Roadrunner & Emily, Angie Star

"Well… I suppose it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Emily. Joey has done an excellent job of keeping your existence under wraps."

The secret girlfriend in question, who even All Seeing Eye hadn't known about, blushes shyly and nods her head, her eyes darting away from his face back down to his cock again. Sat there in an armchair, Adam has let the beautiful freckled red head take out his cock and begin stroking it up and down… how could he say no, when Joanna was effectively offering up her girlfriend on a silver platter to him?

Speaking of which, Roadrunner was also there. The speedster heroine was currently sat on the bed a few feet away, her legs crossed over one another to try and contain her nervous energy. But Adam, with his enhanced senses, could see that the brunette was positively vibrating as she watches, gnawing at her lower lip in a worried fashion, as if afraid he wouldn't like the gift or something.

Because really, that was the only way Adam saw to describe all of this. Emily had been presented to him in a trench coat, and when she'd taken it off, underneath she wasn't wearing anything but a collar and high heels. Needless to say, the freckles all across her body only enhanced the red head's incredibly natural beauty and had made Adam immediately aroused, but he was still entirely taken aback by the knowledge that this wasn't just some random girl off the streets that Roadrunner had grabbed for a bit of fun.

No, this was actually Joanna's girlfriend, a girlfriend that neither he nor Kara had known existed up until this point. It was a massive blind spot to say the least, but the explanation was rather simple. No one was expecting someone as irreverent and in your face as Joanna Axton to be hiding her significant other like this.

Refuge in sheer audacity was really the only reason it had worked, Adam figured. By being so sassy and such a jokester, Joanna had seemed like she had nothing to hide… beyond the chase fetish, of course. In a way, her kink had acted as a secondary smokescreen as well. Kara had been so confident that she had her teammates all figured out that it'd left her blind to anything else they might be hiding.

… Which made Adam wonder what else about the current iteration of The Team that she might have missed. But of course, that could wait for another time. Right now, he had a beautiful collared woman kneeling in front of him, ogling his cock in awe and astounded amazement, trying to wrap both hands around his massive shaft and honestly failing to really encapsulate just how big he was.

Smiling down at Emily for a moment longer, Adam ultimately lifts his eyes from the shy girl over to Joanna, cocking an eyebrow.

"Explain it to me again, please."

The please is a courtesy, and his tone brooks no argument, with both of the women in the room stiffening up at his commanding voice. Ducking her head, blushing brilliantly, Joanna repeats the explanation he'd just heard. Honestly, he hadn't missed anything the first time around, but part of him was wondering if he was hallucinating or something. Because really, the world wasn't actually supposed to work like this… was it?

"W-Well, this is Emily… my girlfriend. I, uh… I told her about us… and it turned out, she was interested in a little experimenting! Then, we got to talking, and Imayhaveletitslipthatyouhavepowers!"

Turning her head back to face her girlfriend, Emily pipes up for the first time, her voice exasperated.

"Joey, slow down."

But Adam just chuckles and shakes her head.

"No need, I heard her just fine."

Jolting at his light rebuke, Emily ducks her head again, smiling shyly through her freckles as she goes back to the task at hand. Indeed, she doesn't seem at all surprised by any of this. So, Roadrunner had inadvertently told her girlfriend that he had powers. That would normally be a massive security breach… no, it was actually a massive security breach. How had Joanna gotten through the initial hypnosis?

Adam could only think of one answer to that. The two were deeply in love with one another, and Joanna's love for Emily had overridden his mind control. It was just like Adam had initially thought back with Star Girl, with Stacey. She could, at any time, have isolated the commands he'd put in her head as well as the triggers, and more than likely disabled them. She wouldn't, because she loved being his hypno-slut.

But it was silly to think the same couldn't be said of Roadrunner. And indeed, from the sound of things, Joanna hadn't even realized there was hypnosis commands for her to break when she'd broken them. Emily was so important to her that Joanna's faster than the speed of light mind had broken through his mind control with ease in order to confess the truth to her in all of its forms.

