The Senator from Naboo

A/N: Just a reminder, new chapter here officially means new chapter over on the P atreon now, where my patrons are voting on the future direction of the story!

Also, great news! As of the start of 2022, right freaking now, this story updates twice a month instead of once a month! Get hyped!


Pondering the question for the moment, all of the possibly combinations flitting through his head as he considers the question, Tylo eventually gives a single nod.

"Four Jedi to protect one Senator IS overkill… but Master Kenobi is right, our priority has to be Senator Amidala's safety. Which is why Master Kenobi should be the one to split off and hunt down leads, taking a more proactive tack in ending the threat to the Senator's life. Meanwhile, the three of us should stay on the guard detail and make sure no one else gets close enough to threaten the Senator."

It's a good plan, in Tylo's modest opinion. He truly does believe it's the best option. Unfortunately, he immediately recognizes that it's not going to go through as Obi-Wan Kenobi's thoughts reach his mind.

Aayla really needs to take a firmer hand with her Padawan. He thinks with his dick far too often.

As Tylo stiffens up at the stray thought from the Master Jedi, Aayla is turning to Obi-Wan, her own face split into a smile that makes it clear the Twi'lek Knight agrees with him. However, before she can voice her support for Tylo's plan, Kenobi speaks up, shaking his head and cutting them all off with a sharp hand gesture.

"I think not. As the highest ranking Jedi here, I must insist that we stay true to our mission parameters. The Senator remains our highest priority, and that means none of us are going to go galivanting off when we should be here, watching over her."

Tch. The worst part was, Tylo couldn't even defend himself. Obi-Wan clearly thought that his suggestion was based off of some misguided desire to arrange an orgy between himself, Aayla and Annie, and the Senator of all people. He hadn't even met the Senator from Naboo yet! And already, Master Kenobi assumed the worst of him!

For all that Tylo's experience among the Jedi had been a sexually charged one, men like Obi-Wan Kenobi continued to remind him of a plain and simple truth… there were still plenty of sticks in the mud, of prudes within the Jedi Order. Now, to be fair, it wasn't like Tylo wanted Obi-Wan to be especially sexually active. Certainly, he was actually glad that Annie and her Master didn't have the same relationship that he and Knight Secura did.

But at the same time, it was a little annoying being shut down for presumptions based on previous experiences and what Master Kenobi clearly considered faults on Tylo's part. It wasn't like he was about to try and initiate an orgy with their target while she was under the threat of death! Who did Kenobi think he was?!

Alas, Tylo couldn't say any of this, and indeed the short remainder of the lift ride was done in awkward silence, with Tylo being forced to work on controlling his emotions and releasing them into the Force. By the time they arrive at the top of the lift and the doors open to reveal a stately foyer, he still hasn't quite managed it.

Thankfully, he's had enough time to fully compose himself by the time the Senator steps out alongside her Security Chief, Captain Typho. Admittedly… Tylo can see how beautiful Padme Amidala is at a glance. The Nabooian Senator is a gorgeous brunette, with high cheek bones and expressive eyes. Her dress positively shimmers as she walks right up to Obi-Wan, who steps forward to address her.

"It's a great pleasure to see you again, milady."

"Indeed, it's been far too long, Master Kenobi."

Even her voice is quite pleasant to the ear. But of course, as Padme's eyes slide past Obi-Wan to fall upon Annie as well as him and Aayla, it's not her voice that he's listening to… but her mind.

"Annie! You've grown so beautiful!"

"A-As have you, milady."

And who is this young man? My oh my, I didn't know the Jedi were growing them quite so… fit.

Given how out of sorts Tylo was from the lift ride up, it takes every ounce of self-control he has to keep from raising an eyebrow. Padme's eyes keep sliding off of Annie and onto him, even as Annie's thoughts are in tumult.

She really is an angel. Ten years, and she's just as beautiful as ever. Oh, by the Force, I'm making such a fool of myself, aren't I? Please, someone save me!

In the end, it's the Senator who saves Annie from herself, throwing the female Padawan a caring smile before ultimately moving on to the elephant in the room… namely, Aayla and Tylo themselves.

"And who are you both? I do apologize if I sound brusque, but personally I feel like any Jedi protection is a bit overkill… let alone two Master-Padawan pairs."

Bowing at the waist, Aayla speaks for both of them, as is appropriate.

