

Only the fact that he was waiting for her keeps Adam from outright spasming out of his seat in surprise. As it is, he has to clench down on his initial reaction and hold himself perfectly still as the brunette speedster of The Team, known worldwide as the fastest woman alive, Roadrunner, practically appears in front of him in his lab as if she teleported there.

In the moment that Adam spends calming his suddenly racing heart as Roadrunner grins at him cheerily and knowingly, he takes her in. Her spiky brown hair is constantly windswept due to the speeds she's interacting with the world at. Her aviator goggles are no doubt made specially for her, and likely designed to protect her eyes from any flying debris too small for her to notice and avoid consciously.

Her pilot's jacket clings to her body rather tightly, a holdover from her time as a fighter pilot, while everything below the waist is… well, Adam has some theories about superheroines and their need to expose themselves in some way. He figures if he bothered to ask her, Roadrunner would say that the tight, form-fitting yellow speedo she wears is for aerodynamic purposes or something like that. But he did wonder how she would then go on to explain the fishnet stockings barely doing anything to cover her beautiful long legs.

Regardless, he's not here to question her fashion choices. Even if her appearance, in the flesh, is more than a little arousing when combined with what the plan for today was. Clearing his throat and shaking his head slightly, Adam offers the heroine a smile and a nod, trying to appear unruffled by her sudden and abrupt appearance, and knowing he's failing in that.

"Ms. Roadrunner. Thank you for coming today, I trust that Ms. Star told you all about what we'll be doing?"

Blinking, Roadrunner straightens up and then giggles as she cocks out a hip, resting one hand on it and seemingly unconsciously striking a provocative pose.

"You can call me Joey, Dr. A! Stacey told me all about the test, and from what I hear, we're all mates here!"

It takes Adam less than a millisecond to remember that Joanna Axton, aka 'Joey', aka Roadrunner is Australian and they use the word 'mate' differently then it's used in America. And yet, less than a millisecond is all a speedster like her needs. Catching his almost entirely aborted jolt, Roadrunner's eyes twinkle with mischief as she brings a hand to her mouth in a cute, faux apologetic fashion.

"Oops! I forget sometimes, you Americans don't use mates and friends interchangeably. I didn't mean anything by it, Dr. A! Although… I have been hearing a lot of rumors about you and Stacey. Care to drop me any breadcrumbs?"

Smiling thinly at the Australian Heroine, who very clearly knew exactly what she was doing and didn't forget anything, Adam just shakes his head.

"Stacey and I are nothing but business partners… Joey. Any rumors you've heard are just that. After all, if you and her are such good… mates, she would have surely confirmed them herself if there was any truth to them, right?"

His logic is sound, even if it's glossing over a few key details like the fact that he owns Star Child in mind, body, and soul at this point. She would happily lie to anyone for him, and that was without the hypnosis forcing her to cover his tracks on his behalf. Roadrunner pouts but shrugs her shoulders with a sigh, her chest, much smaller than Star Child's, still jiggling a little bit beneath her pilot's jacket as she concedes the point.

"Perhaps, perhaps~ Well… I guess we should get on with it, eh Dr. A?"

"That we should, that we should. As I'm sure Stacey told you already, I've developed some technology that we both think will be of great interest to you. But first things first, we need a benchmark test, obviously."

Clicking a button, a nearby wall turns clear as day, revealing the massive labyrinthian maze just beyond it. Zipping over, Roadrunner whistles at the indoor construction, eyes slipping back and forth over the testing area for maybe half a moment before she turns back to him with a cheeky grin on her lips.

"Looking to turn me into one of your little mice, running a maze for your experiments Dr. A? Kinky~"

If he didn't know any better, he'd think she was purely teasing him like she'd been doing since she showed up. Literally, given that even the way she'd showed up had been designed to tease and toy with him, like she got a kick out of raising his heartbeat and making him all flustered.

