Chapter 108


There’s a knock at my door, before someone pushes it slightly open.

“You’ve got a package.”

Those are the last words I expect to hear. Especially after only being here for a little while. I didn’t even know I could get packages yet, or who might have actually sent me one.

Getting up off the bed, I walk over. “Do I?” I open the door all the way, holding my hand out for it.

“You’ll notice it’s open,” the nurse says. “Because we check it for contraband, and we verify you can have what’s inside. If we’ve taken anything out, there’ll be a note attached, and you can speak with your therapist about it at your session tomorrow.

Pushing my hair back, I nod, trying to figure out how all this works. She hands me the package, giving me a smile before she’s off to the next room.

Sitting back down, I turn the package over and over in my hands. Trying to figure out who it’s from. The return address is the clubhouse address, so it could be from any number of people.