Past Life and Present Life

Huang Yueyan's arrival made Shen Xiaoxiao open up and play for a few days. Both women were little gamblers, and this gambling thing really depended on the environment and mood.

When you arrived at that place, everyone was playing enthusiastically, and the mood was high. You would naturally be influenced by them.

The luck of the two was neither good nor bad, but Shen Xiaoxiao's gambling luck had never been good. She was not born to eat this kind of food.

Playing for a whole day was not enough. At night, when they were resting, as the new best friend, Shen Xiaoxiao naturally had to sleep with Huang Yueyan.

This made Yan Kuan extremely unhappy. This little thing was really wild. She actually dared to sleep with other women.

Of course, he did not dare to provoke her. He only glanced at Huang Yueyan and Huang Yueyan instantly understood. After Yan Kuan left, Huang Yueyan coaxed Shen Xiaoxiao to quickly go to bed.

"Will you go back?"