But while she might get some amusement out of being her sassy, acerbic self, Adam knew the truth. He knew what really got Roadrunner's engine running. So he keeps his cool rather easily, still smiling as he nods his head.

"The goal will indeed be to run the maze as fast as possible. After which, we'll-!"


Adam blinks as Roadrunner almost… flickers before solidifying again back in her original spot. Glancing down at his monitors, he finds that she's telling the truth. She might have moved too fast for the human eye to see, but the sensors he had in his maze had picked her up just barely, and her time… it was in the nanoseconds. Eyebrows raised, Adam looks back up at Roadrunner. No wonder no one could give her what she wanted…

"Was that your fastest possible time?"

Pausing, she cocks her head to the side… and then lifts a hand and waggles it in a 'so-so' motion.

"Eh, close enough."

Nodding his head, not looking to argue with the sassy speedster when her comeuppance was just around the corner, he reaches over and grabs the case on a nearby table.

"Alright then, time to see if this prototype can keep up with you."

Zipping over to him in a blur, Roadrunner still has a cheeky grin on her face as she plants her hands on her hips.

"Can't promise it will, Dr. A! Might send you right back to the drawing board, just so you know~"

Nodding amicably, he opens the case and reveals the technological-looking ankle bracelets held within.

"And if that's what happens, then that what happens. But in the end, I just want to do my part in making sure The Team is the most cohesive, stable crime-fighting force it can be."

And the funny thing is, he means it. He might be a supervillain by society's standards, but Adam isn't a bad guy. And he's well aware there are plenty of actual bad guys out there. Not to mention threats far beyond mere 'bad guys'. The Team is the world's first line of defense against the biggest problems that Earth has faced. It's as much in his best interests to stabilize the current iteration as it is in his best interests to… bring them all under his control.

Looking completely unbothered, Road runner swings one leg and then the other up onto the seat of a nearby computer chair when Adam pats it meaningfully. And so, she lets him attach the ankle bracelets to her ankles one by one, the metal sealing under his touch as he brings the seams together. Once finished, Adam pulls back and watches as Roadrunner looks this way and that with them, doing a little twirl before zipping back and forth across the room at blurring speeds, but not so fast that he can't make out her intense movement.

When she finally comes to a stop again, the ankle bracelets have so far held, remaining intact as she hums consideringly.

"Well, they're sturdy at least. Not really feeling any different though, Dr. A."

Shaking his head, Adam smiles.

"They're not active yet, Roadrunner. And they will require some… calibration. Why don't you go run the maze a few dozen more times, say at half speed, and let me get some more tests done?"

For a moment, Roadrunner looks exasperated. The fact that her expression of boredom lasts for an entire second is probably a sign that she's nearing the end of her patience with him already. Luckily, Star Child specifically asked her to help him out, so he's got a little bit more time before she fucks off entirely. Also luckily… she's already put on the ankle bracelets. It's too late for her to walk away now, she just doesn't know it yet.

"Sure, sure. You're lucky you're cute, Dr. A!"

And with that parting teasing comment, Roadrunner darts off back into the maze, running it at a leisurely pace of a handful of seconds instead of her fastest possible speed. Meanwhile, Adam works as fast as HE possibly can, knowing he only has a minute or two at most before she gets bored and starts to bug him again.

In truth, the devices that Roadrunner has unknowingly shackled herself with are already partially calibrated. With the help of Star Child and All Seeing Eye, Adam had already had access to reams of proprietary data on Roadrunner's speed and powers to work with. His prototypes were as good as they were ever going to be without her direct participation in the project.

Still, now that he has her wearing them, Adam is able to get purer data, and finish the calibration fast… or at least, what was fast for him or anyone else that wasn't a speedster like his current… target. Just as he's pressing the final button with a sense of relish, Roadrunner appears at his side again, coming back out of the maze. The devices on her ankles are still holding up, not even smoking, a good sign to say the least as she raises an eyebrow at him.

"How's it going, doc?"

