A crazy man

After some inspection, Ryu concluded that Feng Po was just a crazy man. How can a dagger he got from Clark be a priceless treasure?

"Still nothing, kid?" Feng Po said in a mocking tone.

"First of all, let's stop this think of calling me, kid. I have a name which is Ryu Sei. And, second, I am not a fool to fall on your prank, this is just a normal dagger, it is a good one, but that's all." Ryu said.

"Hahaha, calling you kid is already good enough for you. Even after I said it was a treasure, you still can't see it, truly blind. Hand me the knife." Feng Po said, laughing at Ryu's face.

Then Ryu gave the dagger back to Feng Po and kept watching, though he believed that nothing would happen, expectation still ruled over. But to his astonishment, Feng Po picked the dagger and placed it in his sleeve.

"Hey, what are you doing with my knife?" Ryu asked, showing his anger.

"You said it was just a normal knife. Why do you mind if I take it for me?" Feng Po said.

"That's not the point here. That dagger was a gift from a friend, and even it has no value, I would still keep it safe." Ryu said, extending his hand to receive the dagger back.

Then, Feng Po got the dagger in his hand, and the metal started to emit a light making the faint decoration above the rust regain its prime beauty. Next, Feng Po moved his hand, throwing the dagger at one side of the cave.

Surprisingly, the dagger penetrated half of its blade in the rocks, but before Ryu, and jaw dropped open, could say something, the dagger trembled on the wall, and after releasing from its stuck position on the rock, it returned to Feng Po's hand.

"You are right. It is just a regular knife, like those you find in any other kitchen out there." Feng Po said, extending the dagger for Ryu.

"No, no, no, no. How did you do that? I got this dagger from a villager. There is no way this simple object be this powerful." Ryu asked, indignant.

"Kid, in your incapable hands, a jade grade spear is nothing more than wood stick. I still can't accept how easily you have destroyed that weapon." Feng Po said, pocking Ryu another time.

"You keep saying that I destroyed the spear, but you were there to watch my fight?" Ryu asked.

"Fortunately, you don't have to worry anymore, with this staff I am making, you can unleash any power you want without destroying the weapon. I have especially made the runes so that it is tough enough to resist any power you use, but it is still a silver-grade weapon, so don't expect it to do all the job for you." Feng Po said, ignoring Ryu's question.

"So you will ignore me, huh? At least tell me about that knife. How did you know it has such power?" Ryu asked.

But Feng Po ignored Ryu another time, making one final adjustment on the staff, then he turned to Ryu and threw the staff for him.

"What do you think of your new weapon? It's made from a piece of monk's yew that I have stored, and the tips are from the horns of that horned lizard you slew, and the runes are compatible with your current level, so you don't have to worry about not being able to use them." Feng Po said.

"You were there the whole time watching my fight, weren't you? I could have died there." Ryu said.

"Now that you recovered, it's time for training. Let's go." Feng Po said, raising and walking outside the cave.

With this last statement, Ryu decided it was time to leave, the old man was definitively crazy, and staying here any longer is potentially dangerous. Thus, Ryu got his things into his ring, the egg he carried in his hand, since putting an egg inside could be harmful, and walked out of the cave.

Out of the cave, a sight different from Ryu's perspective, a lake of crystal water spreading far, sparse trees projecting high, on the floor the grass was cut low, and many kinds of animals walking calmly around. The whole place was like a small paradise, wild nature would never turn out like this, someone must be careful taking care of this place.

"Come here, kid, the training ground is this side." Feng Po said, waking Ryu from his stupor.

"What are you saying, old man. I am not going to train, just tell me the direction of the sect, and I will go." Ryu said as he reached its limit.

"The Earth Transition Sect is in that direction, about 150 kilometers. But you will go to your training first, as I can't let my disciple walk out there this weak." Feng Po said, pointing south.

"What? Disciple? I never agreed to be your disciple, thank you very much for your hospitality, but I am leaving." Ryu said, turning the direction Feng Po pointed and walking away, fast enough to open distance, but not running to show fear.

As Ryu walked no more than a few meters, Feng Po appeared in his front, blocking the path. In fact, the old man's appearance was so sudden that Ryu doesn't even perceive from which side he came running, all happened as if Fen Po had simply materialized in his front.

"You're not skipping your first training session, kid." Feg Po said.

"You are crazy, old man. I am not staying here any longer." Ryu said, increasing his speed to running.

Just when Ryu reached Feng Po's arms range, and the old man started to extend his hand to grab Ryu, he used the vanishing raindrop steps, aiming at the back of Feng Po to pass the man and continue to run at the other side.

Ryu had a clue that Feng Po was strong, which made the task of escaping difficult, if not impossible, but remain in this place with that crazy man was not a good option. So he decided to run and pray that the old man would let him go when he realizes that Ryu wasn't willing to stay and accept him as his master.

Then Ryu vanished from his place in front of the old man, preparing to resume running at the other side. However, instead of appearing at the other side of Feng Po, Ryu appeared at his side, suspended in midair.

It took a second to calm from the shock to understand what was happening. Feng Po was holding him by the back of his collar, holding him in the air with one hand.

"That's a nice move, kid, but you have to become much better to pass by me." Feng Po said, putting Ryu in the ground.

With Ryu frozen in his place, Feng Po kneeled and placed his hand on the ground, and several runes appeared on the floor, leaving Feng Po's hand to form 5 meters circle.