“Do you miss it?” she asked a few hours later. They were lingering over a chocolate cake she’d made, and they were slowly dwindling away the alcohol she had in the fridge. It was nice, it had loosened both their tongues and taken the last little bit of hesitancy they had with each other away.
“I wouldn’t say I miss it.” He looked thoughtful. “The reason I joined the sheriff’s office was stupid in the first place, but I miss the people. Believe it or not, as many people as I arrested, I helped too. It wasn’t just about how many felons I could get in the back of a squad car. I will admit that I was probably harder on your brother than I had to be. That’s my issue and his. We’ve worked on it and we’ll probably never be the type of friends that we once were, but I’m happy with where we are right now.”
“So you miss helping, not arresting?”