Royal Descendant (3)

As the saying went, a country could not be without a ruler for a day. However, in the last 30 years of that cultivation dynasty, there was strangely no ruler.

It was at that time that the Blood Prince rebelled.

This was a little interesting. There was clearly no ruler, so as a prince, who could the Blood Prince rebel against?

What caused the dynasty to be without a new ruler for 30 years and finally fall apart?

Looking at the current situation in the cultivation world, it was actually very easy to obtain answers.

Only by obtaining the coronation of the Epang Dragon Vein could one become the ruler. As for the national treasure, it was very likely that it could only be used by the ruler.

However, at that time, the various cultivation forces that had already grown in the dynasty had been obstructing the new king's ascension because they were afraid of the power of that treasure.