Her impatience is obvious, even though it's literally only been a minute since he asked her to run the maze for him. Still, with a sense of triumph, Adam graces her with a wide smile.

"We're ready to begin, Roadrunner. Let's see how this works, shall we?"

And then he activates the ankle bracelets. Which, far from empowering her or increasing her speed or anything like that… do the exact opposite. Power Nullification in a band that could be put around anyone's ankle or wrist or any limb you wanted. It was technology that had been both sought and vilified for decades, ever since it'd first been posited.

On the one hand, you'd think that being able to nullify powers would be something that everyone should want, because it made it possible to incarcerate female supers who committed crimes. But instead the potential technology had been suppressed and was intentionally illegal. All because those at the top were afraid of having their power taken away.

As the ankle bracelets activate, Roadrunner blinks and stumbles, likely perceiving the world at the same pace as a regular human for the first time in… years. She chokes on her own spit and waves her arms in the air to try and catch herself, her equilibrium undeniably off for several long moments before she's able to get herself back under control.

Slowly, she straightens up. From the look of things, her mind is as fast as her body usually, because right now it's almost like the loss of her powers has slowed her down even more than the normal human.

"You… I…"

Blinking and stammering, Roadrunner looks from him to the lab and then down to the ankle bracelets. Belatedly, she starts to reach for them… which is when Adam presses another button. Unhesitatingly, the anklet bracelets unfurl, developing into something a bit more blocky as they gain an extra layer of defense while at the same time interlocking and sliding down to cover her feet.

By the time they're done… unfurling, Roadrunner is wearing a pair of technologically advanced-looking stiletto heels, and as her fingers reach where the original ankle bracelets were, all she finds is seamless metal that she can't get purchase on, that she can't tear away. Wobbling unsteadily on the stilettos, she eventually has to straighten back up, fixing him with an accusing glare.

Smiling beatifically, Adam cocks an eyebrow.

"How do they feel, Roadrunner?"

Caught on the back foot, it takes her a long moment to collect herself and remember who and what she's supposed to be. Finally, Roadrunner plants her hands on her hips and levels a serious look in his direction.

"Dr. Anderson. I think, if you want to avoid a serious prison time, you're going to unlock these and take them off right this moment. Otherwise, you're in big trouble, Mister!"


Stepping forward, he doesn't miss the look of panic that flashes across Roadrunner's face as she takes a stumbling step back from him on her new stilettos. She's walking around like a newborn fawn, barely able to keep herself upright, and it's so very easy to corner her in the direction he wants her to go… the entrance to his maze.

"N-No?! W-What do you mean, no?!"

"I think it should be quite obvious by now, my dear. The tests aren't over yet. You still need to run the maze again. But this time… let's add an element of fun to it, shall we?"

Glancing back over her shoulder, Roadrunner finally realizes what he's trying to do and where his approach has led her. Glaring back at him, the brunette heroine tries to keep up the act, tries to maintain a façade of serious disapproval… but Adam knows better. He's seen her search history.

"I'm going to chase you."

Those five simple words, spoken in an altogether casual tone, send a jolt through Roadrunner as her eyes go wide in shock and disbelief.

"I'll give you a head start. Say… a minute? And then I'm coming into the maze after you, and I'm going to hunt you down Roadrunner. I'm the predator, and you're my prey. I'm going to find you… and when I do, you won't like what happens next. So run, little mouse. Run as fast as you can without your powers."

He's being a bit ham-fisted with it, admittedly. Using words like 'predator' and 'prey' when he never would have under normal circumstances. But, knowing what he knows about her, Adam wants to make sure he does this right. He wants to make sure Roadrunner gets the most she possibly can out of this experience. And, based on the way she's quivering right now, he thinks he's doing a pretty good job.

A man not in the know might think she was trembling out of fright and terror, but Adam definitely knew better. Beneath those aviator goggles, Roadrunner's eyes were darting between him and the maze behind her, but they were also darting lower, as if she was already imagining him chasing her down, as if she was already fantasizing about him pinning her in place and having his way with her.

