
Ian had barely taken a seat when Grace called for help for the unexpected increase in customers caused a hard time handling the orders, so Ian did not have time to chat. Thus, Ian raised from and started to move away, and his mood was so high spirited that he did not even complain about the extra work.

However, before he moved out, Ian turned back and said, "I almost forgot. Jin left a message for you.". Ryu and Nura reacted in surprise with that unexpected news, but before they could ask what the message was, Ian continued, "He said that if you should visit him at his place, at the industrial district.".

"That's it? We should visit him?" somewhat confused, Nura asked. To answer this question, Ian simply nodded his head in agreement and moved out.

"What do you think? Is this an intimation or just an invitation from a drinking buddy to visit him?" Ryu asked.

"I don't know. This message is as vague as everything that involves that man, and without a doubt, it is a message with several ways of interpretation." Nura said, expressing concern, then he continued, "And we don't even know if last night was just a coincidence or not.".

"He must be enjoying toy with us." Ryu said.

While eating their meal, Ryu and Nura reflected on people's reactions to their first raid. It did not take much to trigger a number of rumors to spread across the town, though the rumors were quite exaggerated, the speed at which it traveled revealed that the people were keeping a close eye on the political affairs on the town.

Despite Ryu and Nura's reservations about the placement of the townspeople, they were deeply excited by the rumors because to succeed in this mission they would have to rely on people's help. So the people would have to decide to take his side and fight against the highvale, as Ryu and Nura weren't confident in fighting alone against such a large number of opponents, especially after the last night's fight.

After the meal, Ryu and Nura started to feel a little better and returned to their rooms, where they immediately proceeded to analyze the rewards of their raid, including the ring and the system itself.


With a friend, defeated several opponents in a group fight against a recognized enemy.

Reward: 2700 exp.

Staff Mastery (Advanced) increased to level 2


"I Leveled up again. Is getting hard ultimately." Nura said on his bed. After a time of looking at nothing, Nura returned his attention to the room and noticed Ryu frowning, so he asked, "What is up? did something wrong happened?".

"I just got 2700 exp and anything else." Ryu said.

"I see. You are used to extravagant rewards, but this is not bad at all. In fact, that is how normal people reward look like." Nura said.

"Still, I was hoping to get at least enough to get to level 13. Last night we already had too much trouble." Ryu said.

"Don't tell me. I almost died there, and, in the end, I forgot to use that stupid talisman I've prepared so carefully." Nura said.

"Now that you say, I did not remember them either." Ryu said, picking the rings he collected to inspect their contents.

After gathering all the prizes, Ryu and Nura achieved a reward of more than 10.000 thousand in coin, but there was no qi crystal this time, and there were no weapons on the rings as they remained with the bodies. Aside from that, there was only a bunch of personal items with nothing worthy.

Then, Nura got two dozens of beast cores from his ring and arranged them in a circle on the ground with him in the middle. So, he started to cultivate preparing the qi for the next time when he levels up.

Since Ryu was not feeling good to meditate, he used this opportunity to choose a job from the system. After weeks of traveling and mulling over options, Ryu decided what he wanted to do.

Hesitantly, Ryu opened the system and clicked on the 'Shop' tab and next to the new 'job' tab, displaying various options for possible jobs. Since the first choice was free, there was no price to worry about, but if he wanted to choose another job later, it would come at a cost, and that's the reason for he took so long to chose his job because the one he was thinking about to pick was far from popular.

Although Ryu was afraid to follow his choice, he decided to go ahead as it had been days since he had decided on this job, and he still hadn't changed his mind. But it was a difficult decision since he knew that his job wasn't as prestigious as others, but Ryu knew pretty well that making choices just to please others is not a good option, hen he took a deep breath to gain courage when he saw what he wanted on the screen and pressed it at once.


Since Ryu saw Feng Po working on the staff, he actually liked it. Even before that, when he saw Anne's wood-crafted cats displayed as decoration, he developed a liking towards the thing. And he had a short experience working with wood when he moved to the village months ago while working with Clark repairing roofs, where he developed a liking towards manual labor.

The only problem that kept Ryu from choosing this job until now was that it had no practical use to increase his strength, whether in combat or just to protect his life.

But that's not all. Já que Ryu veio até aqui, ele não tinha intenção de parar, então ele clicou na loja para usar um item que ele tinha adquirido como recompensa há muito tempo quando derrotou o lagarto com chifres no penhasco. It was an upgrade job ticket, usable only one time.

About what would come after the evolved ticket was used Ryu had no clue, but he clicked on the ticked using the fast speed he could summon, afraid that if he delayed too much he would not have the courage.


Upgrade job ticket used: selected job wood sculptor.

Analyzing available options.


After using the ticket, the system got stuck at the analyzing options as if the system itself did not know how it should upgrade the wood sculptor job. When the wait persisted for more than ten minutes, Ryu became deeply worried about his choice, then a pop sound drew his attention, and he looked at the screen.

<Yes >No.>>

This message caused everything to change because if the system had simply identified that there was no upgrade available for this job it would be the end. However, even without an option available, the system still offered the opportunity to upgrade the job.

With his eyes shining in excitement, Ryu clicked on the 'yes' button, this time with confidence and anticipation, waiting that a new unique path would open for him.
