Crowded Fengdu City (1)

The surrounding fire attribute energy was too dense. When traveling in the magma, Jiang Li's speed was inferior to the mysterious Flame Dynasty Lord.

After handing the chain to the other party, Jiang Li followed his guidance and hid by the side.

After activating the power of the Netherworld Mountain Robe, his figure and aura were completely concealed.

Even he could barely find himself.

In just a few breaths, a huge hole suddenly opened in the ground.

Endless high-pressure hot magma surged up through the hole.

With such a wide and straight hole in the ground, a dangerous active volcano would probably be born in this region.

Against the surging magma, the monster squeezed in nimbly.

The sticky and scorching underground magma made it a little uncomfortable. After all, it had never swum in its life.

In the thick and sticky magma, this guy lost its composure for a moment.