Sect's Escape (1)

The flying ship slowly slowed down and soon stopped moving forward.

The sword cultivator cut off a few ropes on the edge of the ship and released the heavy objects hanging on the ship. The flying ship began to climb straight up.

This was because in the cabin of this flying ship, there was also a cloud produced by the Cloud Manor.

This was a rare cloud that only appeared in the extremely high sky. It had no other use except for having a strong buoyancy.

As long as he used the special refinement method and stuffed it into the cabin, the flying ship could easily fly at a height of 200,000 feet.

However, the flying ship had just begun to rise when Jiang Li frowned and sensed that something was wrong.

With a wave of his hand, he took out the Yin Burial Coffin and stored all the Armored Trolls on the ship.

Then, he took out a few seeds. A plant with fresh air to eliminate the smell quickly grew all over the flying ship.