Which made the next part of the explanation all the more surreal to Adam. With a heavy sigh, he rolls his hand in Roadrunner's direction.


"R-Right. Well, Emily and I talked about it, a-and she's always had a thing for supers. Even though she doesn't have powers herself, she's always liked being submissive to a super… like me. Or… like you."

That would explain the collar and the shy submissive act that Emily had been displaying since this all began. She still hadn't said a word to him, letting Joanna do all the talking. But seriously? What were the odds that Adam would find the one lesbian couple who were both enamored with him and his cock? That was crazy, right? And yet… that seemed to be what was happening, right before his eyes.

Turning his gaze down to Emily, Adam decides enough is enough. Reaching out, he plants a hand atop her head and slides his fingers through her red locks. He grips gently but firmly after a moment and forces her head to tilt back so she has to look up at him, meeting his eyes.

"Is that what you want from me? You want me to dominate you with my powers? You want me to fuck you?"

Apparently realizing that she can't get away with letting her superheroine girlfriend answer for her anymore, Emily blushes deeper than ever before and tries to nod before realizing his grip on her head is SO strong, she can't even move right now. Shuddering in what looks and smells like arousal at that realization, Emily eventually quietly pipes up.

"Y-Yes sir…"

Well damn, there was only one way to respond to that, right?

"Prove it."

With his other hand, he guides his massive meat cannon to Emily's lips, teasing the freckled red head's mouth with his glans for a moment before she gets the hint and opens wide. His bulbous cockhead slips past her lips and into her waiting mouth at that, and soon her jaw is stretching more and more as she takes inch after inch of his member.

Eyes fluttering, Emily doesn't seem to know whether to keep looking at him or to look down at his cock as it disappears into her gaping maw. The more she takes however, the more she seems to decide she'll look straight up at him. Taking his challenge in the spirit it was given, she doesn't resist, keeping her hands delicately balanced in her lap as he feeds more and more of his cock into her mouth… and inevitably, down the back of her throat.

She begins to choke at a certain point of course, despite trying the continuous swallowing technique in an attempt at suppressing her gag reflex. That, more than anything, is what convinces Adam of her sincerity. Despite having a girlfriend, despite being in a committed relationship with another female… she's clearly been practicing dick sucking of late.

Of course, no amount of practice will prepare the freckled, collared woman for his cock. The unpowered red head gags and gurgles and chokes on his dick, her eyes eventually starting to roll up in her head even as they try and fail to stay focused on his face.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Roadrunner is watching the whole thing, but a glance over at the speedster heroine shows she's not truly worried. In fact, she's stripped naked as well at this point, and is currently vibrating her fingers inside of her cunt, pistoning them in and out at a speed only Adam can keep track of thanks to his powers.

All while her girlfriend, who she loves, is being throat-fucked by the man who chased her down and pinned her to the ground to pound the ever living daylights out of her not once, but twice.

He'd been approaching this point for some time now, but it's in that moment that Adam comes to the simple conclusion that he's no longer going to allow himself to be surprised by the degeneracy that women can get up to. The sheer amount of depravity going through the minds of just The Team had been enough to leave him gobsmacked, but now here he was and even an unpowered beauty like Emily was eager to submit because he had superpowers.

With a sigh, Adam slowly pulls Emily off of his cock. He was half-tempted to try and snap the collar around her neck in a brutal and rough face fucking, but for one, it's a full-blown dog collar, not a choker, and for two, he's not sure he could control himself that finely, to be able to snap it without doing serious damage to the woman in the process.

Instead, he pulls out and looks her in the eye as she slowly recovers, the lack of air leaving her flushed and panting for oxygen for a few moments before her gaze finally meets his again.

"What do you want from me, Emily? How do you truly want this to go?"

For a beat, there's silence. But Adam can tell she's using the moment to actually consider his question, so he lets the silence hang in the air until finally, Emily blurts out an answer.

"I-I want you to breed me!"

