Silver Wolf

A perfect opportunity for a fair fight is not something that happens commonly, two opponents with compatible strength had to meet in a situation that one doesn't have an advantage in numbers. One can point the pack as an advantage on the wolf side, but this group of normal wolves won't offer much help in this fight, they would probably just watch the fight from the sides.

Ryu extracted the tassets belt from his ring and attached it around his waist, the leather armor he was already using under his robes from the very beginning, he had two pieces of armor, he had no reason to not using them. He finished his preparation to fight by taking the sword in his hand when a voice came from the hole above.

"This is the guy I was talking, he is strong, let's run." Cahya said exiting the hole worried about Ryu's safety. He swore to protect her, but this is a beast at the absolute peak of rank 0, she was not expecting him to face such a beast for her.

"I said I will protect you, take your time and collect your feathers. And don't meddle into my fight, okay." Ryu yelled back to Cahya.

Cahya was surprised with his response, had he failed to realize the strength of his foe? But since he gave a direct order she would respect him, but she stood to watch the fight prepared to jump in if necessary.

Cahya said softly, to herself: "Now he is trying to impress me with strength. Guys..."

Ryu went for the first strike taking the lead of the fight, he gave a step forward slashing from up to down bringing a gush o wind with the sword. The wolf jumped to the side, easily dodging the sword, it immediately lunged forward aiming to bite Ryu's elbow.

With a step further Ryu dodged the bite, he made a turn throwing the sword fast on the wolf's face, the wolf answered lowering its head, skipping the sword by one centimeter, fur strands were left flying, showing the sword passed so close that it had actually cut the wolf's fur. The wolf took the chance to send its sharp claws into Ryu's belly.

Ryu was in a bad position to react to this attack, the wolf's claws passed through his belly, producing a cutting sound. Ryu jumped backward separating from his foe, he looked down and saw his robes with three cuts from side to side, luckily the leather armor had protected him, and the cut had stopped on his armor.

Cahya jumped in fright, a shriek escaped her mouth, and her heart raced as she saw the wolf landing a hit on Ryu, she was preparing to run after him, but she paused seeing he had no injuries and his complexion was tranquil.

The first exchange of blows was just to test the opponent's strength, and Ryu was on the losing end, the wolf's main attribute was its speed, just like Ryu, but it was clear that the silver beast had more experience fighting than he does. He was thinking in spend the remaining 10 points he has to distribute, to get the upper hand, but he decided to postpone this decision, he was aiming to fight more to get better feedback to distribute his points.

Ryu chanced his stance for a more defensive one, taking the lead he ended with a cut on his belly, he was aiming to see if a counter-attack would work better. He placed the sword on his front blocking the path of the wolf, inviting it to attack.

The wolf as if understanding that it was his time to take initiative rushed in encircling Ryu, the wolf found a gap, and shortened distance throwing its claw at Ryu's side. Ryu gave a step front shortening distance, the claw attack passed on the void, the wolf realized its mistake trying to jump out of Ryu's reach.

However, Ryu's sword was already moving close to the ground approaching the wolf from below, the sword got closer to the wolf and raised to an upward arc, a torrent of cold air followed slash's arc with small ice crystal forming. At the same time, the wolf jumped to the side to dodge the slash, when it landed on the floor the wolf arched to the side in pain revealing it was caught midair, on its side a cut was visible, but there was no blood leak, as a block of ice formed along the cut.


Ryu took the opportunity provided by the moment of distraction from the wolf in pain, he advanced with his sword above his head, the wolf made a clumsy dodge losing balance. Ryu stepped in front launching a thrust attack at the waist of the wolf, piercing.

This time blood started to flow immediately, and the wolf lost balance falling to the ground. Ryu prepared his sword to land a fatal blow on the wolf, but when he was about to descend his sword a small wolf came running his way making him jump back to dodge the wolf.

The whole pack came after the first one, to stand before their leader, they were howling at Ryu. The leader raised with difficulty, grabbed the small wolf in its front using its jaw, and throw the small wolf to the side, then the leader howled to the pack making them retreat.

At first, Ryu thought the leader wishes to continued fighting, but the big wolf came struggling in front of him and lowered its head. Ryu understood the wolf leader was offering its life in exchange for the pack.

Ryu continued to look from above at the big wolf kneeling in his front, then he retracted his sword giving a step back. The wolf raised its eyes to Ryu, it turned back to the pack and went away walking with only three of its legs.

Cahya came descending the rocks fast, she slipped on a rock falling on her back, Ryu grabbed her by the hand helping her to stand up.

"Are you okay?" Ryu asked.

"Yes, thanks. Why are you letting that silver wolf go? You won the fight." Cahya said indignantly to see Ryu spared the wolf, a beast that has tormented her for days.

"It's okay it won't come after you anytime soon. Are you finished with your feathers?" Ryu asked.

"No. I was watching your fight." Cahya said.

"So you are saying that you were worried with me. Hmmmm." Ryu took the chance to tease Cahya.

Cahya went back to the hole to fetch the remaining feathers while Ryu was left to think about his fight. He decided to spare the wolf, mostly because his quest was just to protect Cahya and he would not get more points for killing the wolf. Part of his reason to spare the beast was that he felt like an overlord when the wolf kneeled in his front, and the remaining of his motivation is because he found the wolf a magnificent creature, he doesn't need more motif than this to spare the beast.


Quest Completed: Protect Cahya from the wolf pack while she collects feathers.

Reward: 420 exp

Total exp: 1380 of 1600