Chapter 170


“How’s it going?”

I’d know that voice anywhere. It’s the one that’s constantly made sure I’m okay, and has always been who I’ve looked for in a crowd if I’m ever worried. Rolling out from under the car I’m working on, I glance up, seeing my dad. “Not bad, how are you? What are you doing here?”

“Can’t I swing by and see what’s going on?”

“Yeah, but it’s not an everyday occurrence. Is everything okay?”

“I’m good, I promise. Wanna ride down to the store and grab some lunch?”

I can’t remember the last time he came and asked me to come to lunch with him. It all but guarantees I’ll be there with fucking bells on.

“Sounds great, let me go clean up and I’ll meet you down there. Will you go ahead and get me a sub ordered?”

“Will do.”

I watch as he turns from me and strolls away. He still walks around like he owns this place. To be fair though, he does that any place he is. Tyler Blackfoot makes no bones about being very comfortable in his own skin.