High-Grade Spirit Stone

"No way, it can't be true, right?"

"After Elder Duan's accident, this courtyard was searched by at least three groups of people. Even Elder Duan Shuang's jade bed was taken away to be confiscated. Could it be that the thing that was hidden hasn't been found yet?"

Jiang Li stepped hard on the tile, feeling that it was clearly solid underneath.

However, speaking of which, if the thing hidden by a Core Formation realm elder was too easy to discover, it would instead be abnormal.

Jiang Li actually expressed his doubts about his dream last night. After all, it was only a dream. Could it be that he was dreaming about what he thought about in the day?

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Li still squatted down and punched the limestone slab.

"Hmph, it's just a stone slab. Damn, it hurts!"

Jiang Li held his fist with an expression of disbelief.