Surprise, Disappearance

In the pitch-black night, even the moonlight was stingy, but it was such a night that won Yan Kuan a moment of opportunity.

Being kicked out of the car out of the blue, he only had time to roll around on the spot, watching helplessly as Shen Xiaoxiao's car disappeared on the slope.

Of course, he knew how fast she was driving, and now that it was downhill, this speed was like a rocket, shooting out like a fly.

The night had added a layer of protection to him. It seemed that Shen Xiaoxiao had planned it all along. Even the promise that she would jump out of the car earlier was just a perfunctory answer. The location of the dense forest and the corner, all of this meant that... She had left the greatest hope of survival to him.

The cars that were chasing after her had been following her all this time. They did not see him escape from the car through the darkness.