The next week went smoother than expected. It was refreshing to have a routine that was positive for once. Go to school, actually listen in class, meet up with Tomoko, talk with her like she was a therapist, and go home with a huge smile on my face. I even cleaned up my room more, and I finally finished all of RE:ONE, so now we can freely discuss it without any need for spoiler warnings. Makoto and Shou were also quite supportive, offering me a bank full of date ideas I could try, which I didn't even dare to suggest to her.

It was Saturday night when my father texted me. I was having a pleasant night's sleep for once, and it was rudely disturbed. I rolled my eyes and read the text with my eyes squinted, blocking the harsh unforgiving light blasting from the screen.

"Go outside, I have a present for you."

"Now? At 12 a.m.?", I texted back.

"Yes, now."

I groaned and changed. When I reached outside, A luxurious black car rolled up with Tomoko sitting patiently inside, focused on tying up her hair.

"Are you Takashi?", The driver asked.


"Ok, get in. I have orders from your father to drive you somewhere."


"I have orders to keep that location a secret."

"Ok.", I awkwardly entered the car, pressing my body against the car door, keeping maximum distance between me and her.

The car swerved, and our legs made contact, I recoiled in fright. "Sorry!"

"It's okay."

The car swerved again, and this time her head landed on my shoulder. I recoiled again.

"Takashi, you don't have to be so scared right now. For now, we are a ''couple''. So it would be fine to sleep in each other's shoulder."

"But I wasn't tryi-"

She ignored me with a yawn. She carefully laid on my shoulder, and she quickly dozed off. "Thank goodness, I'm so slee-", She yawned again and went silent.

Eventually, I dozed off too, my head slowly laid on top of her's. When I awoke, the sunlight was blinding. How long have we been driving?

My phone rang. A text from my father. "177013."

I was confused. But he didn't provide any more information. Finally, we stopped at a hotel. I slammed my palm into my face.

"We're here. I'll come back in three days to pick you up. And here is all the school work you have to complete to keep up.", He passed me a bag. "No slacking off."

I groaned, "Okay."

"Wake her up, I have a tight schedule."

I noticed she was still laying on me, and a tinge of guilt bit me as I shook her awake. "Tomoko, we're here." I said nervously.

"Huh, oh, okay.", She stretched her arms, "Let's go."

"Your luggage is in the trunk Miss." Driver said.

"Thank you."

She took a luggage bag from the trunk and the car drove away. I stared at the neon banner blinking down at me. Even in broad daylight, the sign was bright. Going up the lift, I stood to the edge awkwardly.

"You're opening up, that's good, Takashi"

"I-i guess."

"What's the password for the room?" The security asked


"What's the password, sir?" Security repeated.

I remembered my father's text.

"O-oh. 177013"

The room looked polished from top to bottom, as if every piece of furniture was recently bought. The carpet felt like clouds, which only made me imagine how much softer the bed would be. Wait, bed, singular? I stared at the single giant bed in the middle of the room, and gulped.

"What's wrong?", Tomoko asked while unpacking her stuff.


"Calm down, we won't do anything if you don't want to. But… if you do want to…"

I made a quick excuse: "I uh… have homework to do!"

"Ok! I got my own stuff to do also."


"I like to draw in my spare time."

"Oh, t-thats cool i guess."

After she finished her drawing, we went to a beach nearby, which Tomoko suggested me to visit. It made what was supposed to be a normal walk very uncomfortable with her dressed in a bikini. My face was bright red, and I was paralyzed entirely the moment I found a chair to sit on.

"That was fun, I'm gonna take a shower. Unless… you want me to stay in this outfit for a while?"

"No, no, it's okay, go shower."


When i thought I was able to relax a bit, my phone rang.

It was Shou. I promptly answered.

"Why are you calling me!"

"So… we know about the secret trip to the hotel!"Makoto appeared on screen.

"H-huh? How?"

"Your father told us." That nasty old man!

"Why?" I tried to ask calmly.

"Because we asked him."

"But why did you ask-"

"So, how was it?" Makoto interrupted. "Have you two gone to the beach yet?"

I went silent. My face was all red while remembering trying to not look her body.

"Oh, you definetly have!'' they teased.

"S-shut up already!"

They giggled like children. "We are gonna stay up all night finishing Dori Dori, wanna join us?"

The bathroom door clicked. Tomoko is done changing.

"Shh!", I swiftly buried my phone under the blanket. She came out only wearing a towel. The pressure was back on.

"Uh… shouldn't you change… in there?"

"Oh, are you uncomfortable?"

I was too afraid to say anything. I nodded.

"Ok, be out in a minute then."

She went back in, and I took my phone out again.

"Ask her to join the call!"

"No!" Makoto started to laugh.

"So, you're joining us? We are going Yuki's route."

"Aka the best girl's route!", Shou added.

"Uh… I'll think about it, I'll text you later."

"By the way Takashi-"


"Now that we know… everything, can you continue to be more open from now on?" Shou asked.

"İ'll try."

"Good enough for us. We got your back Takashi, you can trust us. A-anyways, see you later Takashi"

The call ended.

Finally, Tomoko was appropriately dressed.

"Your friends are gonna keep our secret right?"


"Makoto and Shou? I heard them while changing."

"Oh, uh, yeah. T-they can be like annoying perverts mostly. But they are definetely good friends." I said while remembering our call.

"Ok, if you trust them, i'll trust them too. Because I also like you and trust you!"

"Oh, th-thanks." I started to blush by that compliment. Tomoko really knows how to compliment, doesn't she? Well, she is a rental girlfriend, after all.

The rest of the day went by, with both of us at opposite ends of the bed, focusing on our own matters. She seemed to be sketching a manga that she made, while I was knee-deep in homework.

"C-can I see?", The curiosity was overwhelming.

'My turn to be insecure, haha. Ok, but don't judge too harshly.", I stared at her sketches, it was a portrait of the sunset at the beach, which was beautiful and very well-drawn. I didn't know that Tomoko had such a talent.

"Wow.. .these are really really good."

"Aw, thanks! I'm gonna go to bed now, don't stay up too late."

"G-good, night."

I stared out the window into the night, eyes moving from one flashing sign to another, bombarding every passer-by with overwhelming amounts of information and advertising. My phone blinged, which I expected to be my father checking in. But instead, it came from a contact I've long deleted. It was Ayane. Chills ran down my spine.

Upon unlocking my phone, I saw an image of her in revealing clothing, which made me jump, almost bumping into the sleeping girl.

"I'm sorry for being so mean, please forgive me xoxo.", She texted.

"Go away!", I texted back, blocking her number immediately.


"He blocked me! How could he? After all the time I spent as his girlfriend, unbelievable! It only makes me want him… more."