Roadrunner chokes on her own spit at that, coming out of her own masturbatory session in a split second as her eyes nearly bulge out of her skull. But while Emily spares her girlfriend a glance, she seems to have found her resolve finally, because she looks firm and determined when she looks back to him.

"J-Joey and I have been considering adopting, given our genders. B-But… instead, you could use my body as you like… and do your b-best to knock me up."

He's expecting Joanna to raise some form of protest, to shoot the idea down. But when Adam looks over at the brunette, he sees her looking… excited at the prospect, underneath her absolute shock. She's nearly trembling at the thought, and when he makes eye contact with her, Joanna nods, giving her tacit approval.

Jesus fucking Christ. This just went from some incredibly kinky bedroom play to them talking about starting a family. So why the fuck was the idea turning Adam on so damn much? Shit, it was taking all of his self-control not to get started right then and there. He wanted to just… pin Emily down and breed her. Honestly, just looking at her right now…

It wouldn't be inaccurate to say she was looking incredibly submissive and breedable.

But was a child what he wanted? Was offspring something he was looking for in the immediate future? He'd never… he'd never really put much thought into it. It wasn't like he hated the idea of settling down and making a family, it was more like the concept hadn't been on his radar. And besides, this wouldn't be the conventional idea of a family anyways, now would it?

No… no, if he went through with this, what would he even be to the child? It's father? It's favorite uncle?

Fuck, it wasn't hard to come up with reasons to put it off… and yet, Adam didn't want to. In the end, that was what it boiled down to. The rational part of him said this was a bad idea, but it was easily being drowned out by the part of him that wanted to do it, that wanted to do HER.

With a lust-filled growl, Adam reaches down and grabs Emily by her skinny waist, lifting her into the air as she squeaks in surprise and alarm. By the time he makes it over to the bed, Roadrunner has already placed down a pillow for him to lay her down over, propping up Emily's ass and hips so that her cunt is level with his cock as he stands there at the foot of the bed.

"… I'm willing to give you what you want if you beg properly for it."

Sitting at her girlfriend's side, grasping one of Emily's hands, Joanna's breath hitches at the demand, her other hand buried between her own thighs as she fingers herself incredibly fast. Emily, meanwhile, is unhesitating in her resolve as she nods jerkily, already moaning as his cockhead teases her entrance.

"P-Please… please, stick that b-big fat cock inside of me and stir up my insides w-with it. Pound me into this b-bed and make me a mommy! Knock me up! B-Breed me! Please, Master! Use me as your broodmare and make a super baby in my womb!"

And there it was. Emily's true excitement at the idea of him impregnating her unveiled. She was effectively a super groupie, though Adam didn't think that changed the very real love between her and Joanna. All the same, the idea of a superpowered man was like catnip to a woman like Emily. He was her fantasy given life, and Adam definitely didn't need a dossier from Kara to understand that implicitly.

Gripping Emily tightly by the hips, he thrusts forward, his cock disappearing inside of her sopping wet cunt. Though, disappearing wasn't quite the right word. Emily was a slim, beautiful, freckled red head. His cock… his cock was a bit big for her. It visibly bulged out of her abdomen as it traveled into her, making her squeal and shake as he began to fuck her for the first time.

Indeed, his member wasn't disappearing at all, because one could literally follow its passage via the outline of it in Emily's belly as he fucked her, her ass propped atop that pillow Roadrunner had put down. Speaking of the speedster heroine, she looked absolutely beside herself with arousal over what she was witnessing.

As he plows her girlfriend with the express intent of sowing Emily's fields, of breeding her right then and there, Joanna reaches out and caresses that bulge in Emily's belly, panting heavier than ever before.

"F-Fuck, you're so big inside of her. Look at how deep he's going, Ems…"

"I-I know Joey. Oh g-god, he's so huge. He's gonna… he's gonna kill me, if he doesn't breed me first. Sho good… oh fuck, I love it so much."