Of course, appearances had to be kept up.

"Y-You're insane… Star… Star Child w-will stop you!"

Adam just laughs at that, eyes twinkling merrily as he spreads his hands apart.

"Do you really think all of this happened under Stacey's nose? That she gave me all this funding, all these resources, without knowing precisely what I was doing?"

It was clear up until now that that was precisely what Roadrunner had thought, and the realization that her 'mate' was in on it clearly throws the Australian Superheroine for a loop. Rather than give her more time to think about that, Adam presses a button and holds up a screen, showing a countdown from one minute already started.

"Better get moving, Roadrunner. I'll be coming for you soon."

Eyes widening, pupils shrinking to pinpricks, Roadrunner spins around and stumbles her way into the maze on her stiletto heels. That last bit, depowering her and THEN putting her in stilettos… some might call it mean, some might say it was cruel. But Adam knew better. Joanna 'Joey' Axton had been a fighter pilot before she was a superheroine. He, meanwhile, was just an incredibly intelligent scientist. He needed some sort of leg up on her if he was going to chase her down and have his way with her. After all, the other half of his research, while beginning to look promising, wasn't quite paying dividends just yet.

And so he stands there and watches for a minute as Roadrunner stumbles her way into the maze. Even in stilettos, even without her powers, she's making good progress, finding her legs just like the newborn fawn he compared her to earlier would be able to. The more she moves, the more she adjusts to the loss of her speed and to the heels he's forced her into.

Honestly, Adam is so fixated on her cute, perky little bubble butt and what the stiletto heels do to it that he almost misses when the minute is finally up. As the timer goes off with a quiet ding, he looks and sees that she's already a fifth of the way through the maze. Her earlier times through had likely allowed her to memorize it, and they both know her only hope of escape is to complete the maze and come out the other exit while he's hunting her through it, allowing her to potentially escape via his lab and get help.

Unfortunately for Roadrunner, Adam is very much not above cheating. As he steps into the maze as well, he seals both exits so even if she reaches the other end, she's not going to be able to get out. And then he starts to walk at a leisurely pace after her, easily following her path on his handheld device. As he goes, he calls out to her.

"Jooooeeeey~ I'm coming for you~"

On the hidden cameras he has following her every move, he watches as she jolts to a stop like a deer caught in headlights at his voice. He also watches her flush a deep crimson, and even notes how one of her hands makes an abortive move towards her crotch, before she forces herself to keep it away and continues on. Grinning knowingly, Adam continues taunting her, enjoying how the shoe is on the other foot, with the sassy speedster now the one being teased and sassed by the predator hunting her down.

"I've always been a big fan of the chase, you know! And I always felt like the Wily Coyote got the short end of the stick with HIS Roadrunner. You could say I'm doing this for him… and for all the men that you've taunted with that tight little body of yours, that you've teased with your crass humor and your sass."

On the screen, Roadrunner is panting… and not just from exertion. She continues moving forward, but his words are clearly having an effect on her. She keeps almost touching herself, she keeps jolting to a stop to listen to what he's saying before remembering that she has to continue forward. Grinning, Adam continues laying it on thick, saying the things he knows from… research that she wants to hear.

"I always wondered what the Wily Coyote would do if he ever caught his Roadrunner. I know what I'm going to do if I catch you, of course. Do you have an idea yet, Joey? Are you feeling the pressure, little mouse? I'm getting closer~"

The maze was specifically designed for this. Designed to be the place where Roadrunner finally got her chase, where she finally got hunted down and treated like the prey she was. As such, his voice echoes throughout the maze by design, never giving away how close he actually is. Which is why it's so funny when the brunette speedster looks back over her shoulder to see that there's no one there, an expression of almost wanton hope on her face that falls a moment after she realizes.

Her hand is one hundred percent buried between her legs now as she stumbles along, her other hand clutching at the maze wall to keep her upright in her stilettos. Her hips wiggle, her thighs clench together, and it's so very clear that she's… ripe for the taking.