"I am Knight Secura, milady. This is Padawan Vondin. We are here to help Master Kenobi in any way he sees fit."

Ugh, this is way too much. Though, I wouldn't mind the Padawan watching me sleep… or doing more than watching, if he wanted. Force knows I'm not going to get anything more from Master Kenobi. A good Jedi… but not much of a real man, that one.

As the Senator nods and steps away from both of them, there's the faintest hint of lingering interest in her gaze as it sticks to him for half a moment longer than might be appropriate. Outwardly, she doesn't show nearly as much desire as her thoughts do, but given Tylo's unique gift, he's beginning to understand the Senator a little better… as well as understand Master Kenobi's recalcitrance a bit better as well.

He'd thought it was all about him, really, he had. He'd thought Master Kenobi had a problem with him and him alone, and of course, it seemed like Obi-Wan DID have some issue with him. But at the same time, Master Kenobi also had previous experience with Padme. And judging by Padme's thoughts, it was Experience with a capital E.

Whatever had happened between the two of them had clearly left its mark and likely made Kenobi cautious to leave the three of them alone with the Senator while he went off and did his own thing. Or so Tylo thinks, feeling a little better about himself as they all move to the nearby couches, with Captain Typho speaking up.

"I'm Captain Typho of Her Majesty's security service. Queen Jamillia has been informed of your assignment, and I am personally grateful that you're here, Master Kenobi. The situation is more dangerous than the Senator will admit."

Giving off the air of a no-nonsense security officer at the end of his rope, Captain Typho's thoughts are fairly boring. It's just more of the same, along with a general exasperation mixed with fondness directed at the Senator. Nothing sexual though, from what Tylo could tell.

Of course, Padme doesn't waste a moment in using Typho's words as a springboard.

"I don't need more security. I need answers. I want to know who's trying to kill me."

Having their conversation from the lift brought up so soon after it ended so awkwardly causes a soft ripple to go through the assembled jedi. Of course, Obi-Wan is still the Master in charge…

"We're here to protect you, Senator. Not to start an investigation."

We should. We should be trying to find out who's trying to kill her! It falls under the mission parameters, even if Master won't admit as much!

The vitriol in Annie's thoughts surprises Tylo a little bit. But honestly? He's more surprised that she doesn't voice them out loud. Presumably because the conversation from the lift was still so fresh in her mind. Or perhaps she thought he or Aayla would speak up. None of them do in the moment, leading to a bit of an awkward rustling as Padme's face scrunches up almost cutely in annoyance before smoothing out once more.

"Well, perhaps your mere presence will be enough to solve the mystery surrounding this threat. In the meantime… I shall retire."

Rising to her feet, Padme and her retainers make their way further into the suite of rooms, leaving the four Jedi with the Captain as he explains his security to them. In the end, the two Master-Padawan pairs are soon all alone on the top floor. It becomes increasingly obvious as time goes on that having all four of them guarding one woman is such overkill it's not even funny.

Ultimately, Tylo finds himself retreating to one side of the large, long room to speak with Annie, while Obi-Wan and Aayla talk quietly on the other end. All four of them have are using the Force to expand their senses, but only in terms of watching over the Senator. As best as Tylo can tell, he and Annie aren't being spied on by their Masters.

"Annie, have you been sleeping well? You've got bags under your eyes."

Shaking her head, still looking over at the door to Senator Amidala's bedroom, the female Padawan sighs.

"No. I… I've been having dreams."

Frowning, Tylo places a hand on Annie's shoulder. She'd mentioned these before, and he'd tried to be there for her, but then she'd stopped talking about them all of the sudden.

"Truly? Still? Are they about the same thing?"

Swallowing thickly, Annie nods in a jerking motion.

"Y-Yeah. Master said… Master said to be mindful of the present, so I tried to put them out of my mind. But it's hard. They're so real, Tylo. My mother… she's in pain. Suffering. And I don't know why…"

Wincing, Tylo tries to think of a way he can help his friend. Unfortunately, it's not like two Padawans can go gallivanting across the galaxy without the permission of at least their Masters if not the Jedi Council, to go check in on Annie's mom. And even Tylo, who grew up at the Temple and has no connection to his parents, can guess who such a request would go.