The freckled red head's eyes roll up in her head, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she experiences a mind blowing explosive orgasm upon his cock. Her inner walls tighten all along his shaft, rhythmically stroking his member up and down to try and coax his cum from him. She's a hungry breeding bitch in every way, from mental to physical, but Adam has no intention of giving anything to her THAT easily.

Instead, he reaches over and grabs Roadrunner by her hair, yanking her over and kissing her heatedly as he continues to fuck her girlfriend. Joanna gasps and then moans into his mouth, seemingly helplessly turned on by the whole exchange, even though there's no chase involved, no hunting. In a way though, he is the predator, and they are her prey.

Perhaps the fact that he's doing what she can't and breeding her mate right in front of her is some sort of turn on for the speedster heroine. In the end, it matters little. Both women submit to him, wholly and utterly, and something deep and primal in Adam's chest resonates with that submission, purring and growling in greedy satisfaction.

When he finally cums inside of Emily, when he finally fills the freckled red head with his seed, she's not even fully conscious. She barely even registers his gift to her, her eyes glazed over and her eyelids fluttering as she lets out a wanton moan before slumping back, almost in a sex coma of sorts.

Roadrunner, meanwhile, only presses herself against him even harder, making it obvious that his work is far from done just because he's finished up with her insensate girlfriend. And to be fair, Adam is nowhere near satisfied either… and all too happy to get a little rougher and a little faster with his pet speedster heroine.

Hypnosis might not be a reliable method of ensuring the loyalty of ALL of the women in his life, but sex certainly seemed to do the trick where all else failed…


The benefits of super speed could not be understated. His little trip to Australia to meet with Joanna's secret girlfriend Emily had taken all of a day… and of that day, travel had taken less than a minute both ways. He could have gone faster than even that, but sometimes you wanted to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.

Regardless, it was a day later, and Adam was back to work. His very important work, that he valued quite highly. Even if he was now secretly the world's first superhero, that didn't mean he was going to stop his research. There was so much to explore still, so many ideas running rampant in his head, even more so now that he had the processing speed and superpowered brain meats to go along with his genius intellect.

That all, combined with Star Industries' practically unlimited budget, meant that he was actually quite excited to go into work most days, while at the same time his relationship with the company's CEO allowed him to take vacation whenever he wanted, like the day before. Still, Adam was starting to regret taking yesterday off, even if it had been very fun breeding Emily silly and plowing Joanna into the ground after a low-speed casual chase through the Australian Outback.

If only because, if he'd been here the day before, maybe he could have headed this all off at the pass.

"So… let me get this straight. You're my new intern. Assigned by Stacey herself."

Popping the bubble gum she's chewing, Angie Star shrugs her slight shoulders, smirking easily.

"Pretty sure that's Ms. Star to you, Mr. Anderson. But yeah, that's the gist of it. I tried to tell my cous that she was being silly, assigning me to you. It's a waste of my talents, just sitting around here you know?"

Adam feels a tic forming in his brow.

"It's Dr. Anderson. And if you're going to be my assistant for the next while, you certainly won't be sitting around. At the very least, you can start by getting me a coffee."

Angie blinks at that, looking taken aback by his gumption. For a moment, she stares at him, nonplussed… and then she throws her head back and laughs, the lithe blonde eighteen year old cackling madly like he's just told the funniest joke she ever heard.

"S-Sure Dr. A, s-sure… and how would you… snrk, like this coffee of yours?"

Narrowing his eyes, Adam can already tell she's going to be trouble. Still, best to give her enough rope to hang herself with before he goes off half-cocked.

"Just get me a latte."

She opens her mouth to say something and then laughs again, grinning at him cheekily.

"You're kind of a basic ass bitch, aren't you Dr. A? Well, it sounds like you already know your coffee order pretty well… so why don't you go and get it yourself, fucko."

Adam can't remember the last time he's been do blatantly and aggressively disrespected. He knows who Angelina Star is, of course. Everyone does. Her identity is as out there as her cousin's. Spectacular Girl is the next, pardon the pun, Rising Star in the world of Superheroines. Just as strong as her cousin, just as capable of amazing feats such as flight and the like. Except she was the newer, younger model, which people always gravitated to, no matter what.