Picking up the pace a little, Adam watches as she comes to the maze's main straight, a long corridor hallway that goes across the entire width of the thing without any turns or corners. Her movement has slowed massively since this begun, especially with her all but grinding her heel into her no doubt drenched cunt at this point.

"You can't escape from me, Roadrunner. You can't get away. There's only one way this ends, and it's with the predator catching his- Are you touching yourself right now?!"

Give this man an Emmy. Roadrunner is about halfway down the corridor when he turns the corner and finally lays actual eyes on her. Obviously, Adam already knew she was touching herself, but he still likes to think he injects the right amount of incredulity into his voice to make it seem like he doesn't know anything about her fetishes, about how much of a needy chase-kink freak she is.

Whipping her head around, the brunette once again looks like a deer caught in headlights as they stare at each other for a long moment. Then, tearing her hand free of her crotch, she does her best to run forward, all but sprinting in stiletto heels as Adam, for the first time since he entered the maze, actually starts to sprint as well, chasing after her along the long stretch of straight corridor in the center of the carefully prepared maze.

As it turns out, running in high heels? Not a good idea. It doesn't take long for Roadrunner to trip over her own feet, and in fact he couldn't have planned the end of the chase better if he'd tried. She falls to the floor just as he reaches her, and without hesitation he throws himself atop her, pinning her down and grabbing her rather roughly by the jaw as he yanks her head up and leans in close to her ear.

"… Looks like I win, Joey. Looks like I've managed to catch my Roadrunner."

Staring at him out of the corner of her eye with a mixture of white-hot emotions running across her face, Roadrunner wiggles her hips, all but grinding her cute bubble butt back into his crotch.

"M-Meep meep?"

Chuckling darkly, Adam wastes no more time in getting to what they both want. Reaching back with his free hand, he frees his cock from his pants and yanks the yellow bottoms of the speedster's costume down her thighs. Roadrunner puts up a token amount of resistance, but ultimately doesn't do much of anything to stop him from holding her down, and she completely freezes up again when she feels his throbbing hard-on suddenly slap down between her ass cheeks and begin hot-dogging her perky little behind.

"You're a naughty, sassy little chit on purpose, aren't you Joey? You're a sexy little bitch who runs around teasing men because secretly, deep down inside, you want to be chased. More than that, you want to be caught and after all this time, it's finally happened. Tell me I'm wrong, Joey. Tell me you don't want this with every fiber of your being."

His low, dark tone sends shivers down the heroine's spine, and by the time he's done talking she's outright trembling as she gawks at him with an open mouth and wide eyes. When she finally recovers, her voice is quieter than he's ever heard it, with none of the attitude or the cheer or the sass from before.


Continuing to hot dog her ass, Adam just smiles wickedly.

"How do I know? I told you already, sweetheart. Star Child is in on it. All of this. And she's been spying on you for quite some time."

Het lets Roadrunner process that for a long moment, noticing how even when he stops hot dogging her ass, she continues to shimmy her booty up and down his length, humping her hips back into his waiting cock subconsciously.

"Y-You… you caught me."

Grinning, Adam nods.

"I caught you. And now…?"

Looking away, averting her gaze in shame and embarrassment, Roadrunner nevertheless gets the words out in that so very quiet tone of hers.

"Now you c-can do whatever you want with me… with your Roadrunner…"

That's what Adam wanted to hear. With a lustful growl, he pulls his hips back just enough to re-angle his cock, and then he thrusts forward, spearing past Roadrunner's creamy thighs and into her sopping wet pussy right then and there. The depowered and hobbled speedster cries out as he penetrates her, her back arching and her hips bucking while her pussy walls clench and squeeze down HARD around his dick. She's orgasming, Adam belatedly realizes. She's orgasming upon penetration, amusingly enough.

"Fuck, you're such a fucking tight little slut!"

