Chapter 8 Baroque works vs Chaos Pirates

Daz and company arrived at the palace with Vivi.

Pell: " Vivi? What are you doing here?"

He had heard that Vivi and Igaram went out to sea to look for a way to solve their problems.

Vivi: " No time to explain Pell, I have to go tell Father something."

Bursting into a large room, she found her father King Cobra and a few other old men chatting about defensive strategies against the rebel forces.

Vivi: " Father, I came back, there is something that I must tell you"

King Cobra: " Vivi, you came back, what did you want to say"

Vivi: " The one behind the framing and rebellion. It is--"

Crocodile: " ha ha ha ha, Vivi. When I didn't receive a report back from Mr. 5, I had thought you had disappeared too. Until I received reports that you were traveling with the Chaos pirates, I knew you were coming back."


Crocodile: " ha ha ha ha, they were so easy to manipulate"

King Cobra: " What, it was you this whole time."

Crocodile: " that's right... I heard there was an ancient weapon that could destroy an island in the country"

King Cobra: " What, how did you get that information."

Crocodile: " Well that doesn't concern you ha hah ha. Well, I'll be on my way now. There's also a bomb located somewhere in the city set to bomb in 20 minutes ha ha ha ha. What's gonna be your choice Vivi, King Cobra, chase after me or save the city."

King Cobra: " GUARDS"

But it was too late as Crocodile already disappeared. Crocodile had someone steal information hours before this. When Robin and Daz didn't join the organization, he sped up his plan and hired another group that was skilled at gathering and steal information and got the location of where the poneglyphs were located.

Vivi: " WAIITT"

Vivi ran after Crocodile. As she exited the palace and ran after them, Suddenly a leg with a white makeshift crane came in front of her face. 'clang' just as the leg reached her, Sera blocked the kick. As the kick was blocked a wave of clay came out from nowhere and , 'clang' Daz blocked the attack before it could trap her. A baseball came flying from the distance aiming at Vivi's face. But Hands sprout out from the ground and caught the baseball.

Sera: "Go look for the bomb Vivi, we will handle Crocodile and Baroque Works."

Saying this, she sent another kick forward that sent the person backwards into the distance.

Bon Clay: "Mr.2, Bon Clay".

Sera: " Phim D. Sera"

Bon clay specializes in ballet kenpo and adds steel makeshift swans on his legs for extra strength, Sera also uses kicks when she activates her wings which adds physical power to her body.

Bon Clay: " Ballet Kenpo Bombardier

Sera: " Downy short sword"

Bon Clay: " Un, duex, krah"

Sera: "Downy Hand Axe"

Bon Clay: " Ballet Kenpo! Memoirs of a Winter's Sky!!"

Sera: " Downy flamberg"

The two exchanges many blows of kicks with sera gaining slightly more power by the time goes on. Seeing that he is starting to lose in exchanges. Bon Clay Leaps back for one last hit.

Bon Clay: " Bombardier Arabesque!!"

Sera flies into the air as she dives in to deal a devastating kick.

Sera: "Downy Battle Axe"

'booooom' Bon Clay gets sent flying into the buildings, falling unconscious.


Mr.3: " Mr.3"

Daz: " Daz Bonez"

Mr. 3's devil fruit allows him to create wax and make it into any forms he chooses, it also becomes as hard as steel. Daz Bonez's devil fruit changed his body into steel blades. Both devil fruits have the same defense.

Mr. 3: " wax wax arts: sword"

Daz: " Spar Claw"

Mr. 3" Candle Wall"

Daz: " Spar Break"

Without using Haki, Daz and Mr.3's match turned into a stalemate. Although Mr.3's devil fruit can make his wax as hard as steel, it isn't as sharp as Daz's devil fruit ability. Seeing their battle also going nowhere, they used their strongest move.

Mr. 3 uses his wax power and makes him a wax armor suit and boxing gloves that brings out his full ability.

Mr. 3: "Candle Champion"

Seeing the suit of armor and boxing gloves. He turns the bottom of his feet to blades and dashed forward. Dodges the incoming punch, and put haki into his hands and

Daz: " Atomic spurt"

Mr. 3's armor was cut into pieces as Mr.3 fell to the ground. Daz grew a little frustrated at his ability. Twice, its already been twice where he encountered people who had devil fruit abilities that can counter him. He thought that his steel bladed body was already strong enough. In West Blue, there was not a single swordsman that was able to cut his body. Paul had told him about how he can grow stronger with haki, but was that it? Can't his devil fruit develop even further? Paul had told about the rare chances of a devil fruit awakening. Going further on their journey he will face people who can easily cut steel, he needs to find a way to breakthrough.


