
The quest appeared and it was on with a good reward, though it was not enough to change his mood. In truth Ryu Sei was tired of this type of quest, he was jumping from job to job while doing quests that leaves him with a taste of dissatisfaction.

It is not a matter of not getting enough reward for the jobs, the whole point is that he is feeling like every single day he deviates more and more from the path of cultivation. If things continue like this he would end up turning into a legendary farmer.

Nura sent him here to get levels, fast, the pace he was acquiring exp had indeed improved in comparison with the exp he was getting from the sect's quests. However it was still far from what he had in mind when he came to this village, this was not how one should be cultivating, he was living a lie.

In this state of dismay, Ryu Sei went to the quarry, it was far more distant than he thought it would be. It was near a mounting, a hill with gray rocks beyond the forest, a place where the landscape change.

Ryu didn't know anything about extracting stones, he had no clue what to do here, in fact, he doesn't even know why he had offered to come to this quarry when he had no qualification to do the job. It was something different from when he went to act as a lumberjack or when he helped on the farm, he had never done those jobs either, but they were much more intuitive.

You see a tree and hit it with the axe, the theory is just this simple, the job at the farm had its own simplicity too. He discovered in those two jobs that technique played a major role when Clark thought him how to use the axe properly, the task became much easier and he experienced huge growth, something like that had also happened on John's farm.

This job, on the other hand, was something totally different, he had a hammer and had the quarry, but what to do? It isn't something as simple as just hit the quarry and collect the broken stones.

Ryu did what every other person would do in that situation, he asked someone to teach him.

A fat man, and very strong, took the task of instructing him his name is Kevin and he is a roisterer by nature. When Ryu approached him and said he had never done this before and doesn't know what to do, the man laughed loudly.

"You offered to come just for the fun of it. You are trully a fantastic man, I should instruct you on how a party should be when we go back.". He is a man that likes to talk much and make fun of everything, but he has a good heart and takes his job with seriousness.

Kevin instructed Ryu on the job and stood at his side pointing what he should be doing, just like a beginner is taught. He learned to use a stake to make line cracks and break the rocks the correct shape, his lesson also included how to control his strength, hitting harder wasn't beneficial for the job.

After swinging the hammer some time Ryu remembered his time with Clark and asked Kevin if his work with the hammer was right.

"It is one of the worst I have ever seen in my life." Kevin said laughing loud, he would not lose the opportunity to make fun of something.

"Here, look. You are using an axe techinique with the hammer, that won't do. With the hammer you have to make the grip wide, there shouldn't be use of the waist and body rotating and the your base should be a little closer to control the hammer better." Kevin gave a lecture while demonstrating every flaw Ryu was making.

Ryu picked the hammer and gave started to swing it, trying his best to do it like instructed. Few swings later and a screen notification.

< Hammer Mastery (Beginner) level 7 acquired.>>

The skill was created and it was already in level 7, this unexpected development was well received. But with not much enthusiasm it was another skill in weapon mastery that would be useless in the future, he would not be using a hammer to fight in the future and hopefully, he is not going to be extracting stone in the future.

They have extracted just a few stones and were preparing to take them in a carriage to carry it to the village. When Ryu absorbed the stones in his ring saying he could carry the stones in without delaying the group they rejoiced, it would make the reinforcement much faster than expected.

At the end of the day, they have collected quite a sum of stones and went back to the village.

In Ryu's notification tab.


Hammer Mastery skill upgraded to intermediate level 1

Quest complete: Extract stone on the quarry to reinforce the fence.

Reward 300 exp

total exp 330 / 1300


They reached the village under cries of joy, they should have arrived hours ago after extracting a handful of stones and return with the carriage. But they used the opportunity provided by Ryu and his miraculous ring to stay and collect the greatest number of stones they could.

Meanwhile, people were worried that the group had been attacked and decimated, they were already preparing for a funeral when the group reached. The reception turned into a crying party.

The villagers noticed there were no stones in the carriage, they started to question if they were attacked.

When Ryu extracted the stones from his ring forming pillage of stones they had shocked expressions on their faces.

Kevin lost no time, he appeared with a barrel full of wine and they started a celebration just like he had promised Ryu earlier. At first, Ryu was confused as to why the party when they were so scared with the boar roaming, then he understood when he saw everyone face dancing happily, they were celebrating to get an escape from the tension brought by the iron skin boar.

Mary didn't miss the opportunity as she grabbed Ryu by the hand and pulled him to dance under the watchful eyes of John and his wife, every time he tried to take advantage, one of them appeared out of nowhere to splash cold water.

That was a night of happiness, a brief pause of the daily strenuous routine.

It was Ryu's first time getting drunk in his life, Kevin kept bringing him wine and telling joke after joke. The villagers have accepted him as part of their lives.

The next day he waked in his bed with a crushing headache, the memory of a part of the night has been lost and he doesn't even know how he had reached his bed. When he left his room he passed by some people, they greeted him as of greeting a long-time acquaintance still respectfully, the social barrier had been lifted.

It is a misfortune that he has achieved his goal when the village shut close, for the rest of the week he got any quest.