Looking For Him

"Dad, is what you said true? Are you sure that the information about that person is reliable? Shen Xiaoxiao has really been a boxer in the club for more than ten years?"

Liu Yufei's face was full of surprise, but she could not stop it. She had thought that Shen Xiaoxiao was so arrogant and despotic because she had so much confidence, but it turned out that she was still relying on a man.

She had been a boxer abroad for more than 10 years. According to the information provided by that person, Shen Xiaoxiao had been locked up in the club for more than 10 years. She didn't have any chance to interact with the outside world. Not only that, she didn't even know how to speak English.

If that was really the case, she would have been laughed to death. This Shen Xiaoxiao was so arrogant. She had thought that she was amazing. Her acting was really good. A person who didn't even know how to speak English was actually showing off in front of her.