Fist Theory (1)

In the Eastern Region of the Azure Cloud Continent, there was once a desolate salt crystal plain that occupied more than twice the area of the Great Mountain Region.

It was said that this was once an inner sea. Later on, due to the great change in weather, it did not rain for a thousand years. The spring in the sea stopped flowing, and the huge inner sea gradually dried up after a long time.

It had turned into such a salt crystal plain where life could not survive.

This place could already be considered a forbidden area for living beings.

However, the environment in this area was a hundred times worse than before.

Not to mention whether ordinary creatures could survive, even those below the core of the earth were not qualified to step foot here.

The sky above was like a newspaper that had been ravaged by a three-year-old child. It was torn into mottled ribbons of light, and it was impossible to see if it was day or night.