Letting out a triumphant roar, Adam plows Roadrunner into the ground, prone-boning her in what is both the beginning and the end of her conquest. Or more accurately, the beginning of the end. Everything up to this point was just as critical, forcing her to confront the truth about herself and giving her what she wanted more than anything in the world… the chase with her as the prey, ending in her capture.

No one has ever caught her before, just like the Roadrunner from the cartoons was never captured. But Adam has finally done it, and he has to admit, this Roadrunner is much more appealing. With a growl, he slams home into her pussy as it spasms around his cock, fucking her hard and fast and without reservation. He wants to truly drive home that she lost, that she's his now. He wants to make it clear that she wanted this as much as he did… no, that she wanted this more than he did.

Grabbing her by her spiky brown locks, Adam yanks back Roadrunner's head, twisting it to look into her pleasured face as she gasps and moans, her eyes glazy and hazy through the aviator goggles she's still wearing. She looks like a freshly pleasured slut rather than the superheroine she's supposed to be, with his cock drilling any semblance of coherence out of her in no time at all.

But it's not just his cock and he knows that. It's more than that, it's the circumstances that had led them here. His little mouse, running his maze and ultimately stumbling along hobbled by stiletto heels until he chased her down and pinned her to the ground. She's completely at his mercy right now and they both know it. That seems to be even more of a turn on for Roadrunner though, judging by the frequency with which she's cumming around his cock.

"F-Fuck! When was the last time you got ANY, you drenched little slut?!"

"S-So long… oooh, n-no one could, mm, k-keep up with me! Oh f-fuck, please doc, please fuck me h-harder! Give it to me! Give me your big fat dick!"

Huh, that made sense, that she hadn't been able to enjoy sex with men who couldn't match her speed. If she perceived the world in the way he'd postulated, then it would have been impossible for her to enjoy their slow, languid movements. Of course, now he was fucking her at HIS max speed, but more importantly, without her powers he must have been the roughest most powerful fucking of her entire life. She was experiencing things as a normal human woman for the first time… and it was driving her crazy with lust and ecstasy.

As her hips buck up to meet his thrusts while he prone bones her there on the floor of the maze, Adam grunts, getting closer and closer to cumming. Before he can decide where, Roadrunner makes her opinion known, somehow detecting his impending release.

"I-Inside! Cum inside of me! Claim me as your own! Breed me!"

Well fuck, how was he supposed to say no to that. He supposed it was the ultimate end to the chase fetish that Roadrunner was so caught up in. The man pinning the woman down and having his way with her wouldn't be complete without a forceful creampie that she got no say in. Of course, this time around the woman in question was begging for it… but Adam can't help himself. He grunts and thrusts forward one final time before filling the depowered speedster with his seed, pumping a hot, thick load of cum into her womb.

Roadrunner squeals excitedly, shaking and spasming beneath him as he continues to pin her down, experiencing one final explosive orgasm before it's done and she falls still against the floor. Adam, panting a bit from the exertion, slowly pulls back from her, before dragging a familiar device from his pocket as she leverages herself up.

"So, what happens ne-!"

And that's when he hits her with the mind control ray. Roadrunner's face goes slack, just like Star Child's did. But Adam isn't looking to make her do anything sexual while under trance. The hypno-slut stuff is for Star Child alone, unless he somehow runs into another superheroine that wants to be mind controlled and treated like a hypnotized sex slave. But what are the odds of that?

For now…

"Analysis Mode. Roadrunner, are you currently fully under?"

"Yes, Primary."

"Good girl. Go ahead and pull up your bottoms and lets get you out of this maze."

"As you say, Primary."

With his help, Roadrunner hobbles out of the maze. As they go, with her still under the trance, Adam gives her a few orders. The same orders he gave Star Child, as a matter of fact. That she would not attempt to harm him, that she would not attempt to arrest him, that she would not try to tell anyone anything she now knew about him and his research.

