Meeting Little Treasure By Chance

Shen Xiaoxiao felt that she was being unreasonable. The child was clearly sick, but now her heart was filled with anger towards Yan Kuan. She was angry that the man was not by her side at this time and let her bring the child to the hospital alone, bringing the child to the hospital in fear.

Actually, one could understand Shen Xiaoxiao's thoughts. No matter how strong a single woman was, bringing the child to the hospital in the middle of the night would make people feel very miserable.

Shen Xiaoxiao did not leave immediately after leaving the doctor's office. To be on the safe side, the doctor said that she should take another body temperature before leaving with the child.

Shen Xiaoxiao sat in another resting area. Da Bao was still sobbing, but after she sat down, the child slowly stopped crying.

Shen Xiaoxiao was thinking about Da Bao, but she did not see Da Bao's eyes staring at the child in another person's arms.