Past Life & Meeting With God

(A:N) - Yo! Well here for you guys is the backstory and meeting with the 'God'. I wanted to Elaborate his past life quite a bit, might've taken the whole chapter since i had thought quite a bit about it (totally wasnt going to make it dramatic *averts eyes*). But I didnt want to stretch it idiotically so Ill just include the god's meeting while making past life a bit of a summary type. Theres another author note at the end and ill be talking about his quirk( It was fucking annoying to decide so i just used a spinwheel to decide) and about the harem a bit and..... his mother

( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ) . You guys can add your suggestions in the comments. Dw ill respond to everyone, not like there are too many anyway.

Oh fuck i forgot the main reason i wrote this note, Im not well versed with japanese last names so i just made one up so if the word sounds weird or has some weird meaning then do tell ill change it.😂


(2962 words)


Past Life and Meeting With God!


On the sidewalk at night a young man about 19 years of age could be seen walking.He had short dark blue hair with blue eyes and his height was about 181 cm, with a lean and fit body.He had a handsome face that would cause quite a few females too take a few extra glances at him.


While walking down the street the young man heard a scream in the nearby dark alleyway that sounded like a young woman.

------------/PoV Ryu Hariyama\---------

Let me tell you about myself a bit.

My name is Ryu Hariyama and I'm quite handsome, no I'm not narcissistic it's just a fact and my father is the 5th richest person on earth, while my mother is a star model.

Our family could be considered quite a luxurious and happy family.

To the outside world that is.

The family is quite fucked up, for me that is. Why you ask?

Maybe because I'm a 'bastard' I guess after all it was quite a shock and an ego crushing fact to the Prideful 5th richest person on earth that his own child wasn't his.

Hah Retarded Cuck

Nevermind, Continuing to what I was saying, was that I was around 6-7 years old when he found out about it, guess my mother's decision to fuck with her lover while her husband was sleeping beside her was...not the best idea and well saying he got mad would be an understatement.

The 'Cuck' fought with my supposed loving mother every day and chased my 'father' till his death and forced my mother to bear 'his' child.

Too bad the matter didn't blow up and was kept under the wraps, after all if news got out that a star model was cheating on her husband and that the 5th richest person on earth got cucked and forced himself on his wife then I guess their life would not be so easy going in the future.

Now where do I come in all of this? Ye well the fact I was a bastard child did cause their hate to channel onto me since for appearances sake they couldn't fight with each other.

Was I abused?

Hmm No actually I never really had to face any violence nor any lack of food because they outright ignored my existence. Well I did get slapped one time by the Cuck when I asked while crying about why I was being ignored. But seeing how he stopped while he was about to slap me the second time, I think those 5 years of love weren't fake after seeing the soft and guilty expression on his face, but did I get that love back? No since my mother too had the same expression and I knew asking again would cause no difference, So I just childishly thought that I might've done something wrong and they'll stop being angry after a few days.

Yeah, No shit.

Do you know how it feels to be given up by your parents? Your with them but not with them at the same time. That could be considered no less than torture for a child about 6-7 years old. But what could I do, the slap from that day still stinged.

Hmm 11 Years went by just like this, barely saw my mother, maybe she was with my half brother?. I don't even know his name hahahah haha ha .....sigh.

The only thing I did was watch anime and manga that I one day found about while trying to search on the net on how to appease angry parents.

Hah Best decision of my life. One Piece, Naruto, DxD, HxH, Dragon Ball and Bleach etc etc. Having nothing to do I watched every anime I could but after reaching 16 , watching anime just got, how should I say.....Exhausting

The same old save the world isekai with japanese beta simp mc's and their stupid harem's. Sure it was fun and all till I was 12-14 but I mean I was tired , like why the fuck would you go around saving everybody by putting your own life and your loved ones lives filled with danger. They fucking kidnap you, seperate you from your family, friends

etc etc and your like 'oh wow lets save the world'.

I never really got it and really raged every time I saw stupid shit like that.

Maybe the fact no one helped me during my dark times and isolation made me loath heroes. Where was the hero that would tell my parents that it's not my fault, where was the hero that would make my life bright again.

Too bad the 'hero' never came.

Maybe these stupid thoughts made me how I am today.

Quite a few rivals of the Cuck tried to use me against him since they didn't know shit about the internal drama going on in the family , well knowing that I would get no help whatsoever I had to deal with them myself.

