
Kai was in the middle of a training session with his father.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Sounds of wooden swords hitting each other were spreading through whole backyard.

Kai could be seen struggling to block all of Allaric's attacks, he wanted to counterattack but wasn't getting any chance to do so. It was like his father could see in the future and respond the best way possible.

Allaric was constantly pressuring him by aiming for his vitals. His fast movements and his strength didn't make it any easier for kai to respond.

'Such an overwhelming strength... is every male Fure this powerful? ' Kai thought with admiration and a slight bit of envy.

'This is not a time to think of that... I should find a way to counter' He searched for any gap in defense but unfortunately found none.

Allaric moved swiftly, not making any unnecessary steps. His swordsmanship beat Kai's in every aspect- Control, unpredictable patterns, speed, strength, and beauty. His mastership was truly a sight to see.

'What do I do now? I can't find any vulnerability in his form and it's not like I can create one with my pitiful strength ' That was when it clicked in, he realized something and a plan formed in his head.

He couldn't create one with his strength but he could with his weakness.

Allaric was barraging Kai with strikes when he saw his defenses crumbling. Kai was currently blocking Allarics attacks with seemingly last bit of strength.

'Is this because he still lacks familiarity with his core's power?' Allaric thought.

He swung his sword where Kai's liver should be diagonally from left to right but to his surprise, Kai smirked and crouched.

When the sword passed him, he quickly stepped forward to close the distance between them as he still had short arms.

He thrust with his sword forward and then...


Both of them were so surprised by the result they stood still for a couple of seconds before Kai broke the silence by shouting.

"Yeeesss.....Finally, I did it, I won" Kai was so happy he started jumping up and down with his hands held up in a winning manner.

Allaric let the kid have his moment and finally said.

"Good job... You got me there, but that won't happen again" and messed with his hair.

"We'll see about that..." Replied Kai with a confident smirk.



"Don't overestimate yourself, Kai" Condemned Allaric and slapped him on the back of his head.

Kai, in turn, pouted but didn't argue back because he knew that his father was right and that he still had a long way to go.

"Universe is endless space with a lot of amazing people... There always is someone stronger than you...." Allaric wanted to continue but was interrupted by Kai.

"Talking about the universe... When should I go to aunt Cass?" Asked Kai as he remembered his father's words.

"Oh... I will call her right now and ask if you can go" And then Allaric reached out to his pocket and took out a whitely glowing shell.

If not for the glow, it looked like a completely normal seashell.

Allaric held it close to his ear and at the exact same moment, it started to change colors. 2 seconds after, it finally stopped on the red color.

Kai stared at his father with a puzzled expression, he didn't understand what his father was doing. From the outside, from Kai's view, it seemed like Allaric was just holding the shell while doing nothing.

But soon enough He understood weird behavior of his father.

'Is that some kind of cell phone?... It has to be! but why isn't he talking?... Can they communicate telepathically using that seashell? '

After 2 minutes of waiting and craking his brain for answers, Allaric turned around to face Kai while pocketing his shell and was going to say something but was interrupted.

"Father, did you just talk to aunt Cass with that seashell of yours?... And can it connect to minds somehow?" Kai asked but regretted it instantly because the second part was too complicated question for 4 years old kid to know something about how seashell might work.

But Allaric didn't think of that much and answered "Yes and yes, It is actually shell from tier-1 beast, Mind Mollusk. By the way, they have strong mental abilities, for tier-1, and can call upon their friends whenever they want"

Kai's eyes were brimming with excitement, He learned so much only by listening to 2 sentences. Now he was anticipating more the conversation with Cass.

'I can't wait... finally, I'll get to know more of this world. What are beast tiers, how are people able to travel from planet to planet, human capabilities, our capabilities and more...' He thought. By now it was clear that he forgot about almost blowing his cover by the question.

Allaric could see the enthusiasm coming from Kai and he was happy to know that his son was interested in beasts and abilities as it was his job-related topic so he wanted to tell him everything about it.

Alas, he needed to go hunting the same beasts he wanted to talk about but before that he said.

"You can go there in 2 hours but your sister is also coming"

"Why is sister May coming?" Asked Kai with pure interest and puzzlement.

"HAHAHA... Kai, you are 4 years old what were you expecting?" laughed Allaric.

'Yeah I completely forgot about that' Kai thought with visible disappointment but he was still looking forward to knowing more about the world.

It was another world but everyone still cared for their children and defended them from danger.

2 hours passed like a breath. After sparring they had breakfast and Allaric soon left for his job.

During those 2 hours, Kai studied the alphabet of Fure's language. It was actually pretty easy, only consisting of 25 letters.

But when he tried to read sentences their construction was complicated and made it hard for Kai. But it was still manageable.

In the meantime, Meira did chores and prepared for a visit. Apparently, Girls were still girls in this world as she couldn't find a fitting dress for 40 minutes!! and eventually, still chose the first one.

Kai also prepared himself. He put on light brown leather pants, a dark green shirt with long sleeves, and black shoes. In the end, he looked like a child with a mature taste in clothes as most of the children always wore flashy clothes.

By the way, his looks changed considerably because of reincarnation. Except for being a baby, he now has short dark-blonde wavy hair like a lion. His hair starts black and changes to blonde as it grows.

His eyebrows were fairly big with the same color as hair but mostly black. His eyes were unique as they had golden-like color making them sight to see. Underneath the left eye, he had a tiny little mole that suited him charmingly.

His cheeks were still big and soft as he was a 4-year-old boy. Kai's body would have shocked anyone from his past life but to his surprise, it was considered normal here.

To say shortly, Kai now has an athletic body of a 7-year-old boy from the earth.

As for sister May, she was a beauty, Actually, Kai had never seen an ugly looking Fure woman in all his time spent here, but even in this beautiful society she still looked gorgeous by the race's standards.

She was 12 years old and had a slim body with high potential;) and cute face of an angel but that wasn't the only angelic thing about her. Her main charm laid in her smile which was worth going war against the world. It was so bright and filled with kindness that she could have ended world wars with a single smile.

But if she was angry... oh boy... you should pray to gods not to be the target of her wrath.

She had dark wavy hair which she inherited from her mother and also blue eyes like a sea filled with care and concern.

Allaric, on the other hand, was matured version of Kai. He also had lion-like hair but it wasn't wavy like Kai's, it was straight. His eyebrows were the same as his son's but he didn't have that strange and magnificent golden eyes which Kai had, nor kai's mother, and that greatly concerned him.

He, in turn, had dark green beautiful eyes which were always overshadowed by his muscular body. He didn't have any distinctive facial features but he was still fairly handsome.


"Kai, come on, we should hurry if we don't want to be late" Meira shouted to reach her brother as she was outside already.

"I am coming...." Kai responded while opening the door of their house and quickly closing it afterward.

"Does she live far away?" Kai asked in a childish manner as it was already a habit of his.

"Yep, aunt Cass likes ... let's say livelier places as it is better for her job..." Replied Meira with an awkward smile.

"How long will it take to get to her place?" Asked Kai in anticipation.

"About half an hour if we take up the pace" She answered remembering the place they had to go.

'Only half an hour and I'll be able to get to know this world so much better... I can't wait ' Enthaustically thought Kai...