Reconciling Yin-Yang (2)

If he wanted to condense the three flowers above his head, he had to use the Merit Lotus Flowers as the core to condense his three treasures.

There were many benefits to doing this. He had just condensed three flower stems when he already felt it.

The power of heaven and earth was continuously surging over, filling up the power of the three treasures that he had exhausted.

With this, he could gather the three flowers on his head. In the future, his essence, qi, and spirit could receive the favor of heaven and earth and directly borrow the worldly power.

In the future, when he fought, he would not even need to expend his strength. The surrounding world would take the initiative to lend him their strength.

He no longer needed to wander around and touch opportunities. The power of virtuous merit could trigger heaven and earth and directly increase his cultivation of the essence, qi, and spirit.