Chapter 162

"It was the summer we turned sixteen," Rooster started. "We were wild," he pointed to Liam, "and my parents didn't know what to do with me. Up until then, I had done whatever they told me to do, but that summer—it was all about rebellion.”

Liam couldn't help the half-grin that spread across his face. "Hell, even old William didn't know what to do with me. We'd both gotten a couple of piece-of-shit bikes out of the scrapyard, and we'd worked the last half of the school year putting them together. They were in good enough shape to run—not to run for a long time, but run, and that's all we needed."

Rooster picked up the sentiment. "We just needed the wind through our hair and the open road in front of us. The open road didn't care what kind of grades we made, what time we came home, who we made out with behind the clubhouse." His eyes sought out Roni and a flash of recognition showed there.