably a midwife and another was standing next to the bedridden woman but the next moment she started nearing the two who weren't crying.

"I did all I could but still she is gone" said the woman addressing the two, hearing this woman wanted to yell at her but stopped after stern gaze of the man.

"please check the boy again, just to be sure he is alright and not inherited his mother's symptoms, and why isn't he crying?" said the man. The woman nodded and headed to the baby.

Will of course couldn't understand what they were talking about and thought ' what is she going to do?'

When she finally came she placed her hand on Will's stomach and did something Wiil would never forget, both of them started to shine with green light, it was like green light was protecting them.

Will's whole world just turned around, he was so shocked he almost forgot to breathe.

'did I got reincarnated in another world with magic like in the novel I often read?' he wondered, but next moment light dimmed down and finally disappeared, he felt good while he was coated in the green light he felt peaceful and protected, he wanted more Hence he started to giggle hoping he would get next batch of magic, alas his hopes got crushed when he saw the Magician woman go in the direction of seemingly couple.

"He is fine but I don't know why he isn't crying, his hibernation process should start in period of 1 hour" Magician said.

"at least some good news, thank you for your work, I think after he falls asleep you can leave" the man said in response and magician woman nodded.

'Mother if not in the past life at least in this life I can live up to your expectations' Will thought

'I should learn their language fast and also how to read, to learn about their magic'

The father and the girl were still crying but stopped soon and looked at Will with determined faces, one could see that they weren't angry or wanted to avenge their loved one, most likely they wanted to fulfill her last wish.

Will couldn't see it and felt like he was done but next moment his now father came and lifted him in the air and looked at him straight in the eyes and said "your name shall be Malakai...."

Hearing this, except little girl everyone got expressions of shock, they couldn't believe what they were hearing but after a few seconds another man asked "Are you sure Allaric?"

"yes, absolutely"

"But it's basically saying that your son is going to be a hero, he might be bullied for that, think about his future!" shouted another woman

Alaric smiled and said pointing at his son "Look at him, he is like a matured man, after all, he didn't even cry, he will surely live up to his name "

Will seeing everyone's shocked faces and their argument wondered what was happening 'what the heck is going on, should I cry or something to calm them down?' but he felt something from his own body bugging him.

'What's going on?' he felt pain from the middle of his lungs but not on the heart level, ache was coming from a slightly lower position, below Aorta.

He could feel something there, he could tell that it was small tiny ball-shaped object and it was calling for him making him want to sleep but Will was still resisting and just like that, 1 hour passed.

In the meantime, others took care of the dead mother and started arguing again, they mostly talked about Malakai's future but after one hour they started worrying, they knew that every newborn boy would fall into a hibernation state within 1 hour but looks like Will had other plans.

10 minutes..... 20 minutes... 25 minutess

Everyone was worried sick and kept asking Magician woman the same question over and over again "what's going on, why isn't he sleeping?" at this point, even the woman didn't what was wrong but kept reassuring them that everything was ok and that they shouldn't worry but inside she was storming her brain for reasons that might let her get ahold of the situation.

On the other side, Will was trying everything to not give in and think of ways to get out of this mess. ' argh.. this thing isn't giving up but if this is going to continue like it is what will happen? probably I will fall asleep'

'I think this shit is sucking every ounce of energy out of me and also I can somehow feel the same thing happening to the world in a small distance from me'

'Should I try and help it channel energy out of the world?' he was thinking of everything that might happen but alas he knew nothing of this world 'fuck it, I have nothing to lose even if I die I might be reincarnated again so let's try this ' finally deciding Will dived into the task, he could feel how the energy was sucked into his body and tried to help it by guiding energy to the core.


everyone witnessed a miracle, the baby which they were worrying so much about, with a loud boom, started glowing with golden light, it was a breathtaking sight but after 3 seconds it died down and baby also had fallen asleep but no one moved they were frozen in one place while shivering and trembling, eventually, the man spoke but he wasn't Malakai's father:

"Di..d... did you guys feel that too?!" he stuttered

"Yes, but what it was?" asked Allaric.

"I think I might know the answer but even I can't believe it's true" said the Magician woman and everyone's gaze turned at her clearly demanding an answer. she didn't mind this and answered their question.

"Do you know why only newborn boys need to hibernate and not the girls?" not letting anyone answer she continued "because boys need more energy since they have much stronger body than the girls, in our spices at least, and they get that energy through hibernation, which lasts one month, and small amount of time while they are awake after they are born so my theory is that your son somehow managed to exponentially increase the size of obtained energy and his core's capacity in the awakened state. in theory, that should help him greatly even get him close to second grade but that is theory and nothing more I can't tell you what is really going to happen all I can do is check him from internal injuries and heal them"

everyone's jaw has been dropped...that kid managed to be born from a sick mother and not cry and even do something like this while being alive for only 1 hour and 45 minutes.... it was just too crazy for everyone even his father. after few seconds everyone turned to see a father of the main hero of the day, they gave him a weird look and wondered if he knew something since he gave a special name because of that, but they could only think back at everything that happened today and understand that Allaric had no idea what was going to happen so they discarded their doubts and looked at the one who made all this mess.

Looking at the peacefully sleeping child's body they could do nothing but smile and feel proud of the kid. they didn't know why they felt like that but they still did and naming kid Malakai didn't feel so bad.

"Little brother Kai.... sounds great to me" said 6 years old girl while smiling broadly.

"Great nickname Meira" praised father.

Everyone nodded in agreement.