
A quest which Ryu wasn't expecting for surged, with a completion reward of 450 this was the second most valuable quest he got, the first being the one to fight a berserker hound dog a battle that nearly got him killed.

When he first heard that there could be danger in the forest and the villagers were trusting him to protect these people, he wasn't much concerned about it, he was just thinking that if a beast appears he would deal with it on the spot.

But, a quest appeared offering a large number in reward, he felt an ominous shiver running down his spine. He was eager to get these points in exp, but this time it won't be just him in danger, he would be risking the lives of others. If it was the mission was to just fight a rank 0 beast it would be fine, but he had no confidence in dealing with a beast while protecting others.

A thought of canceling the trip crossed his mind, he was almost saying that they should stop and go back.

However, before he could say anything, Rose said awakening him from this train of thought.

"You don't need to worry so much, the beasts on this path aren't strong. They represent a danger to the man of the village even so they can deal with them, as for you, they shouldn't mean a threat at all.

If we end up meeting one on the way, you can just say and we turn around running back the very moment."

"How do you know that i can face them, just because I am a cultivator doesn't mean that I have the power to handle a beast." Ryu could not understand how they trusted him to defend the group based on the single fact he was a cultivator.

Even if he had the power to do defend them, there was a chance he might be a coward and abandon the group when facing danger.

"That might very well be true, but Clark spoke on your behalf and he was emphatic in defending you. So they decided to trust you, of course I'm also responsable for the safity of the group and if I sense any danger, I will comand us back." Rose was very gentle with her words which made Ryu feel comfortable having someone so reliable in the group.

At this moment Mary appeared with an angry look on her face, she grabbed Ryu by the hand and pull him by the hand.

"C'mom Ryu I will guide you." she said taking the front lead of the group, when they were three steps ahead, she turned her head back and gave Rose a narrow-eyed stare that if anyone could be killed with a look, Rose would drop dead on the spot.

Rose gave a gentle smile in response while thinking; 'she is so honest, I hope she doesn't get herself hurt.'.

With Mary leading the way they went deep to the forest, following a small trail, the whole time Ryu kept vigilance on every corner afraid that a beast could be lurking, waiting to launch a surprise attack.

For Two times he stopped the group when he saw something moving ahead, he made them stop and wait behind while he went ahead to check what was there. But on these two occasions what was ahead were just harmless animals, one time it was a deer and the other was a hare.

He saw these two animals only because of his enhanced eyesight provided by the skill, they were so far and so out of the path that the group was impressed with his ability. They were unable to understand how he had seen it so clearly while no one in the group could.

The confidence they had in him raised dramatically after this, they began to pay utter respect to the orders he gave, no one daring to disobey when he says to stop.

Except for Clark's son, the kid was totally incapable of remaining still for more than a fraction of seconds, luck they have Rose on the group to keep watch on the kid.

The one to show more enthusiasm with his display of talent was naturally Mary, she wasn't missing an opportunity to praise Ryu.

Sometime later they crossed a more densely packed forest, behind it a lake with crystalline water was revealed, a 5 meters waterfall falling from the top of gray rocks making a constant and hypnotic sound.

Even Ryu, who doesn't have much interest in nature, had to admit that this place was beautiful and relaxing, it was a good decision to come here.

The water of this lake is originated in a not-so-far mountain in a pool of hot water that comes from the ground and it goes losing heat until it reaches this lake, with a mild temperature.

They stayed on this lake all afternoon, sometimes enjoying the water sometimes relaxing on the shore, the youngest playing without a moment of rest. Mary stayed with Ryu the whole time, but every time she approached, Rose appeared out of nowhere to keep watch, Clark's son was also an omnipresent person.

When the sun made a signal to take its rest the group prepared to leave. The younger ones protested to not leave, they begged Ryu to bring them another time.

They went back the same path they used to come, but this time they were relaxed and carefree.

This was until they hear the sound of something grunting in some distance, it was a loud and aggressive sound made by some beast. When they heard the sound Ryu assumed the forefront and the others reunited in a packed group, they had scared facial expressions.

A sword appeared in Ryu's hand, whatever it was that comes he would take it head-on.

"Don't worry if something approaches I will take care of it, let's procced carefully" he tried to calm them without much success.

"This is sound is not from a normal beast, everyone knows this sound in our village. It belongs to an iron skin boar, a beast that exists for years and occasionally attacks the village destroying plants, killing animals, and attacking people when it has a chance.

I told you before that you can handle every beast in this place easily but this one is different it is an evolved one, I don't know what we can do now." Rose reached Ryu and explained the situation to him.

Nodding in understanding he sent her back to the group, made them remain still when he encircled the place, going to where the sound came. An evolved beast means that it is probably a rank 1 beast, and Ryu was not confident that he could fight one yet.

He was encircling the spot when he saw a trail of blood, he followed the trail crouched, and found a part of an animal torn apart, it was the head of the deer he found early. The iron skin boar killed the animal and was now eating it.

He went back to the group and made his most confident face.

"It is okay, the iron skin boar is eating something, we will make a detour and avoid while it is distracted."

He pulled Rose to the side and said for her.

"If the boar comes you take them and run without looking back. I will hold the boar, I am not confident that I can kill it but I can at least hinder it while you escape." he asked and she gave no response, fear has handled her.

"Are you fine? Do you understand me?" she turned to herself when she noticed he was calm and focused.

She nodded her head, indicating agreement, and they started walking again.