The fact that she was now legally an adult in her own right… it honestly didn't mean as much as it might have for any other eighteen year old girl. She'd had enough power backing her up to get her own way more often than not for years now, and it showed in her incredibly bratty attitude.

Adam, meanwhile, can feel his temper fraying as his nostrils flare in indignation.

"Excuse me?"

Still grinning cheekily, but now with a glint in her eyes, Angie goes a step further and kicks her feet up on his desk next to the chair she's sat on.

"You heard me… fucko."

It's not even a particularly inspired insult. Her choice of wording is just as bratty as the rest of her. With a growl, Adam takes a threatening step forward.

"You don't talk to me like that. And get your feet off of the fucking desk!"

It's clear Angie isn't expecting him to bark back. Once more, her eyes widen for a moment, something… familiar showing on her face that Adam catalogs with his enhanced levels of perception before it vanishes as quickly as it showed up. The cheeky grin drops and a mulish look spreads across Angie Star's face as the barely legal blonde takes her feet off of the desk and stands up.

She's not remotely scared of him, of course. His height and size on her mean nothing given her powers, and she has no idea just what sort of heat he's actually packing. So, she walks right up to him, a cold and unkind smile on her lips as she plants a finger into his chest hard enough that if he was still baseline human, he'd probably have a massive bruise there within an hour. Adam rocks back on his heels, mostly because he's not expecting it, but also because he's been hiding his powers for so long that he doesn't have any sort of 'stand his ground' instincts.

"Listen, buckaroo. I'm sure you think you have some sort of authority over me because you think my cousin will be taking your side over mine. But guess fucking what? When she told me I'd have to intern with you, she was very clear about expectations. Namely, you're in charge of both my work… AND my discipline. You know what that means? You can go crawling off to my cous all you want to try and get her to bring me in line. She won't lift a finger."

Her cruel grin growing now, the blonde brat is positively sneering at him.

"If you want to try and discipline me, good fucking luck. My own daddy is too afraid to raise his voice to me these days, cowardly weakling that he is. You think I'm going to let you boss me around just because you've got a fancy title in front of your name? Think again, fucko!"

The third use of 'fucko' is definitely what causes him to snap. Faster than Angie can react, Adam grabs her by her blonde ponytail and proceeds to plant her face down on the desk she just left. Luckily, it's heavy duty and made to withstand a certain level of… stress. He also doesn't use his full strength, just enough to put this Spectacular Brat in her place.

A startled yelp leaves the suddenly out of her depth heroine's lips, but before she can do or say anything, Adam flips up her skirt, yanks down her panties, and delivers an absolutely STINGING slap to her pert little backside.



Angie Star's cry is music to his ears, and so he does it again and again, spanking her rapidly ten times in about ten seconds, delivering slaps that are near super-sonic in terms of speed as she struggles to catch up, as she flounders while processing the fact that he's much faster and much stronger than he or any other man in her life has ever been before.

While she's choking on her confusion, Adam finishes spanking her perky bubble butt silly and then zips across the lab, grabbing a piece of equipment and bringing it back just as she's starting to push herself up. At this point, he understands the limitations of the hypnosis gun… but he uses it on Angie Star all the same, putting her in a trance right there on the spot.

"Analysis Mode, you dumb brat."

Like that, the confusion, shock, and indignant fury all drop from her young face as Angie straightens up and stands there, features slack and body loose and under his control. With a growl, well aware that his hypnotic commands can be broken at this point if the woman wants to get free enough, Adam instead focuses on a bit of a fact finding mission.

"What's your fucking deal? Are you as rotten a person on the inside as you appear on the outside? Or is there something else, like there seems to be for every other bitch I encounter these days?"

He's honestly not surprised by the answer he gets.

