Finally Here

Wasn't this red-clothed woman the "madam" who he had met at the inn? She was about to return home to visit her parents.

The woman in red stepped forward and tried to pull her parents up from the ground with the servant girl.

However, it was useless. The two middle-aged parents kept repeating all sorts of begging. Their bodies were huddled together and they were unwilling to give any more reaction.

The woman in red was so anxious that she was about to cry. However, her parents still did not notice her and treated her like an "immortal" as they hugged her head and begged for mercy.

When she returned home, her family did not recognize her.

Moreover, although humans were essentially repeating words throughout their lives, the words that they repeated were too similar. It was a little strange.

The scene before him finally caused Jiang Li to slap his forehead and notice that something was off.