Chapter 135


“Would you turn that damn thing down?” I yell at Jagger. He’s got the radio up so loud I can’t hear myself think.

There’s a problem with the bike I’m working on. I know there’s a solution, but I have to think. To think I need quiet, and thanks to that goddamn radio, there is absolutely no quiet in the garage bays today.

“I’m older, shouldn’t I be the one saying this shit?”

“You probably can’t hear with all the shows you’ve played anyway,” I mumble.

“I might not be able to hear but I can read lips,” he tosses back.

There are some days I hate that all of us are so close. I’m ready to tell him where to take his lipreading when a hand clasps around my arm. It’s Drew, and his face is pulled tight.

“We gotta go talk to Caelin. He got some more info on Laura and Owen.”