Mutated Talent, Special Talent Ability

There was another person who was walking towards Lin Fan.

Upon seeing this scene, he hesitated.

He was Lin Fan's form teacher, Duan Chuan. After Lin Fan went up to take the test, he had also returned to where the teachers stood.

At this moment, Duan Chuan had already walked halfway towards Lin Fan. He was somewhat hesitant about advancing, but it seemed a little awkward too for him to retreat.

Naturally, he had noticed the look in Lin Fan's eyes.

He knew his student too well.

The gaze he had towards the group of people behind him made him shudder.

After some thought, he braced himself and approached.

The students and teachers all looked at Duan Chuan with admiration.

How impressive!

A model teacher!

The expression in the eyes of the principal of Wind City First High changed. After this incident, he remembered Duan Chuan and thought that such a teacher should be given a better opportunity for advancement.

Duan Chuan naturally noticed these gazes and rolled his eyes in his heart.

He didn't want to do this either.

However, Lin Fan was his best student under him after all.

If he didn't come to talk to Lin Fan, who would?

Furthermore, Lin Fan was an orphan. Apart from being Lin Fan's form teacher, he also acted as a good friend in his life. Sometimes, men understood men's thoughts the most. Most of the time, women only knew how to undress men.

Lin Fan smiled at Duan Chuan and called out, "Brother Chuan!"

Duan Chuan felt his scalp go numb. He shrunk his neck and couldn't help but whisper, "Lin Fan, can you not look at me with a smile? I'm… a little scared."

Duan Chuan spoke from the bottom of his heart. In his interactions with Lin Fan, they were very direct and did not hide anything.

Lin Fan: "…"

Lin Fan's mouth twitched. He hadn't even done anything! He had just smiled!

Why didn't they allow him to even smile!

However, he was still very happy that Duan Chuan had approached him.

Lin Fan was speechless. "Is there a need to do that? I'll just make your stomach swell a little. I won't make you really give birth."

Duan Chuan: "…"

In his heart, he wanted to say. "That itself is already scary enough, alright?"

However, after much consideration, he decided not to say it out aloud.

It was better not to discuss such matters.

Thinking about Tian Cheng's miserable state just now, he once again shuddered.

Duan Chuan immediately changed the topic and asked, "Lin Fan, did you already know that you don't have a healing-type innate talent? Why didn't you tell me? To think that I had even comforted you just now."

Lin Fan had not awakened a healing-type innate talent. With this "terrifying" innate talent skill, his future was limitless. He finally understood why Lin Fan had looked so calm just now. It turned out that he wasn't faking it.

Everyone who awakened their innate talent would have some sort of idea as to what talent and skill they had awakened. Although they wouldn't receive all the information and would only know the specific effects after using it, they would still have a rough idea of what they had awakened.

This fellow had made him worry for nothing.

Thinking back, even a man in his thirties or forties wouldn't be able to accept such facts so calmly. He would at least have a disappointed expression on his face.

However, after Duan Chuan recalled the entire process of Lin Fan's awakening, he realized that Lin Fan really didn't display any sad emotions. He had always remained calm.

"No! Isn't it just a healing-type talent skill? Furthermore, it's already been tested." Lin Fan pretended not to know. When his system had awakened, he already knew that his skill wasn't a healing-type skill. However, he couldn't say that out loud.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Duan Chuan rolled his eyes and said angrily, "That skill of yours isn't a healing skill at all."

"I feel that I belong in the obstetrics and gynecology department, where they also provide a form of treatment for the patient. After all, gynecologists are also doctors," Lin Fan said calmly.

Duan Chuan wanted to retort, but he couldn't because what Lin Fan had said made sense!

A gynecologist was indeed a doctor!

Doctors did not just treat illnesses. Aren't doctors also the ones who deliver babies?

According to the different categories, Lin Fan's skill could only be classified into the healing-type as it was the category which most suited him.

In the past, Lin Fan had often rendered him speechless. This time was no exception. However, Duan Chuan wanted to refute him today. "In any case, I don't think you belong to the category of healing-type Awakened Beings."

Lin Fan didn't retort. Instead, he asked, "Brother Chuan, then what do you think I should be classified as?"


This time, Duan Chuan was stumped. After thinking for a long time, he said, "I remember hearing that in addition to the five basic awakening talents, there is also a special talent category. However, very few people know about this, and thus they didn't announce it."

"Special category? Brother Chuan, hurry up and tell me," Lin Fan asked curiously.

In reality, Duan Chuan wasn't from this city. From what Lin Fan knew, Duan Chuan's talent wasn't high but he liked teaching and was thus assigned to Wind City. Lin Fan had heard Duan Chuan mention his past before but he didn't want to talk about it fully. It seemed like he had a story to tell. However, in this society, which adult didn't have a past? Lin Fan didn't try to dig deeper. After all, Duan Chuan himself didn't want to talk about it.


Duan Chuan rubbed his nose. Although he didn't want to reminisce about the past, as Lin Fan was his proudest student, he was willing to sacrifice a little. He told Lin Fan what he knew, "It's similar to a mutated talent, but it's even rarer than that. Therefore, very few people know about it. Just like elemental talents, not only do they have metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, but they also have branches off them. The variation of wood is healing, the variation of water is ice, the variation of fire is magma, while the variation of earth is rock. There are also other variations, such as steel, mud, snow, and many others. However, your talent skill is too special. I've never heard of it before, so it should not be included in them."

"Oh ok."

Lin Fan was enlightened. At the same time, he was a little puzzled. "Why isn't any of this information recorded in the books?"

"High school is where you learn the basics. Besides, the country deliberately wants you to know less so that you can compare less with others," Duan Chuan explained without changing his expression.

Lin Fan nodded his head in understanding. If children knew too much, they would be easily influenced by the outside world.

As the two chatted, time slowly passed.

The knowledge that Duan Chuan was talking about was not something that a junior high school student could learn. Lin Fan constantly absorbed whatever he said. In the past, Lin Fan hadn't awakened his talent skill and Duan Chuan naturally wouldn't talk about this.

Now, he was instilling in Lin Fan some common knowledge about Awakened Beings that he couldn't come into contact with. Most of the time, information was of utmost importance and it could play an unimaginable role in crucial times.

At around eight in the evening, all the tests were completed.

After that, all the students took the bus back to school and went back to their respective homes to look for their respective mothers.

Next, they just had to wait for their results to be recorded in the system. Then, universities in various cities would accept students based on their written exam results and awakened talents. After which, they will send out a notice to the students regarding their acceptance to the respective university.

That night, Duan Chuan brought Lin Fan out for a feast and the two of them drank a lot.

Lin Fan asked amicably, "Brother Chuan, why don't you experience the greatness of motherly love?"

Duan Chuan replied in a friendly manner, "Get lost!"