Chapter 193


“When are they gonna be here?” I ask Caelin as we stand in the bays at Walker’s Wheels after hours. We’ve been running a little operation for the past few months, trying to make a few extra dollars. It’s quickly become more than a few extra dollars and right now it’s helping with the expenses I’m going to be incurring with a new baby.

“Said they crossed the state line into Kentucky an hour ago. Should be here any minute.”

“Good, I hate leaving Harley home right now.”

“How’s she doing?” He takes a drag off his cigarette, blowing smoke away from me. I’m doing my best to stop before the baby comes, but stress is leading to other things.

“Okay when she’s not puking. We’re almost to the twelve-week mark though, so hopefully things will slow down once we get to that point.”

“I can’t believe it’s gone so fast.” He whistles between his teeth.