Falling Tree and soaring skill

The blow landed on the tree making a cut so deep that the head of the axe went almost entirely into the trunk, both Ryu and Clark had eyes wide open in surprise. The difference between a blow devoided of technique and one using it is really impressive.

What impressed Ryu, even more, was the small screen that appeared before him.


A single blow was all that took to raise the level of his skill by one level.

This was only possible because the tips he received made several corrections in his posture, allowing him to make a strike far above his beginner level 1 skill, raising the level of the skill.

A bright light shone in his eyes when his pupils dilated in excitement, he is eager to strike again and see how far his skill would reach.

He removed the axe from the trunk applying force to release it from the trunk, he prepared for another strike. Replicating the whole process to use the axe he made another strike.

This time there was no sign of the skill. This did not diminish his mood, he recovered the axe and made another blow.


Without wasting time he continued to strike the tree, blow after blow.


A cracking sound came from the pine tree indicating the process of fall, his inexperience made him not react in time and he pulled the axe for another blow. Before he could do it he was interrupted.

"Stop." Clark yelled loud, Ryu paused the axe midair and gave a look to the man at his side.

Clark extended his big hand pushing Ryu closer.

The sound was getting louder and the tree falling slowly and safely in the opposite direction. It landed with a loud *BOOM* that echoed far, followed by the sound of birds flying in all directions until silence returned.

"Your skill is still lame, but you have talent." Clark gave a compliment.

"It's thanks to your teachings." Ryu returned the compliment.

Clark puffed out his chest, he was very proud of himself. To receive the praise of a cultivator is something he never dreamed of in his life, even if coming from a young one is a feat he would remember and boast for years.

In the eyes of common people, a cultivator is a godly being with immense power and secret techniques that completely defy nature, to be able to teach something to a cultivator is not something that occurs.

Even if the common people have the knowledge to teach something a cultivator would not accept receiving lessons from a commoner. They would try to find the knowledge in their own system or seek another cultivator to teach them.

They went to cut the tree in smaller pieces suitable to use in the roofs, Ryu slicing the trunk in sections a cut that requires strength and little technique and Clark the cuts along the length making pieces that demand high technique.

It took a whole day to prepare just one tree, by the end of the day they had many large pieces of wood to use in the repairs. Both men were satisfied with the results of the day, for a different reason, still, they were satisfied.

By the end of the evening they decided to put an end to the job and start to carry the wood, they picked a large piece and carried it back on their shoulder, each one on an end of the large wood piece.

The smaller pieces that fit in a ring were carried by Ryu in his ring, but the larger piece could not be put inside. The rings can store a large amount of material, but they had their own capabilities after all.

They reached the village carrying the large piece, they would take the rest tomorrow, cut the woods had exhausted them.

Clark was glad about the unexpected help, normally it would take days just to prepare the wood but now it was done in just a single day. The people of the village would be glad to, every day the roof keep unprotected is a day they risk their lives if another storm comes before the repair was done their belongings could be destroyed.

When he reached the village a screen sent a message and he opened the notifications.


Axe Mastery skill upgraded to intermediate level 1

Quest complete ->reward: 200 exp

Total exp 842 of 1100


The rewards of the day were impressive, 200 exp points in a single day of work provided him more exp in a single day than every quest he has done until now. Except for that disastrous quest to kill a dog, that quest gave a large amount of exp but there is no way one could be doing quests like that all the time.

The axe mastery skill upgrading to intermediate level was a pleasant surprise he was not expecting, he learned a new way to increase their levels in a very quick way.

When Ryu reached the village following Clark in the rear end of a large log people looked at him and they couldn't hide their surprise. The firsts to see him went running somewhere.

He was expecting this reaction, more specifically this reaction was within his calculation. He left the village in the morning smoothly, inducing people to think he went to never come back.

This was a strategy he made to toy with their feelings, to be accepted by these people he would have to overcome their preconceptions over a cultivator and make them understand that he is not here to relax and enjoy the view.

Last day they have made preparations to deal with him, everybody he met was treating him as a lord, being overly respectful, something a young man is not used to.

They were probably thinking he was examining the village and would leave soon now they would have to rethink his intention in the village, and consequently how to deal with him.

After delivering the wood in a pile, Clark invited Ryu to a dinner in his house. He can't properly pay for the day of work, this remote village doesn't even have a marketplace and the currency is shabby, to say the least.

Pay a dinner is the minimum he could do to repay the favour. Barely knew Clark that this payment was much better than if he pays in real money.

The payment of one day will no sum much, but the opportunity to interact with more people is a valuable reward.

That night he ate at Clark's house, he met his wife and his son. They laughed about the firsts strike on the tree, and Ryu played a game with the restive 8 years old kid.

He went to the tavern and apologized to Susan to take the axe without asking. She scolded him for not telling him he would go to the forest, she would have packed a lunch for him. The woman was treating him as her grandson.

The second day is gone and progress is substantial, he was really impressed with Nura. But he would not say it to the man when they met, he doesn't want to encourage arrogance.

Or he does not want to admit defeat to the other, admit he is less wise.