At the same time, he doesn't want to just tell Annie that it'll all be okay. How can he, when he doesn't believe it himself? Fuck, what if Annie's dreams are prophetic? What if her mom IS suffering right now? Isn't Annie Skywalker supposed to be the Chosen One? Isn't she like, the strongest Jedi they've ever had? And Obi-Wan is just blowing off her dreams as nothing more than scary nightmares?

Grimacing, Tylo shoots the oblivious Jedi Master a quick glare from across the room. When he looks back to Annie however, still at a loss for how to make her feel better, he's surprised to see her… blushing and fidgeting, as well as averting her gaze. Blinking, Tylo finds himself wondering why Annie is suddenly looking embarrassed… and then he hears it through the door.

Oooh yes, Master Jedi. Take that big, hard cock of yours and spear me with it. Oh fuck, I want it. I want you. Sooo deep. Harder! Faster!

Annie's deeper connection to the Force is clearly coming into play here. They're also closest to the Senator's chambers. Neither Obi-Wan nor Aayla have noticed it, but now that Tylo has heard Padme's thoughts and knows what he's looking for, he can feel it too. The Senator from Naboo is currently pleasuring herself in the room beyond while fantasizing about it being a Jedi who's fucking her.

Maybe it's a little egotistical, but Tylo likes to imagine it's him who she's fantasizing about, even with the Master Jedi caveat. After all, she clearly didn't get anywhere with Obi-Wan, and he's the only other male Jedi with a 'big, hard cock' to spear her with.

Meanwhile, Annie is currently struggling with herself. Padme's masturbation in the room beyond is definitely distracting her from worrying about her mother at least, but at the same time… it's obvious that the Chosen One has feelings for the older girl, just as she has feelings for Tylo. In fact, her feelings for Padme might be even stronger than what she feels for Tylo.

If not for Kenobi, Tylo would be half-tempted to take advantage of the moment. Maybe finger Annie while they both basked in Padme's growing arousal in the Force. Even with Kenobi across the room, he's still a little tempted. But no… no, they can't risk it. Especially when they were supposed to be guarding the Senator and-

Kzrt… krzzzt… skkkzzzrt…

What… what was that? It was unlike anything Tylo had ever heard of before. Certainly, it wasn't intelligent thought, but it WAS thought. He wouldn't have picked up on it, if it he weren't focusing on Senator Amidala's quarters. Which meant-!

In the same moment that Tylo is putting together the pieces, Annie's deeper connection to the Force prompts her to the danger Padme is currently in as well. The two Jedi Padawans exchange a look, before both burst into the Senator's chambers at the same time.

Luckily for Padme, she's doing her current… activities under the covers at least, so all Tylo catches is a flash of breast as she shrieks and covers herself up just in time for Obi-Wan and Aayla to reach the room and Annie's lightsaber to come out, swiping once and then twice through the foot-long arthropods that had made it to the foot of Padme's bed.

For a beat, silence falls, but in that beat, Tylo catches a flash of something through the closed shutters of the room's long window. There's a hole burned through the shutters, and a delivery drone on the outside.

"Annie, the window!"

He's expecting his fellow Padawan to use the Force to yank the delivery drone in before it can run. Unfortunately, that's what he gets for expecting anything, because he really should have known by now… Annie Skywalker is nothing if not predictable. As the delivery drone starts to pull away, Annie doesn't grab for it with the Force… she lunges forward, racing towards it and leaping THROUGH the window full force.

Tylo can only watch along with Padme, Obi-Wan, and Aayla, all four of them wide-eyed as they watch Annie cling to the delivery drone with both hands… and then rapidly disappear out of sight as it tries to fly away in full retreat.

Cursing, Obi-Wan surveys the scene for a moment before making a snap decision.

"Aayla, you're with me! Padawan Vondin, guard the Senator!"

And like that, the Jedi Master is out the door, Aayla glancing back once before following on his heels. Like that, Tylo is alone with Padme Amidala. But… does he really want to be? He should obey orders… and yet, part of him can't help but think that the Senator is safe for now. There's no risk to her at this point, not with the assassination attempt failed and three Jedi in full pursuit.

So why not make it four instead? Admittedly, he's just worried about Annie. He could go after them… could follow Obi-Wan and Aayla in direct defiance of his orders from the Jedi Master. Or… he could stay and console the no-doubt terrified Senator…


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