"I have developed a significant and unresolved fetish for being disciplined by male authority figures over the last several years as a consequence of developing my powers as an adolescent. No man has ever been able to tell me what to do since. The Primary is the first man to give me a taste of what I desperately need… to be put in my place."

Yeah, maybe he should be shocked or something, but that sounded about right. Her cousin was a hypno-slut, and so of course Angie Star was a fucking brat slut who needed to be taught a lesson or bullied or dominated by a male authority figure. It was pretty clear that Stacey knew about it, or at least suspected it too, which was why the older blonde had delivered Angie to him practically gift wrapped.

"… What are your current feelings towards the Primary outside of Analysis Mode."

"Shock. Awe. Denial. The Primary is an impossibility. I will seek to test him. I will aim to force his hand. If he does not give me what I want… or gives me what I want too fast, I will probably get bored of him, and expose him to the greater world."

Given that last part was exactly what Adam DIDN'T want, he can't help but bristle a little bit, gritting his teeth as his hands clench into fists at his sides.

"Elaborate on that middle part."

"I require discipline. I am a brat because nobody can control me. Nobody can tell me what to do. I am also in denial about this. I get wet when I am punished for my negative actions, but I also seek to push back harder and harder. As a result, my mother and father have grown afraid of me. They are unwilling to punish me for my transgressions. They sent me to Stacey Star in the hopes of rehabilitating me, but even my cousin has passed me off to the Primary."

For a moment, the mental image of Stacey bending Angie over and spanking her like he did passes through Adam's mind. It's not an… undesirable one. Still, he has to ask.

"You're saying if Stacey had done what I just did to you, taking you to task and giving you a paddling, you would have gotten off on it?"

"Yes. But I also would have been incredibly embarrassed by it, and more likely to expose Stacey to the press for treating me that way, like the brat I am."

It sounded like she required constant monitoring. Technically, he'd have the space to do so if she was working under him as his intern, but at the same time, it would be such a chore. And yet, it was equally obvious that he couldn't just one and done her. He couldn't just fuck her silly, or else she might get bored of him too fast and expose him to the press?

… Fuck it. It's the work of moments with Adam's super speed before he's able to have the camera set up in front of Angie. With her staring forward blankly, he turns it on and then tells her what to do. His orders, of course, are followed immediately.

With her panties already down around her knees, Angie reaches down and grabs her skirt, lifting it up to expose her pussy again as she does the same with her top, revealing her bra-clad young tits. The eighteen year old blonde's slack face suddenly turns animated and incredibly slutty, as she gives the camera a big, lewd smile.

"Hi there! I'm Angie Star, better known as Spectacular Girl and now that I'm eighteen years old, I can finally tell the world the truth! I'm a stupid bimbo ditz who loooooves taking cocks in all their forms! I like being the center of gangbangs and I get fucked by numerous men every night! My true calling isn't heroine work, it's being a stupid little bitch who does what I'm told at all times for men, even though they're all weaker than me!"

And then, for good measure, Angie rolls her eyes back in her head and lets her tongue loll out, applying a perfect silly ahegao expression to end the small video. As soon as it's done, Adam turns off the camera and gets the recording uploaded, before coming back to where Angie is standing, once more blank-faced.

As far as blackmail goes, it's not the strongest material, sure. In terms of big fucking secrets, the recording doesn't hold a candle to Adam having superpowers, from an objective point of view. But it won't be from an objective point of view, it'll be from Angie's point of view. And Adam would bet good money that the bratty blonde eighteen year old would be mortified if such a recording were to go up online.

With that said, Adam decides to try something new.

"I want you to remember everything that happened in this trance. Now, snap out of it you dumb brat."

Immediately, expression and emotion return to her slack face as Angie comes out of it. Her cheeks go bright red, and she shrieks as she hurriedly fixes her disheveled clothing. Far from ecstatic or excited like Star Child would be at coming out of a bout of hypnosis, Angie is furious, and she even tries to express that fury by literally attempting to glare him to death.

