The water flowing through my hair feels better than I ever imagined it would. There have been times in my life where I wasn’t in a position to be able to take a shower. When clean clothes weren’t an option, and when hygiene wasn’t at the forefront of my mind – surviving was. But since I’ve been out on my own, not having to worry about others, I’ve made it a point not to be who I was before. That kid in school who wore dirty clothes, who maybe hadn’t had a shower in a few days, and who looked like they could use a brush through their hair. Seeing the way I had looked in that mirror today? It’d taken me back to a time I thought I’d moved far away from. Knowing that Addie came over to help me? Means the world to me, even if she’ll never know it.
“That feels so good,” I moan as she cups her hand over my forehead and pours the warm water with a cup.