Sacrificial Meditation

"Wait! Wait! Don't kill me!"

Jiang Li stepped on the other party's body, and his two hands grabbed the two ends of the Dragon Imprisoning Lock as he continuously tightened the chains binding the other party.

Under the terrifying suppression of the Dragon Imprisoning Lock, the strength and spiritual qi of this famous demonic cultivator who was at the Core Formation realm and had killed countless people were suppressed to the lowest level.

Only the firm Dao Body of the Core Formation realm was left holding on bitterly.

However, without the support of spiritual qi, how could his Dao Body resist Jiang Li's brute force?

The pitch-black chain tightened under the friction of the metal buckles.

The cracking sounds of bones breaking could be heard non-stop. The broken bones continuously pierced into his chest, causing his internal organs to bleed.

Turbid blood foam spewed out from his mouth and nose like a fountain.