Mr. 4: "Babe, Mr. 4"

Robin: " Nico Robin"

Mr.4 was a rather strong person when it came to brute force. He carries a 4-ton bat that he can easily swing around. He has a gun called lassoo that ate the Inu Inu no mi model: Dachshund devil fruit which transform the gun into a dog and spits out exploding balls that weigh as much as a cannon ball. With Mr.4's physique, it will be difficult to just bend his body or body part backwards because he is too big.

Mr. 4: " 400 base hits"

Several baseballs pops out from Lassoo's mouth and Mr.4 starting swinging his bat at a rapid pace hitting the baseballs towards Robin.

Robin: " Cien Fleur: Wing"

Robin produces wings out of hands and flies to the sky and dodges the baseballs flying towards her. After the baseballs stopped flying.

Robin: " Ochenta Fleur: Cuatro Manos"

Robin sprouted 4 giant arms and started pounding away at Mr.4. Although Mr.4 is physically strong he is not so smart. In the main plot, he had a partner that was smart and used his power in a most useful way but she was not recruited yet. 'boom''boom' In the beginning, Mr. 4 was knocking away the giant fist that was coming at him, but he wasn't able to keep up and was beat him to the ground.


Due to the timing and change of sides of Robin and Daz, Crocodile did not have enough time to find replacements for their position.


After the three of them finished their fight, they reunited and then went to Vivi. It was at this time that Paul finally caught up with them. He saw that they reunited and finished the battle but was confused on what was going on. There was no battle at the moment but there were the kingdom's soldier's running around the square. If plot it correct, they are probably looking for the bomb. Well... guess I'll give them a hint.

Paul: " Pell, I think I saw the something at the top of that clock tower, you guys can deal with it while I go get Crocodile."

Paul took off and went to the hidden staircase at the grave of the kings in Arabasta. He saw Crocodile just about to enter.

Paul: " Yo Crocodile, is there even a point to finding the Poneglyphs".

Turning around, Crocodile saw Paul floating in the sky.

Crocodile: " You must be Paul from the Chaos pirates. There are more than one way, to translate the poneglyphs. Nico Robin was just merely one option."

Paul: " I see, well... time to take you down now, you saw my bounty right, I'm way stronger than you."

Crocodile: " Ha ha ha... bounties don't tell you everything about a person boy."

Crocodile then sent a vertical desert slash towards Paul."

Crocodile: " Desert Spada"

Seeing the slash, Paul smiled and kicked out with his right leg and sent another similar attack filled with water.

Paul: " Water slash"

Crocodile's attack instantly disappeared when it made contact with the water slice. Seeing the attack,

Crocodile: " Water? Is that what makes you so confident to fight against me?"

Paul: " Yep haha."

Paul moved his water dragon tattoo into his right arm and transformed it into a dark blue dragon claw. He controlled water and had it coat the fist.

Paul: " well... its time to end this... water dragon's fist"

Crocodile: "Desert Cutlass"

As the two attack landed, Paul's attack just broke apart Crocodile's attack easily and went straight to his face and sent Crocodile flying. At the moment their power was just on a different level.

Paul: " I'm on a completely different level, Crocodile."

Crocodile's face frowned. He did not expect this much of a difference between the two. As a logia user, he has rarely trains his body, so when it comes to just pure brute strength, Crocodile is on a losing side.

Not taking anymore time, Paul decided that he's just gonna punch him nonstop.

Crocodile sent out a sand tornado.

Crocodile: " Sables"

Being able to fly, Paul let the storm take him and flew high up into the air.

Paul: "Dragon impact"

'boom' Paul dived straight down at a fast speed. Not seeing any water on Paul's hand he had thought the attack would just go straight through. However, he was wrong about that and felt the fist come rushing down and felt a strong force blow through. Laying on the ground, he tried to dissolve away but kept getting punched in the face and his ability kept on getting disrupted.

Crocodile: " Haki!!???"

Paul: "Yep"

Paul never stopped hitting him. Before he could lose consciousness, Crocodile tried to grab on to his leg to drain him dry, but Paul just used haki on his leg and crushed the hand.

Ten minutes in, Paul finally stopped punching and what laid at his feet was an unconscious bloodied Crocodile.

Paul: " 'phew' that felt good haha."


Hey guys, how do you like it so far. How are my fight scenes. Is it necessary, don't mind it, too much, not good enough? Please comment if you can, would appreciate it.