Unfortunately for her, the red beams that shoot out of her eyes are met with Adam's own laser vision, and more than met, he overpowers the blonde, ultimately delivering her rays back to her, causing her to fall back with a cry, her eyes smoking from the discharge.

Knowing how quickly her and her cousin heal, Adam is unconcerned as he walks up to her, unsurprised to see her already glaring up at him furiously, though this time she's smart enough to know not to fuck with him.

"You know what I have on you now, Angie Star. And you know how powerful I am. You also know what I can offer you."

"S-Shut up, don't think just because you made me say that shit under trance that I actually LIKE that sort of crap! I'm not fucking into discipline or some shit just because I got my powers when I was fourteen, I-FUCK!"

Angie's exclamation comes because Adam cuts her off, grabbing her by the neck and lifting her up into the air with ease, while his other hand slides up under her skirt and cups her quim. As he grinds the heel of his palm into her panty-clad pussy, her sheer arousal is obvious to both of them from the squelching noises that come from the contact. Adam just raises an eyebrow as Angie falls silent, her face an atomic red and her eyes averted in shame and embarrassment.

"Listen carefully, brat. Go ahead and tell the world about my powers if you want but keep some things in mind before you do. First, I'm stronger than you and your cousin combined. Second, Stacey knows all about my research, so let me parrot your own words back to you. You can go crawling to your cous all you want to try and get her to bring me in line. She won't lift a finger."

Angie's nostrils flare at that, her hands scrambling at his wrist to try and get him to let go of her neck. She's also kicking at his chest… all to no avail. Rolling his eyes, Adam forcibly slams Angie back down into the seat she'd been in before, and she goes limp there, staying still as he towers over her.

"You've been a naughty brat for an awful long time. Spill the beans on me, and I'll plaster that little thirty second video of you all over the Internet. Oh, you can tell them it's not true. You can convince all of the people who you think matter that it was some sort of mind control device. But it'll still be online forever, downloaded and reposted by a hundred million degenerates a billion times over."

Leaning in close, Adam tucks a finger under Angie's chin and makes a point of lifting, forcing her head up an inch to show just how weak she is compared to him.

"You don't want that. If you did, you would have told me so while I had you under. What you want is for me to privately teach you to be a good girl. What you want is for me to discipline you in private, so you can learn to be less of a brat. THAT'S what you want, Angie Star. And if you keep your mouth shut, I might just deign to give you what you want."

She's trembling by the time he's done with his spiel. Quivering in her seat, she looks… a heady mixture of afraid and furious, but also embarrassingly aroused, even as he's humiliated her, even as he's brought her so very low. He hasn't even taken his dick out yet, but honestly… this seems to almost be better than straight up sex for her.

"W-What… what do you want?"

It's not complete capitulation, and Adam knows it. But that's okay, because Angie has barely gotten a taste of what power he has at his fingertips. The Team will help him keep an eye on Angie. They'll help him keep her from leaking anything to the press. In the meantime, Adam will work on satisfying her needs and rehabilitating the brat into something approaching a respectful, upstanding member of society.

For now, though? With a knowing smirk on his face, easily able to smell her heady arousal and tell how badly she wants him to demand something MORE of him, Adam just shakes his head and leans back.

"I told you. I want a latte. Get me one, you fucking brat."

There's no 'fucko' comment this time. Instead, Angie rises from her seat with her head down and a quiet 'yes sir' on her lips. Unable to resist, unable to help himself, Adam reaches out as she passes and delivers one final spanking to her already tender buttocks.



"Good girl."

And with that, Angie leaves, ostensibly to get him that latte. Adam watches her go, confident that his blackmail will hold for now as he proves to her that he can satisfy her needs in the long term, just like he satisfied everyone else's. If he's smart about this (and he's always smart) then there won't be a point where the brat decides that Mutually Assured Destruction is worth going for. Instead, he'll introduce her to a little something he likes to call Mutually Assured Satisfaction.

