“Do you wanna come to Nashville with me today?” B spoke into her phone as she navigated morning traffic on Porter Pike, a few days later. Just because she was off work didn’t mean everybody else in Warren County was, but today she had time to be patient if she needed to be. It was a nice change from the constant rush of her everyday life. Instead of getting pissed off at the asshole who had just turned in front of her, cutting her off, she let her foot off the gas and flipped him off under the dashboard. If she’d been rushed, Bianca would have laid on the horn, cursed loudly, and boldly flipped him off in plain view.
There was a sigh on the other end of her line, followed by a soft curse. She could hear fingers beating on a keyboard. “Why the hell not? The muses aren’t talking to me today anyway. Can you come pick me up at my office?”