Such a pain.

I didn't want to deal with this shit so I just used the blackmail material I had collected against him just in case if I needed it anytime,

Just like now.

"Give me a 100 million $ and I'm leaving this shit hole" I showed him my mobile and the evidence that would be hosted in 10 minutes around the globe.I said without a single expression present on my face. Sure 100 million might seem a lot but it was nothing for the guy in front of him.

He looked at me for a while but didn't say anything.

Five minutes passed just like this with us staring at each other and he finally said "Fine, I will prepare it tomorrow"

What?! Just like this? What was the point of me preparing so many plans if all it would take was a single sentence. Fucking Scum what was the point of showing me an expression filled with guilt now huh.

Though I was glad it didn't spiral out of control, Since offending a rich business man would never go right unless your the protagonist.

'Finally I'm free from this shit hole' I thought happily after leaving from that place without even thinking about meeting my mother. I picked up my otaku stuff and left from there.

I bought a house since a mansion would be too big and no matter how much the money I got it would still end up dry someday. I was used to being alone so it didn't matter

'Guess I'll have to buy a few businesses and shops with steady incomes' I knew doing this would be favorable in the future since I wont have to worry about money anymore and enjoy myself . I still had a few 10s of millions left.

A year went by like this with me binging mangas,novels and fanfictions and if it wasn't for the fact I worked out everyday I might of ended up as a fat fuck.

Just like any other random night I was planning to visit the bar too hook up with some thirsty cougars that wanted to have sex with young men. It was too easy since all I had to do was drink a bit and fake a sad and melochanic expression and my handsome face itself would do the wonders.

Just like any other night I was heading to the bar when I heard a scream of a seemingly young woman that might've come from the dark alleyway up ahead.


'Hmm' Considering the situation I thought for a bit.

Damsel in distress ✔️

Dark Alleyway with seemingly no one beside him around ✔️

Eerily similar situation of reincarnation novels and fanfictions ✔️

'Yeah No, Ill just leave, even if I'm tempted I won't risk my life based on a chance.' I thought while continuing to walk while walking away indifferently while ignoring the scream as if I had never heard of it in the first place.

I never cared about anyone besides myself anyway the only thing that tempted me was the chance to start my life again.

While I was walking toward the bar while thinking about what to read tomorrow I noticed a truck that was going to ram into me but I quickly sidestepped barely avoiding it, I don't excercise for nothing you know.

'Hoho not today truck-kun' I thought jokingly and went on my way but I was suddenly hit in the back with such terrifying force that I directly smashed in the wall in front me.

'argh what the f-fuck' It hurts, It fucking hurts so much.

Every single bone in my body seems to have been broken.

My smashed body slid down the wall and fell on the ground face front. I couldn't think of anything at the moment, my mind and body had went numb from the pain

The last thing I saw was the thing that slammed into me,It was a truck. A truck. A FUCKING TRUCK and it was the same truck I had avoided earlier. Numerous questions came to my mind and the last thing I saw was the truck dissapearing on its own as if it was never there in the first place.

-----------------/The Void\----------------

In the Void everything was black and it seemingly stretched till no end.

In The Void a gate suddenly appeared, It seemed to be made from white marble. When the gate opened a Soul appeared from within it.

"Hmm Where am I?" Wondered The Soul, Ryu, outloud.

The last thing he remembered was going to the bar before suddenly a truck appeared out of nowhere and faded out of existence after hitting him.

Remembering everything and being an otaku he could guess a little a bit of what would happen. To be honest he was a little mad with how he was killed, he would rather die just after sex. But his excitement overwhelmed it.

"Hello" A voice appeared out of nowhere startling Ryu, but he quickly calmed down after remembering his situation.

"Who?" He asked, though he just wanted his wishes and be done with it, he didn't want to offend some seemingly random omnipotent being.

"Smart" The voice resounded within the void again as if the R.O.B was listening to his thoughts.

Since he knew he didn't need to talk out loud like an idiot. He said within his head 'So why was I called here.'

"Hmm, Dont ask idiotic questions, you should know why you are here" The voice resounded again but there was a certain hint of mockery to it this time.

"Hmph, Your angry because you got smashed against the wall by the truck huh, heh" The Voice sounded amused.

Since the owner of the Voice could read his mind he just replied truthfully " Yes, I am, did you really have to make it so painful."