It feels a little skeevier doing this to Roadrunner when he knows it's not her fetish, but in this case there's nothing sexual about it. He's merely covering his own ass, just in case Roadrunner proves to have a bit more capacity to work past her libido then Star Child did. Honestly, he couldn't expect every superheroine to be like that blonde slut, now could he? Sure, the entirety of The Team all had these really ridiculous defeat fetishes, but it wasn't like they would all put their fetishes and kinky desires before their jobs as superheroines, right?

Regardless, by the time they exit the maze and are back in his lab, Adam feels safe and secure in the knowledge that Roadrunner can't hurt him or bring the law down upon him. And so he sits down in his chair and clears his throat before testing it.

"Snap out of it, Roadrunner."

The speedster heroine blinks and then looks around in confusion.

"-xt. Huh? How did we get out here?"

"I brought you out here, Roadrunner. The test is done."

With the press of a button, the stiletto heels transform back into ankle bracelets, and then the anklet bracelets disengage themselves from Roadrunner's body, falling to the ground with a clutter. The speedster heroine stiffens up for a moment, breathing in deeply… and then vanishes, zipping away too fast for his eye to follow.

Adam waits a beat, and then she's back in front of him, stretching this way and that in a manner that really shows off her beautiful body. Licking her lips, Roadrunner looks down at the power nullification devices he's developed, and then back to him.

"So… we g-get to do that again sometime, r-right?"

Smirking, Adam nods.

"So long as you're a good girl, we'll do it every so often. Of course, with your help, I'm looking to develop something that will allow me to catch you even with your powers."

The Aussie's eyes widen at that, and then her lips curl up into an eager, excited grin.

"Wicked… a-and you said Stacey is on board with all of this r-right? Was this… was this her idea?"

Humming, Adam shrugs noncommittally.

"It's my work. My ideas. But yes, the vaunted Star Child is quite eager for me to develop this technology. Why? Does that make it easier for you to accept, Joey? If it's one of your fellow heroines behind my research, is it easier for you to stomach?"

Roadrunner blushes and fidgets, and Adam suddenly stands up. He approaches her, expecting her to zip away at any moment, but she stays right where she is, even with her powers returned to her. With a lustful tone to his voice, Adam tests just how far his control over her extends. That's control with a small c, not the sort of control that hypnosis gave him.


She's not forced to obey, not under a trance, not anything. All she can't do is act against him, but that doesn't mean she has to do what he says, unlike say, Star Child, who's absolutely his horny little hypno-slut. And yet, whether it's because he's the first man who's ever caught her, or because she's come to associate his voice with that of a predator and herself as the prey… Roadrunner drops to her knees then and there the moment he orders her to.

"Good girl. Now take out my cock and put it in your mouth. Show me you can listen, and we'll see about scheduling more time in the maze."

"… Y-Yes sir…"

Keeping her eyes down, the Australian heroine reaches up and pulls his cock back out of his pants, putting it in her mouth a moment later. With a groan, Adam puts his hand atop her head, his fingers sliding through her spiky, windswept hair as he grins down at her.

"That's a much better use of that mouth of yours, Joey."

Mumbling around his cock, she doesn't try to pull away or disagree. Instead she just bobs up and down his dick, looking up at him through those aviator goggles of hers with a need in her eyes that makes it clear she's all too desperate to earn her next chase and pinning, all too eager to be the prey to his predator, to be his little mouse once more.

Adam, meanwhile, enjoys the blowjob for what it is, but admittedly has his attention on other things. His mind is racing as he considers what's next. The preliminary tests for power nullification show promising results, to be sure. But the other thing he's working on… that's where his attention truly is. Unfortunately, it's a lot harder to do that then this. He was always going to develop the ability to take superpowers away before… before he could develop the technology that would allow him to give them.

It's only a matter of time now though. With Star Child and Roadrunner both at his beck and call, and all of Stacey Star's immense resources in his more capable hands as well… he knows he'll be ready to take on the rest of the unique challenges that The Team represents soon enough.


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