One Step Late (2)

It was because the Son of Heaven's dragon qi had been lost after being slashed by Jiang Li.

Such a change in the originally good situation made the Blood King, who was struggling alone, furious.

"Rebel! You're all unforgivable rebels!"

"When I become the true king, I'll definitely slaughter the world. Not only you, but also those fools who support you! I'll turn all of you into the lowest-grade blood slaves!"

"I want to cultivate ten more Blood Crowns! No, I want a hundred! I want you all to never reincarnate again!"

The Blood King let out the most vicious curse at Jiang Li! However, because half of his teeth had been knocked off by the Human Emperor's Battle Halberd, his words seemed to be inaccurate.

In order to revive the dynasty and slaughter the people, it was not impossible for him to do it again!

Jiang Li, who had just fixed all his statuses, was even more furious when he heard this threat.