"Hah? Who told you to avoid the alleyway you should've just gotten stabbed in the heart and die with a little pain

but no you just had to avoid it.

After That I sent a truck after you to send you here but you even avoided that, the truck had sentience and felt ashamed of not being able to succeed in it's first try like every time."The Voice Said a little annoyed having to explain so much.

'Fine just tell me how my reincarnation would go about now?' He knew nothing useful would come up by talking about the past.

"You get five wishes from which one is alloted to choose the world of your preference and your birth preference."The Voice said and Continued" No wishes that would break the basic balance.

He thought for a while and came up with some simple but useful wishes.

'1. Give me a system that would allow me to travel to different worlds ie: anime,novels,manga etc.

2. I want to be born in the MHA world and preferably as a 3-4 yr old orphan.

3.I want the Saiyan bloodline.

4.I want my quirk to be Lightning Control and it should be able to keep on growing stronger as I train it.

'Before I ask my 5th wish can I ask something?' He asked.

"Go On" Said the Voice

'Will I keep my memories?' He asked a little curious since The so called R.O.B never mentioned anything about his memories. He was a little catious too since he had read many fanfictions where the MC would lose their memory.

A figure materialized infront of him, It was like that of a human wearing a black robe, 190 cm tall with long white hair that reached his hips and only the lips of the figure could be soon, the face seemed to be shrouded with some kind of fog.

The figure let out a "tsk" sound and answered " No, usually those that forget to wish for their memories only awaken them just before a day of the so called 'plot' from the anime worlds."

Heaving a sigh of relief Ryu asked for his 5th wish to be able to keep his memories.

"Fine it's granted and just before you leave spin this wheel for me would you" The figure said and materialised something similar to spinwheel and floating beside was a little start option.

Looking at the spin wheel in front of him, he was confused and a little hesitant because he could see the figure in front him seemed to have a nasty smirk on his face. "Can I not do it?" He asked.

"Sure if you don't want to explore the multiverse~" The figure playfully replied with the smirk still present on his face.

Looking at the figure, Ryu wanted nothing more to slap him out of existence but he knew that was impossible.

Gritting his non existent teeth he pressed the start button and the spin wheel started to spin with such speed that it seemed translucent.

After the spin wheel slowly stopped and the pointer of the wheel seemed to have stopped at the [Void Walker] option.

The figure narrowed his eyes for a few milliseconds before they went normal, not like Ryu could see them since they were shrouded by fod.

The Figure said " Congratulations your saiyan bloodline is being replaced with the [Void Walker] Bloodline. Enjoy"

"WHAT!!! WH-" before he could complete his words the figured flicked his hand toward him and he lost consciousness.

The last thing he heard was "Your Welcome, Off you go now"

Thus Ryu's soul was placed in the MHA world.

The Figure remained there for a few seconds and he himself disappeared after muttering a few words,

"I told you that your not allowed to destroy the balance."


(A:N)- Sigh i wanted the chapters to not have more than 1500-1700 words but it seems like i can't decide properly what the word count would be (2600 words) welp meh whatever.

So I might not be able to update on Saturday or Sunday so Ill just upload this today. Onto the chapter now.

1.Ok tbh the quirk was the biggest headache I had choosing over and after an hour or two of thinking i just decided to fuck it and made it lighting control since i personally like it quite a lot and ill develop it along the way not just OP right off the bat.

2.This is related to the quirk, i previously mentiond in ch 1 or 2 that he had gained the skill [Perfect Aim] and since i hadn't decided the quirk at that moment so i had written that the perfect aim would be useless for his quirk, So ill be changing that first. Since aiming is required for quite a few lighting skills . u dont have to go back and check since its nothing major.

3.About the harem well ive decided to pause the time in said world after leaving and the harem will be staying there since i personally think its quite the nuisance and its my first time writing so i wont be able to handle it properly

Sorry ;(.

He'll be collecting everyone after the last world or something i guess.

4. About the wincest , Ill be developing their relationship during the MHA arc and she'll be travelling with him to new worlds, I wont make her useless she herself would get quite strong with a lil help from Ryu.

5. No the saiyan bloodline is too overpowered im not using it. I just wanted the god to troll him nothin else xD

6. Guess thats all for now and ill Tell ya guys when i would drop another chapter later .

Bye !