
Chapter Thirteen: Your Dirty Little Secret


Her face is bright red as she turns away from me, acting absolutely infatuated with the wrenches hanging on my wall. She has no fucking idea what they do, but it’s so damn cute as she walks over and starts looking at the different sizes, I have to chuckle. This one is more skittish than a newborn foal, and I need to remember that.

“So, do you wanna learn the basics?” I clear my throat, damned if I’m not hoarse. Verbal sparring has never affected me this way, but I do love to see her dark eyes light up.

“Yup, teach me all your ways,” she turns around, takes her purse off, and puts it on the workbench I have set up. I want to teach her every way I have, but I remind myself she isn’t that kind of woman and this sure as hell isn’t that kind of situation.

“All right, there’s three things you absolutely need to know,” I count off on my fingers. “How to check your oil and top it off, how to check your coolant and top it off, and how to change a tire.”

“Got it,” she nods.