It was late into the night when Tomoko returned. I almost dialed the police.


"Wha-" Before i even finishing my sentence, Tomoko repeated:


I silently obeyed, hastily stuffing all my belongings into my luggage bag.

"Key card."


"Key! Card!"

I obeyed again, giving the card to her. And I silently tailed her as we left the hotel. The same black car was waiting for us outside.


"But I thought-"


The ride back reminded me of my time with Ayane. Much worse than the ride we took here. Where did it all go wrong? I slowly unlocked the door and I saw... Ayane.

Ayane! What was that demon doing in my house!

"Get out!" I said. "Get out now before I call the cops!"

Ayane was confused and shocked but i didnt care.

'Wait I-"

"I'll do it!", I was serious, I raised my phone, pressing '9' 3 times.

"Takashi I-"

"GET OUT" I screamed.

"Just listen to me for a second! I'm really really sorry for what I did, please just let me explain, I have a good reason for it." Ayane said.

"No reason is good enough. Out."


"GET OUT!", I charged at her, but she pinned me down to my pillow, as if I was handcuffed. "Let me go! Let me go! Help!" She was too strong.

"Shut up Takashi! Let me talk!"

"No way!"

"Look, I had a tough-"

"You are a fucking monster!" I said furiously. But then she started to pinning me harder.

"I will break your controller, little boy. You are in no position to argue!"

My neck and shoulder ached. My skeletal system would be deformed if she continued to pin me for another second.

"I'll only listen if you let me go."

"F-fine" She released me. The aching would not leave for days to come.

"But first, how did you get here?"

"I had a key from you when we were dating, remember? That one time your father forced us to sleep a night together, and I ended up sleeping on the floor?" Ayane replied.

"You better give it back to me."

"I will, after you listen."

"Go ahead, surprise me." I began to listen to Ayane unwillingly.

"I'm sorry for bullying you, but I only did it to vent, okay? I had a tough life Takashi, and belittling you was my way of coping."

"Your way of... coping?" I was confused. What does she meant by her way of coping?

Ayane continued:

"I had abusive parents. And everyday, they would use me like a punching bag. Beating and scratching me like I'm not even a person.", She clenched her fist. Just the thought of it angered her, "They insulted me everyday, calling me mean names, saying all I was good for was my body, which was 'precious genes' I took away from them."

"Oh… my god.", I was paying attention now, although I had a suspicion it was an elaborate tale.

"I started to hurt myself to cope, and then I started to hurt them. Breaking plates, screaming back. We would have these insult matches, where we tore each other down with words, and the loser would run into their room and slam their door. And then, when the divorce happened, I started to do it to other people. It became a habit, and well you were the final victim, and it made me realize what I was doing, so, I'm sorry. Will you forgive me."

My suspicions were confirmed, "Y-you are lying, you are definetely lying." She offered no reaction, which made me uncomfortable.

I felt dizzy, and looked through Ayane's eyes. They were in tears, and I thought this couldn't be fake. I stared through her face for a couple seconds, then Ayane added:

"I'm sorry Takashi, I was only thinking about myself, I didn't realize how much it hurt you, the way you broke down in the park-"

She stopped, her blood ran cold.

"So you were the one who watched me in the park! I knew I wasn't crazy!" Takashi said. "And you stalked me to the beach! How do you even know Tomoko?"

"It was a coincidence! I went to the beach to clear my head, and that's where me and Tomoko talked. I could tell she was your new rental girlfriend when you two were splashing around. I thought she could help me get through to you."

"So Tomoko wasn't lying about it being a coincidence." I said to myself.

"D-do you accept my apology" she said. Her voice was surprisingly calmer.

The situation was unbelievable, and I was left speechless and endlessly conflicted. Yet, the answer was more than easy. Even though she has abusive parents and sad backtory, after what she has all done to me, there is no hope of forgiveness. The answer was clear than the reflection of the water.

"N-no. Get out." I closed my eyes while expecting a punch, but Ayane was sad, instead of angry.

She started to cry, more than she already was.

"I-i'm so sorry, T-takash-shi." After saying that, she immediately got out of my house and banged the door.

I went into the toilet, expecting her to leave by herself. Right now, I had a moment to process the news.