But first, he was going to be giving a certain Star Child a piece of his-

Blinking, Adam's plans to march into Stacey's office and do unspeakable things to her as punishment for foisting Angie upon him, even as a 'gift', are interrupted when a call begins to come through from All Seeing Eye. Cocking an eyebrow, Adam answers it.


"We have a problem."

Snorting, Adam considers the door that Angie just left through.

"Yes, we do. And yet, somehow I imagine you're not talking about what I'm talking about?"

"What do you- ah fuck, Stacey is an idiot."

Smirking slightly, Adam cocks an eyebrow.

"Someone isn't using their arm band at the moment."

"Can't afford to, have to figure this out. Or rather, had to figure this out. I know what's going on now, at least… but it's something only YOU can solve."

Humming, Adam sighs and nods, even if she can't see him do so.

"Of course… lay it on me."

"Randy Rain, Pulitzer Prize Winning Reporter Randy Rain, started snooping around Amazonia's business dealings last week. It pinged on my radar because she started getting awfully close to uncovering the payments Amazonia had been making to get her particular brand of porn financed and produced. I managed to steer her clear, but I was curious, because Randy and Amazonia actually have a fine relationship, and Ms. Rain has never written a negative piece about Amazonia in her entire career."

Taking a deep breath, the intelligence-gathering heroine continues on a moment later.

"A bit of digging turned up the truth of the matter. Someone sent Randy a recording of yours and Amazonia's second bout together, in The Team's main base. Your face was blurred, but the rest of it was clear as day. Amazonia lost a match of strength to a man and got plowed silly for it. Randy, obviously, started looking into things."

That was… that was bad. Way worse than a brat like Angie revealing his secret to the world, now a fucking reporter knew there was a superpowered man out there?! Why the fuck wasn't that front page news days ago?!

Almost as if reading his mind, Eye pipes up in agreement.

"Yeah, I was wondering that too. Turns out, a bit more digging revealed what Ms. Rain's 'thing' is. Namely, she's been secretly harboring a desire to be the victim of a failed rescue attempt for years now. As you might already know, Randy Rain has been the most kidnapped and held hostage reporter in the world for the past decade or so. But she's always been saved before anything too dramatic can happen to her… and no superheroine has ever failed in their task of rescuing her."

No, she couldn't be saying what it sounded like she was saying…

"Yep, our intrepid reporter isn't as driven by journalistic integrity and the pursuit of the facts and truth as she might seem. She just hasn't ever had an opportunity like this before. The reason that the existence of a superpowered man isn't front page news is… well, simple enough. She's hoping to find him, or rather, to find you, and experience her fantasy made reality."

Of course, she was. Because every fucking woman on this planet had been waiting for a superman to sweep them off their feet, each in their own special way. Adam groans and palms his face in his hands.

"Oh, that's not all either. There's one more thing. I haven't told you who leaked the footage to Randy in the first place."

She didn't need to. It was obvious. With a groan, Adam throws out the culprit's name before Eye can.


"… Yep."

Because, like Eye had said, Randy and Amazonia had a certain… positive relationship. If anyone was going to catch on to Randy's secret without hacking into her search history like All Seeing Eye had obviously done, it was going to be Amazonia. And now, Amazonia had set the breadcrumbs for… for what? To get a chance at him again? Or to get fucked by him again while Randy watched? To get Randy fucked as well, perhaps?

"… So, boss. What do you want to do?"

Letting out a somewhat exasperated chuckle, Adam shrugs his shoulders.

"What else is there to do?"

"… I'll start on preparations."

No sooner had his call with Eye ended that Angie came back in with a latte clutched in her hand. She looked decidedly mulish, and so Adam really wasn't all that surprised when instead of giving it to him, she tried to throw the hot drink in his face. Not that it would have hurt, but Adam has had enough of her shit for today, so he catches the drink and easily taps the liquid spilling out back in faster than Angie can follow even with her enhanced eyes.

Then, he takes a long swig and plants the drink on the nearby desk before turning to her with a deep, disappointed frown.

"Bad girl."


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